How Did Karazhan Class Cards Help Each Class, An Early Review
1. Druid -- In Karazhan, Blizzard was trying to push Beast Druid, and they seem to have succeeded. A solid tier 2 deck, Beast Druid is a common sight on ladder and is capable of very strong power plays. Moonglade Portal, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have made much of an impact. I give Druid's Kara Class cards a B+. If Beast Druid gets more help in the next expansion they may end up a tier one deck, and we'll look back at Kara the way TGT is looked at for Shaman.
2. Hunter -- Cloaked Huntress unlocked a new play style, the new secret is very powerful as most classes use spells for removal, and once you do there's suddenly a 4/2 Stealth Beast on the board. The real MVP, however, is Kindly Grandmother. It's synergy with the deck, resistance to removal and place in the curve has propelled Hunter from a tier two deck to a tier one, and made Hunter the most popular deck on the ladder for at least the immediate aftermath of Karazhan's release. Igive Karazhan's Hunter class cards an A+.
3. Mage -- All three of the Mage class cards are strong and every mage you meet on ladder is running at least one of the new cards. Along with some strong neutrals, Karazhan also seems to have Control Mage much more viable than it was previously. Mage's should be very pleased with Kara (not a surprise when we look at the storyline of the adventure). I give Kara's Mage cards an overall A.
4. Paladin -- Ivory Knight is over-performing in Control Paladin, but the other two cards have failed to make much of an impact. I don't know if it's too early to say that Dragon Paladin hasn't been upgraded with the release of its new synergy card, but it sure seems that way. The Paladin portal is also not making much of an impact. Because Ivory Knight is so strong, I can't give the Paladin cards anything less than a B-.
5. Priest -- Oh, poor Priest. Purify was being mocked by the co-presenter of the reveal the instant it was released, and we all remember how upset the Hearthstone community was at the laughably low power of the card in a meta where Priest was already bad. However, it seems that focusing on Purify so much the community failed to see the potential of Priest of the Feast (a new staple in every Priest deck) and Onyx Bishop (which made resurrect Priest suddenly a real deck you could take on ladder and get wins with.) Are two very good mid-game cards enough for a class that is begging for some early game to make them competitive? I say no. Priest was improved, but it's still in a bad spot and so I give Kara's impact on Priest a D+.
6. Rogue -- I have to admit that I know little to nothing about Rogue, but looking at this cards, I see two cards for "Casino Rogue" and one over-costed deathrattle card. Casino Rogue (or Burgle Rogue) may be fun, but it doesn't seem to be competitive and so Rogue's Kara cards get a D.
7, Shaman -- Maelstrom Portal. A new staple card in both midrange and aggressive Shaman decks. Spirit Claws is potentially 1 Mana for 9 damage and there's already a popular new midrange list that runs it to great effect. Wicked Witchdoctor has even been played in a new Totem synergy/bloodlust deck. Two cards that seem to have strong build-around potential that is energizing the Shaman community, and one extremely powerful AOE spell in an age where AOE is hard to come by, I can't give Shaman's Kara cards anything less than an A. I'm glad Shaman got so much help, there were in a bad place pre-Kara. /s
8. Warlock -- Discard lock seems to be the real deal, a powerful new Zoo variant that is even faster than traditional zoo and can pull off some incredibly powerful turns. For 5 Mana, you can get a Charging 5/7, a 3/3 and you can draw two cards. Discardlock is so fast that it doesn't even matter that you're throwing away so many resources because you're winning long before you've exhausted your deck. Kara Kazham has made almost no impact, but does it matter when a brand new archetype has sprung forth and seems to be so good? Warlock get's an A.
9. Warrior. Oh, Warrior. I'm sure everyone is aware that Warrior is my favorite class and that I was disappointed by the cards they got, but let's try to look at them objectively. Protect the King was experimented with heavily in "Taunt Warrior" after it came out, but has completely disappeared since then. Fool's Bane seems very powerful but no one's really found a good home for it, as it's situational, expensive, weak to 4 health minions and requires you to really sacrifice a lot of life to make it work, and what it does is already done better by cards such as Brawl and Gorehowl. Ironforge Portal might find a home in Yogg Soron focused Warrior decks, but the minion it summons are generally pretty weak, and in control decks you can already spend two mana to get 4 armor in most games. Maybe Portal makes the cut when Justicar rotates out, but still, in my testing there was never a point when Shield Block or Slam wouldn't have been better, because any card in my deck is probably better than a random 4 drop. If the 4 slot had more powerful cards like Flamewreathed Faceless and fewer awful cards like the two Drakes (a 4/1 and a 1/4, respectively) maybe the card would be more used. I think the Warrior cards are bad in this meta but possibly very good in a future meta if future expansions support them and no better replacements are released for the current staple cards that rotate out in in 2017. Warrior gets a C.
So, to sum up, Priest and Rogue got the short end of the stick while Hunter, Shaman and Mage players are very happy right now. I think Kara ended up being quite a bit better than a lot of people predicted immediately after the full reveal, with lots of cards making it into the meta and lots of potential left to unlock.
As the meta develops and adapts, we're sure to see these scores change. Someone may come up with an amazing Thief Rogue list or find a Beast Druid built that propels that deck to tier one, but in the immediate aftermath of Karazhan this is how I see its impact on the meta.
Feel free to post your own scores. I'm particularly interested in how Rogue players view the expansion, as Rogue is a class I have very little knowledge of.