Competitive game folks.
Then u topdicked Doomguard for lethal right?
Competitive game folks.
I miss Patron and Oil RogueWhat combo decks have there been that have been healthy for the game?
Freeze Mage is awful.
Worgen OTK is awful.
Old Patron was awful.
Oil Rogue was awful.
Anyfin is/was awful.
Combo Druid was awful.
Leeroy has been awful forever.
The list goes on. None of these decks have been even remotely healthy for the state of the game.
The new Arcane Giant makes the Molten Giant nerf seems over kill to be honest.
Oh and 4 mana 7/7.
Then u topdicked Doomguard for lethal right?
You say that but you won't. You will still get demolished by the meta decks.Karsticles said:I would play this game so much more if Molten Giant were back to its pre-nerf state.
A lot of players just really fucking hate combo decksComplaining about current otk worgen deck is just low man. That deck is barely even tier 3.
Then u topdicked Doomguard for lethal right?
It's pretty safe to say Anyfin Paladin, Bolsters Warrior and Grim Patron Warrior are RIP in peace because the cards that are the name sake of the deck are leaving.Still a full expansion to come. Way too early to write off any arch type.
The handlock discussion got me thinking about what the next rotation of Standard will be like assuming no nerfs. Obviously it's crazy to even begin thinking about it but we would have a baseline for it.
*Meta- Analysis*
Next two expansions have to do a lot to change up the status quo.
The thought of Blizzard giving a damn about Wild balance...Yeah I was going back earlier and it is downright criminal the two decks mostly unphased by the meta change are tier 1 and 2 decks (except Dragon Warrior) while everyone gets shat on.
They HAVE to bring old cards into the standard set otherwise wild will be bonkers and zoo will continue to dominate.
They can't keep giving priest board clears for wild too. It is getting god damn silly.
I see nothing wrong here.Competitive game folks.
Druids run her on the ladder
Yeah CoTW is worth it. I crafted it w/o giving it a second thought. My golden rule:
If people complain about a card left & right then it is worth crafting
basic mid range Hunter gets me to rank 15 normally. I usually always stop at 15 though cause I just want the gold rares. If you want to go higher than that then Idk cause I always stop at 15 so far.
I really love to experiment and try out different ideas. I find if I want to climb ladder I need to stay focused on an optimized deck which can get boring for me
Competitive game folks.
I see nothing wrong here.
I like experimenting too, but I also like getting to rank 5, lol. I have yet to do that in Standard. I think the highest I've gotten is 8. I can still get to 5 every month in Wild though (god bless Mad Scientists).
I actually ended up spending 2000 gold on packs and I have no regrets. I fucking cleaned up.
1xHerald Garbage
1xFaceless Manipulator
1xFeral Spirits
And quite a few golden rare, epics, and golden epics. One pack had 4 epics in mind was fucking blown.
Ended up getting like 1100 dust just from the dupes. I haven't even gone through to trash the golden stuff I don't want.
I want Sludge Belcher, Deathlord, Death's Bite and Justicar. But I don't want anyone else getting anything, so in reality I don't want any cards getting shoe horned into standard.
Wild exists.
If anything there are too many cards that'll never rotate.
This hyena hunter is pretty fun.
I'd assume if it limits card design they will eventually ban/nerf a standard card like they did last rotation.
Dahbomb (and everyone else), I am actually curious. What would you keep in standard from all the past sets? Choose 2 cards from each class and several neutrals.
What nerfs would you introduce?
Oh man this is a doozy.Dahbomb (and everyone else), I am actually curious. What would you keep in standard from all the past sets? Choose 2 cards from each class and several neutrals.
What nerfs would you introduce?
Competitive game folks.
Competitive game folks.
Book Wyrm is surprisingly useful in Dragon Warrior.
Book Wyrm is surprisingly useful in Dragon Warrior.
Book Wyrm is surprisingly useful in Dragon Warrior.
Is it just me or is the wording a bit off?
It's a Dragon but the Battlecry text says "if you have a Dragon in your hand". To make it clear I feel like it should say "if you have ANOTHER Dragon in your hand".
But I guess it does make sense since the Battlecry doesn't occur until the card leaves your hand.
it is! I also made a paladin dragon deck to try it along with Netherspite Historian and it has been working better than I expected
(outside of ladder, tho)
Is it just me or is the wording a bit off?
It's a Dragon but the Battlecry text says "if you have a Dragon in your hand". To make it clear I feel like it should say "if you have ANOTHER Dragon in your hand".
But I guess it does make sense since the Battlecry doesn't occur until the card leaves your hand.
OTK Worgen: No Emperor might be enough to make it RIP in peace.
Tempo Mage: Loses Flamewaker, Ethereal Conjurer and Arcane Blast... rest is mostly the same. I think losing Flamewaker is a big deal but it can be recovered from.
are you complaining about yogg while playing zoo
I think it's funny that Hearthstone has Innervate, because the equivalent in MtG, Black Lotus, is considered one of the best cards ever made and completely broken if you get the right draw.
Also, I wonder if Sprint would need a buff if Preparation got a nerf, since the two cards are basically designed to work together.
True, and if Green had Dark Ritual.the equivalent would be dark ritual since you always have 1 mana in HS and it ramps you by 2 not 3
I think it's funny that Hearthstone has Innervate, because the equivalent in MtG, Black Lotus, is considered one of the best cards ever made and completely broken if you get the right draw.
Also, I wonder if Sprint would need a buff if Preparation got a nerf, since the two cards are basically designed to work together.
Damn son ADWCTA & Merpa are going in HARD in the latest Lightforge episode, like legit tired of the game hard. ADWCTA especially just went ham on Blizz
Who isn't tired of the game?
Same decks.
Same matchups.
Same heroes.
Can only play fun decks at low tier ranks.
Expansion brought zero game mechanics.