Been playing a mid ranged dragon paladin. It's slow but really good if it gets going
Resurrect priest is cool a swell
Resurrect priest is cool a swell
Well for Xanathus throwing tantrum, I'm not gonna comment on that, he on his own for his ongoing high and mighty attitude.
I just saying to how I feel to some ban, silly tourney or not, effectively eliminate certain class to be played is very lame.
I think, why not just ban deck too instead just card?
no aggro shaman, no drag warrior
I'm done losing, I'm playing these shitty no-thought scum Hunter/Shaman decks. I'm so sick of this fucking shit.
"GAF wanted"
I want to see the poll and statistical data where it was decided the majority wanted it.
Of the top 5 list only War Axe is really a bad ban.
Call of the Wild isn't an RNG card but it's definitely an over powered card and it's definitely a play on curve card like Dr Boom or Tirion. Like there are very few situations where on turn 8 you have Call of the Wild in hand and you don't want to play it.
If pro players were in charge of that list they would definitely ban out Yogg, Barnes and Tuskar as those three have repeatedly come up as problems. Call of the Wild and 477 would've been the other two (as even pro players think those cards are a bit too powerful), no way would the pros ban out War Axe..
Well now we know where these community members get their opinions from.Yeah, not really.. some of these pro had stupid ass opinion
Thijs and Kolento on record said War Axe is stupidly OP at their stream. RDU said Axe should've nerfed and act like cursed blade if you swung it.. I won't trust those guy too
Think I'm gonna make a push to try and get into single digits today, I've had a strong win rate all month but I haven't been putting much time in.
Boar Control's Shaman List is just too good.
3 weeks ago you would have called that aggro shaman.
3 weeks ago you would have called that aggro shaman.
3 weeks ago you would have called that aggro shaman.
LOL yup. And he called it control shaman... it's far from control shaman.
It sure as hell isn't midrange.
The difference has come to like 5 cards between so called good guy midrange shaman and the devil aggro shaman. They just keep printing general purpose shaman cards that are too good no matter what deck you stick them in, it's become a boring homogeneous class. .
I don't think I ever called this list a Control List. I take control very seriously. There's a lot you can criticize me for but you don't need to make things up to make me look bad.
Justice Versus Freeze Mage
These really are the best games. They always concede before I can fireball their face off.![]()
Is dragon Druid a thing??
Just played one
Rank 5, final boss was a hunter whom I smashed. If you hate when people drop huge minions and go face, try playing rogue. Sap is your best friend. Auctioneer + coin + sap a highmane = lul. Sap is also quite good against 4 mana 77.
74% winrate with the current thief rogue deck I am running.
I feel Miracle Rogue is really strong in this meta right now that Shamans aren't playing aggro variants as much.
It literally says control in the name and was an obvious and pointed out mistake... I was only joking anyway.
It wasn't a mistake. Boar Control is the name of the player who created this list. He also created the popular tempo warrior list that popped up right after Old Gods.
He's not calling it Control Shaman, the guy who came up with the list is named Boar Control.
Literally right under my post Dahbomb corrected me.
Big bad wolf. Firebat. Huge Toad. That isn't even taking into account several variants to dominate early game.suprised at the hate for Hunter. it can be very inconsistent if they dont get early drops. Call is really only good late game.
Hunter cards are just blatantly strong without rng factor in them (beside animal companion).Big bad wolf. Firebat. Huge Toad. That isn't even taking into account several variants to dominate early game.
How CAN'T you have a strong early to mid game? Most hunter game losses tend to be lost by the thinnest of margins because of this.
They also have the best 3 mana spell in the game. Hunter gets all the hate it deserves.
It's mostly that it's the class with the lowest skill cap. And I say that as someone 4 wins from a golden Hunter portrait. The Hero Power has no thought to it at all, and the class's minions are designed to be drop and trade - there are almost no Hunter minions with interesting abilities to play around with.suprised at the hate for Hunter. it can be very inconsistent if they dont get early drops. Call is really only good late game.
Oh they have interesting minions with interesting abilities...It's mostly that it's the class with the lowest skill cap. And I say that as someone 4 wins from a golden Hunter portrait. The Hero Power has no thought to it at all, and the class's minions are designed to be drop and trade - there are almost no Hunter minions with interesting abilities to play around with.
damn I like that one.. but I don't have the Al'Akir or the thuderbluffs (Not crafting them! NOPE)