Play a long game as Cw vs Priest.
Have 60 HP even though they got Al'Akir off of Forbidden Shaping and resurrected it 3 times, despite a graveyard full of other minions.
They've drawn 4 more cards than I have, and we're approaching fatigue.
Looks like a win.
They play Yogg, it gives itself 11 attack and Charge, it casts Shadow Madness on my Bloodhoof and then buffs it to 6 attack, it plays Sinister Strike and Head crack and a couple other burn spells, and, worst of all, casts Gang Up on the Bloodhoof TWICE while only drawing one card.
I take 30+ damage that turn, lose my fatigue advantage, and can't immediately kill Yogg so I have to Shield Block and slam to try and find my last execute, drawing two extra cards, and taking another 11 from Yogg before I have to play two excavated evils to kill it, putting me even further behind in fatigue.
At this point I concede as I literally have zero chance of winning. Took over 40 damage over two turns from Yogg and I have two cards left while they have 7 or so if I recall correctly.
But it's okay guys, it's a 10 mana card, they're supposed to just win you the game, right? He earned that win by virtue of having 10 mana crystals.