Got a Druid quest on EU and I've never been able to do those before, as my EU account lacks any of the cards necessary for Token Druid, and, pre-standard, I didn't have any of the necessary epics for Combo Druid.
Now, though, I was able to slap together a cheap Aggro Druid list and get my quest done:
It took a bunch of iterations before I found one that I could win with, but this list I was able to beat a midrange Shaman and a midrange Hunter so it's probably okay.
I started with a much slower list. I tried Wild Growth, Wrath, Stranglethorn Tigers, Nourish, and the Curator all of them seemed very low impact.
I had to craft the Druid of the Sabers and the Savage Combatants but once I had them in, the games got a lot easier.
Not really sure about Jungle Panther or Huge Toad, but Toad contests Totem Golem and Jungle Panter gives me guaranteed Warden, Mark of Y'shaarj or Savage Roar value and it's not as slow as Stranglethorn tiger.
I never felt okay dropping Tiger on curve, so weird that the "broken" combo is too damn slow for this meta.
Positives on this cheapo deck? Win or lose, the game ain't getting to turn 10!