Need to get rid of my watch and play a friend quests if anyone from NA is up for it.
I can help, any ID?
mine is WiiBomb#1871
oh noes full quest log. One of them is play as paladin/priest- probably my two most hated classes. have to win 5 games too
oh noes full quest log. One of them is play as paladin/priest- probably my two most hated classes. have to win 5 games too
Yogg apologists, I cannot wait for the day this card is nerfed and you actually have to try to win games.
Good fucking luck without your bullshit win button.
I was thinking they're probably not going to let Prince's mechanic go to waste and they are going to try other things with it. Like you can address a lot of the criticism these days about curvestone and power level of 1-2 drops in the game with effects happening when the game starts. Now the cards can't be anything but legendary, since stacking a start of the game effect can lead to too much consistency in decks and they don't want that, they would be absurd honestly. It's hard to balance an effect at the start of the game too.
Malchezaar is the gateway to make bigger decks. Other card game while they have a min deck size they don't necessary have a max size because it's generally bad but they still let you do it and looks like Blizzard tried to do just that. If you want it here it is but of course HS adds RNG to everything.
Like now take this, I'm pretty sure we will eventually get this, a way to get more than 30 hp. I think the card itself has to be awful to balance it. You won't put a 8/8 for 8 in your deck right? This could be a must play control card, having more time. Of course it makes shield slam a lot better though...
And I think they could print something like this for rogue but they won't because of deck consistency which pretty much they've said they don't like.
At the start of the game, add a coin to your hand. Yeah, I don't think that will happen...
There are more things you can do with the effect, like having a card draw itself at the start of the game. It's really hard to balance it but it's interesting to bring back some degree of consistency to the game.
I was thinking they're probably not going to let Prince's mechanic go to waste and they are going to try other things with it. Like you can address a lot of the criticism these days about curvestone and power level of 1-2 drops in the game with effects happening when the game starts. Now the cards can't be anything but legendary, since stacking a start of the game effect can lead to too much consistency in decks and they don't want that, they would be absurd honestly. It's hard to balance an effect at the start of the game too.
Malchezaar is the gateway to make bigger decks. Other card game while they have a min deck size they don't necessary have a max size because it's generally bad but they still let you do it and looks like Blizzard tried to do just that. If you want it here it is but of course HS adds RNG to everything.
Like now take this, I'm pretty sure we will eventually get this, a way to get more than 30 hp. I think the card itself has to be awful to balance it. You won't put a 8/8 for 8 in your deck right? This could be a must play control card, having more time. Of course it makes shield slam a lot better though...
And I think they could print something like this for rogue but they won't because of deck consistency which pretty much they've said they don't like.
At the start of the game, add a coin to your hand. Yeah, I don't think that will happen...
I was thinking they're probably not going to let Prince's mechanic go to waste and they are going to try other things with it
Is this you? lmao
yeah, pretty much. I'm not sure how to make the card it self awful for that effect. That's a problem. Like I guess you never should want to play the body. So it has to be something much worse. You play it for the effect, just give some stats that are not desirable. That's the idea, I didn't think about it much, 10 mana 6/6. Maybe that's the worst you can make it since it's guaranteed to work everytime at the cost of one dead draw later. That's reasonable.
omg so glad I finished that Paladin quest (I earned 200g from all my quests and bought 2 classic packs). game took mercy upon me and granted me something I so desperately need for rogue
just need to pull Thalnos out one of these days. hope I dont have to breakdown and craft him
That Warrior card is nuts. I like the idea but I feel like you can't have it be more than 5 HP.
Hearthstone players are so angry, I don't even know what he said in this but I think he was being unpleasant towards my mother
I was thinking they're probably not going to let Prince's mechanic go to waste and they are going to try other things with it. Like you can address a lot of the criticism these days about curvestone and power level of 1-2 drops in the game with effects happening when the game starts. Now the cards can't be anything but legendary, since stacking a start of the game effect can lead to too much consistency in decks and they don't want that, they would be absurd honestly. It's hard to balance an effect at the start of the game too.
Malchezaar is the gateway to make bigger decks. Other card game while they have a min deck size they don't necessary have a max size because it's generally bad but they still let you do it and looks like Blizzard tried to do just that. If you want it here it is but of course HS adds RNG to everything.
Like now take this, I'm pretty sure we will eventually get this, a way to get more than 30 hp. I think the card itself has to be awful to balance it. You won't put a 8/8 for 8 in your deck right? This could be a must play control card, having more time. Of course it makes shield slam a lot better though...
And I think they could print something like this for rogue but they won't because of deck consistency which pretty much they've said they don't like.
At the start of the game, add a coin to your hand. Yeah, I don't think that will happen...
There are more things you can do with the effect, like having a card draw itself at the start of the game. It's really hard to balance it but it's interesting to bring back some degree of consistency to the game.
Of course today i get the win 5 tavern brawls quest. I am keeping it for tomorrow.
Edwin was one of my first Legendaries during beta (either Nat or Edwin), haven't played a rogue deck to this day. Never got the rest of the cards needed and crafted other shit.
You could argue that Malchezaar deserves to be overstated for his cost, at least for this meta.
If we're going to talk about strictly good effects, you would have to go all the way to literally printing "Can't be played" on the card text. Even then, that's not really much of a drawback, because the card basically already counts as played.
Imagine a generic 0 mana gain 10 armor card that also adds a "Can't be played" card to your hand. You're still spending a draw on playing that card, and the only real drawback is it might cause hand size problems.
Now make it a "Add 10 armor at the start of the game, Can't be played from hand" and that card is made even better by giving you a free extra draw up to the point where you draw the "can't be played" card.
That means to make it fair, you basically need to make the effect worse than a 0 mana card.
You make solid points that are in line with my thinking.
How about 8/8 for 8, "start the game with 10 armor, disable your hero power permanently". Something along the lines of a real downside.
They are certainly going to have more cards that have actions that occur at the start of the game. I suspect things such as alternate hero powers will be done this way in the future..
You could argue that Malchezaar deserves to be overstated for his cost, at least for this meta.
If we're going to talk about strictly good start of game effects, you would have to go all the way to literally printing "Can't be played" on the card text. Even then, that's not really much of a drawback, because the card basically already counts as played.
Imagine a generic 0 mana gain 10 armor card that also adds a "Can't be played" card to your hand. You're still spending a draw on playing that card, and the only real drawback is it might cause hand size problems.
Now make it a "Add 10 armor at the start of the game, Can't be played from hand" and that card is made even better by giving you a free extra draw up to the point where you draw the "can't be played" card.
That means to make it fair, you basically need to make the effect worse than a 0 mana card.
That's a bit too drastic, but I agree that it needs a down side other than the not so great stats.You make solid points that are in line with my thinking.
How about 8/8 for 8, "start the game with 10 armor, disable your hero power permanently". Something along the lines of a real downside.
You make solid points that are in line with my thinking.
How about 8/8 for 8, "start the game with 10 armor, disable your hero power permanently". Something along the lines of a real downside.
Let's be real here son. Hunters will use that to make an even more aggressive deck to rush you down with. There are still enough aggressive neutral minions for that to work.This is the idea that I have for hunter acually. To play differently finally after 3 years.
I believe this is the way, make a hunter deck that is not just about beastmastery (Rexxar) but it is about marksmanship/archers/rangers instead like Alleria. That's the lore idea behind it, hunters aren't just about beasts on curve...
Now you start with a better mage hero power at the price of not being able to play hunter's better/best cards and their synergies. You still can play animal companion and call unfortunately, I'm not sure how to get rid of those too without the text getting too wordy for hearthstone. Maybe they can add a beast tribe to spells at some point or something else.
....You also can use this card to play a much smaller deck. OpieOp.
I think the only way to make hunter not play the same game is something like this, it opens up a lot of deck building ideas finally, not I play 2 highmanes, 2 houndmaster, 2 kill command etc etc, play them on curve, I go face forever.
Let's be real here son. Hunters will use that to make an even more aggressive deck to rush you down with.
This is the idea that I have for hunter acually. To play differently finally after 3 years.
I believe this is the way, make a hunter deck that is not just about beastmastery (Rexxar) but it is about marksmanship/archers/rangers instead like Alleria. That's the lore idea behind it, hunters aren't just about beasts on curve...
Now you start with a better mage hero power at the price of not being able to play hunter's better/best cards and their synergies. You still can play animal companion and call unfortunately, I'm not sure how to get rid of those too without the text getting too wordy for hearthstone. Maybe they can add a beast tribe to spells at some point or something else.
....You also can use this card to play a much smaller deck. OpieOp.
I think the only way to make hunter not play the same game is something like this, it opens up a lot of deck building ideas finally, not I play 2 highmanes, 2 houndmaster, 2 kill command etc etc, play them on curve, I go face forever.
Like I said it's very hard to evaluate what the card should be like for a good start of the game effect. That's probably why the first attempt is like Prince, until they figure it out.
Let's be real here son. Hunters will use that to make an even more aggressive deck to rush you down with. There are still enough aggressive neutral minions for that to work.
Plus you can still play Secret Hunter.
The discarding is the actual upside you can completely sculp your deck to around 10 cards to win with while the opponent is dealing with actual variance.
Yeah that works a lot better actually. Turn your deck into wisp or something no value like that. Just throwing the usual hunter cards out. If you could add a Beast tag to animal companions
too, it would be the card to finally change the face of hunter.
Like I said I knew discard was a problem but I was thinking maybe you could use it for non degenerate means since hunter still can't draw cards.
anyone else get kicked then queued?
Unsure if related, but when I try to play I get 'All full!' but I don't get a timer.
The Battle.Net launcher is also down-ish, so maybe it's DDOS again?
A "when the game starts" effect is essentially a "draw an extra card in your mulligan, it costs zero mana, and does the thing". Even something as innocuous as "add 3 armor" is OP in that context. For that reason, if you want a strictly beneficial effect, you would have to put a severe stat loss on the body. Or you would have to pay for that effect in some other way.
Prince Malchezaar gets away with it because his effect is not strictly beneficial.