Loved top 2 and top 3 looks to be a good improvement. Still all about cheesy combos but the extra card allows more answers and more combos. Great brawl.
Probably the simplest and easiest fix.
Just lowering Yogg's consistency by that 5-10% would be huge in balancing its effect.
watching this tournament, and shaman is still stupid, lol
That's a much bigger hit to its consistency than 5-10%. Yogg kills itself almost every time.
You can't really "nerf" Yogg without a fundamental redesign. If you had to redesign the card, I think something like "Add up to 5 spells cast this game into your hand" would be better.
That's a much bigger hit to its consistency than 5-10%. Yogg kills itself almost every time.
You can't really "nerf" Yogg without a fundamental redesign. If you had to redesign the card, I think something like "Add up to 5 spells cast this game into your hand" would be better.
Sorc Apprentice, Arcane Intellect, Forgotten Torch.which are your best decks for brawl? got stampeded by a hunter and a druid
Yogg should be more like Servant of Yogg-Saron--a fun card for Timmies that no Spike would ever dream of playing. I feel like that's what Blizz thought would happen when they created that card.
Stole the idea from upthread and got my Brawl pack with Innervate-Barnes-Y'Shaarj. My opponent was Mana Wyrm / Mirror Image / Arcane Intellect.
His board of 0/2s and 3/3s did nothing to my board of 3/4s and 10/10s. He conceded turn 4.
which are your best decks for brawl? got stampeded by a hunter and a druid
Servant of Yogg Saron is trash design. It isn't even a Timmy card. Making Yogg himself more like Servant is just propagating trash design. The fact that Yogg has greater consistency and a bell curve for expected results makes it the better card.
This brawl is going to nearly impossible to win a game on my F2P accounts. My asia account in particular is pretty light on cards.![]()
This brawl is going to nearly impossible to win a game on my F2P accounts. My asia account in particular is pretty light on cards.![]()
Frostbolt, Arcane Intelect, Sorc's Apprentice are all basics.
Frostbolt, Arcane Intelect, Sorc's Apprentice are all basics.
Stole the idea from upthread and got my Brawl pack with Innervate-Barnes-Y'Shaarj.
thx I went Innervate-Barnes-Ragnaros. Such fun![]()
Apparently Malchezar gives you 50 legendaries. Hah.
Coldlight, Innervate, Naturalize is some bullshit but it's damn fun.
Burned through a mage's whole deck by turn 3 lol. They conceded.yeah that shit killed me on turn 5 one time and I went "well now I know how I'm finishing this brawl quest"
Imp/soul fore/golem is slaying shit left and right. I have yet to lose a game even when my draw nd diacars rng is suboptimal.
i have two friend requests from an aggro hunter who laid out his entire deck on turn 7 with 1 card left in hand that was clearly COTW. i had a spell totem down, used malestrom portal, won.
i must be popular.
Buffs Yogg, casts divine favor, casts Burgle.