I want to see this Strifecro Druid.
No Yogg, Fandral and Innervate.
Oh it's Beast Druid with Darnassus Aspirant instead of Innervate.
this deck is so stupid. why is shaman better at being tempo mage than tempo mage?
the stupid portal gives them better early game AOE than mage can ever dream of.
They had some setback with the implementation and it got delayed an undisclosed period of time while they fix it.When will the $5 bundle be available? Wasn't it happening this week?
When will the $5 bundle be available? Wasn't it happening this week?
Blizzard says "Unfortunately, we can't provide an exact date right now. Originally. we were targeting to push this out with a patch yesterday, September 13th, but encountered some issues that prevented us from doing so. We are currently in the process of resolving said issues, and will be releasing the patch as soon as possible."
Been running Innervate, Astral Communion, and Yogg. I played 4 or 5 Yoggs in my last match. Hilarious.Haha, it is fun to make combinations that really shouldn't work in this brawl. I queued up against a poor shaman running C'thun's Chosen, C'thun, and Dragon Faerie. My deck is made up of Innervate, Raven Idol, and Yogg Sauron. I mulligan and get Raven Idol, Innervate, Innervate, Yogg Sauron. Turn 1 I get another Innervate from Raven Idol. Turn 2 I draw Innervate and play Yogg with 6 spells. Naturally, Yogg kills himself and Call of The Wild is the last spell. Win by Turn 4. First try and probably last with this deck. This was the best result I could have asked for.
Feels bad for Ostkaka.
Priest 1-5 in the tournament.
My guess they they failed a test on one of the app stores (somehow), or someone found a crash bug or something that was too big to let into the wild at the last minute. I'm guessing next week we'll see it.
Uh, Mage has the same early game AOE option. They just don't get the minion to go with it.
My guess they they failed a test on one of the app stores (somehow), or someone found a crash bug or something that was too big to let into the wild at the last minute. I'm guessing next week we'll see it.
Who need barnes ragnaros when you can just innervate x3 coin him out.
yea but not with 2/3+3/4 already on the board by turn 3
Damn near 40K people watching this tournament.
The people have spoken.
That was the fastest top deck slam down Highmane on turn 6 I have ever seen in my life. Legit did not even see the draw animation.
Mill druid just sucks the fun out of this brawl.
1-5 even with all those bans
class is fucked
Uh, Mage has the same early game AOE option. They just don't get the minion to go with it.
They're totally different cards. 1 is deal 1 aoe damage for 2 mana. The other is deal 1 aoe damage for 1 mana and get a random 1 drop for 1 mana. The value is maelstrom portal is way higher than arcane explosion.
I agree on value, but the guy was claiming that Mage doesn't have good early game Area of Effect damage. If you compare it strictly on AOE then Mage has Arcane Explosion and Twilight Flamecaller, both of which have similar early game effects.
Honestly any Mage player complaining about lack of AOE options is going to give me pause. What class has more AOE available?
I 100% agree that Maelstrom Portal is strictly better because of the minion, but he wasn't talking about minions or value, but purely early game AOE options.
And then he complains about Shaman's early game when Mage's early game is just as, if not more, prone to snowballing out of control.
I'd rather face Tunnel Trogg into Totem Golem then Mana Wyrm into Mirror Image into Flamewaker any day of the week.
this firebat tourney kinda boring after first 3 game
Yogg Druid still carry the hell out entertainment factor in tourney scene confirmed