Mobius and pet octopus
I'm hating these DDOS attacks so much...
Hmm... was gonna play... I haven't in a couple days... but not sure if I feel like dealing with this... damn.
I'm hating these DDOS attacks so much...
Just for curiosity I was reading the faeria reddit and it seems that the game saw an increase in numbers thanks to kripp and trump playing it and some drop changes with duelyst (which dropped some players it seems)
Is still funny to see all the criticism to hearthstone in those boards
I've been having fun with Druid but here is a fun stat from the last 24 hours:
My meta:
26.4% Mage,
19% Shaman,
13% Druid,
11% Warrior,
8% Hunter.
The only class I have a positive winrate is against Warlock.
I still believe these malygos Yogg decks are powerful, but it's been very hard to get a good win-streak going against tempo mage and shamans. I guess this is why Druid isn't more popular.
Duelyst released on Steam less than a month ago, so it has seen a massive boost followed by some of those numbers dropping off like you would expect - people trying the game and some not liking it.Just for curiosity I was reading the faeria reddit and it seems that the game saw an increase in numbers thanks to kripp and trump playing it and some drop changes with duelyst (which dropped some players it seems)
Is still funny to see all the criticism to hearthstone in those boards
Hearthstone is actually the only card game out there that limits legendaries to one, and it's because they're ridiculously strong. Can you imagine 2x Yogg, 2x C'Thun, etc.? Or even 2x Grommash.I've actually been playing SolForge a lot recently cause that works on my mobile devices and PC (like Hearthstone)
I injected $50 to support the devs of this one (although I've barely used a portion of the 'gold' I purchased)- cause you can craft Heroics and below fairly easily. There's all sorts of ways to build decks. Been winning a lot already (PTW for the win).
Plan to play this alongside HS.
Duelyst looks like a lot of fun but the pricing model is all RNG-based packs. I'm a bit more nervous about that one but I like some of the features it has (like streaming matches that were played, grid, etc)
I really just wanted to experience a different meta and see what card games are like when there is no mana involved so Solforge got my attention. It's so different from HS (but other concepts easily transfer over like Control, mid range, etc)
* Actually not sure what 'mid range' is in Solforge cause there's no mana. And legendaries are not limited to 1.
Out of all thing you shouldn't lose to maģe with that deckI've been having fun with Druid but here is a fun stat from the last 24 hours:
My meta:
26.4% Mage,
19% Shaman,
13% Druid,
11% Warrior,
8% Hunter.
The only class I have a positive winrate is against Warlock.
I still believe these malygos Yogg decks are powerful, but it's been very hard to get a good win-streak going against tempo mage and shamans. I guess this is why Druid isn't more popular.
Out of all thing you shouldn't lose to maģe with that deck
Its have many heal to recòver the burn and they had tròuble killing giant and malýgos
Shadowverse is the easiest to grind collection in right now because a bunch of scrubs play its Arena mode these days and you can pummel them with basic HS arena fundamentals. Probably get in on that action before that game gets its own Heartharena too.
Shadowverse is the easiest to grind collection in right now because a bunch of scrubs play its Arena mode these days and you can pummel them with basic HS arena fundamentals. Probably get in on that action before that game gets its own Heartharena too.
FYI, Duelyst is on the Humble Bundle today. There's a free code to start the game with 20x card packs, but it only works if you're on a new account. You just have to give your e-mail - no purchase necessary:
If anyone gives it a shot, please list me as your referral. Apparently the account creation referral is inconsistent, so you need to go into the game settings and click the referral button from there to make it work, and it won't work if you've already played a match. My IGN is Karsticles if anyone wants to refer me. :-D
I just don't see the appeal of a direct Hearthstone clone. It doesn't fix a single design problem Hearthstone has.
Gold for more packs.What do you get from referrals?
There isn't much fundamentally wrong with HS. The problems come with how they design hero powers and cards plus the disparity in 1st vs 2nd turns. The Evolve mechanic makes going first about equal to second. There are far less RNG cards and classes don't have a RNG mechanic hero ability they have to rely on like Shamans. Also 1 drops are a lot worse in Shadowverse and there are far less minions that are hard to kill and the game also has neutral spells so classes don't have to feel as limited.I just don't see the appeal of a direct Hearthstone clone. It doesn't fix a single design problem Hearthstone has.
Anyone willing to mutually trade 80g Play a Friend quests in NA? Alucard#1517
Duelyst released on Steam less than a month ago, so it has seen a massive boost followed by some of those numbers dropping off like you would expect - people trying the game and some not liking it.
Hearthstone is actually the only card game out there that limits legendaries to one, and it's because they're ridiculously strong. Can you imagine 2x Yogg, 2x C'Thun, etc.? Or even 2x Grommash.
I played Solforge for a month and it felt extremely boring to me after a while. I liked the upgrade system and some of the unique cards at play, and I liked the mana-less progression, but it had two major flaws for me:
1) Legendaries > Heroics > Rares > Commons. Consistently. The best decks are mostly legendaries and heroics, and it's really obvious that they are trying to get people to pay for them.
2) The inability to keep cards in your hand for later turns. In most card games, keeping a board clear, disable, etc. for just the right moment is a game-deciding moment. In Solforge, you just play whatever is optimal at every moment because your hand is going to cycle anyway. Consequently, I felt like Solforge wasn't even as strategically deep as Hearthstone, which is not a very deep game.
I'm a major fan of Duelyst - I have hit S-Rank with it for the last 4 months straight, and I'm rank 2 right now just from doing my daily quest. Every month I have an >80% winrate all the way to S-Rank because it is an extremely skill-oriented game. The top players all have >90% winrates while climbing the ladder. Yes, Duelyst packs are random, but you get legendaries in 1/4 packs - it's extremely generous. You get 15g/2 wins, 50g worth of quests every day, a 5g puzzle you can figure out, and a 20g bonus for your first win every day. Also, the daily quests are "Play X games" instead of "Win X games", which makes it all a lot less stressful when you get a quest for a faction you aren't strong with.
The devs also add 4 cards to the pool every month and make balance changes every 1-2 months, so the meta stays very fresh. I've had to rework my deck every month to be successful, and while I find that very frustrating at times (SKORN), it's better than having a stale meta where you play the same deck for 6 months straight.
If you haven't tried it, I also recommend Infinity Wars. The devs have blundered the game's success away, but they're working on rebooting it, and it's the best pure card game I've ever experienced. I'll take it over MtG any day.
If you do like MtG, check out Eternia, which is a direct MtG clone. IMO, stay away from Hex, Spellweaver, MtG Online, Pox Nora (such a fantastic idea though), Shadowverse, and The Elder Scrolls. I haven't tried Gwent yet, but I've heard good things about it. I've never tried Faeria because it costs money just to try (lol), but I've watched Kripp play and I feel bored.
If you don't care about balance then why does it matter to you if Yogg gets nerfed or not?
Also class variety impact casuals too. No one wants to be at rank 18 and get farmed by Legend Gold Shaman players.
If Blizzard wants HS to be a successful E sports then balance needs to a priority for them. That's the bottom line. Of course casuals may not care about E sports but enough people do for it to warrant action from Blizzard.
Malygos Rogue is a dumb deck. Not because it's too good or bad just that it requires you to draw either the nuts or your whole deck
Just won against a priest because I drew Emperor Malygos Eviscerate Sinister Strike x2 before any auctioneers and killed him on turn 9 with 25 damage of burst.
They need to speed up the auctioneer animation.
just wish I had bloodmage. I want to craft him so bad., Been eyeballing my Paladin cards. If I were to dust my paladin I could craft bloodmage straight up.
Thalnos will always be relevant, do it, but don't dust Paladin it's the GOATmalygos rogue is a fun deck to play and requires patience, skill, & wisdom. Plus its a bit wallet heavy.
just wish I had bloodmage. I want to craft him so bad., Been eyeballing my Paladin cards. If I were to dust my paladin I could craft bloodmage straight up.
Alas, I love my golden paladin portrait (I grinded that blood elf lady in WoW when legion released).
Since rogue's bloodflurry is so expensive-- I'm thinking bloodmage + Prep + fan knives can clear the board nicely on a turn if facing zoo or something
(I am literally only missing Bloodmage for this deck and at this point he is worth crafting for me)
Dragon Priest is probably a bad matchup, considering you have to be so conservative with the removal that can also go face.That and if you ever lose against Priest as a Rogue, then you have to turn in your blades.[SPOILERS]Though it happens *sometimes*[/SPOILER]
Remember when the best decks in the game were demon handlock, combo druid, control warrior and patron warrior?
Those were the fucking days. I'm gonna find some old VODs and relive 'em.
running Brann + Ancient mage + 2 lava burst
Also learned this recently.after about 7 months of playing hearthstone almost daily, I come to realize today I can't play another shaman hero power when I have the other 4 totems on board
I... yeah...
Idk I don't have that much experience with Maly rogue yet but it doesn't seem like the best matchup. You gotta have your saps or otherwise have to burn some of the more important removal so as not to be tempo'd out. All the while you have to pressure their health so they don't stay out of range of your burst.If dragon priest hits their curve too strong the rogue draws bad, then maybe. But for the most part, maly rogue will beat any priest form because they can't finish out the game while you safely collect the pieces necessary to burst them down.
Basically the same deal as warrior except they don't have gromm to pressure and they can't go above 30 hp.
Remember when the best decks in the game were demon handlock, combo druid, control warrior and patron warrior?
Those were the fucking days. I'm gonna find some old VODs and relive 'em.
after about 7 months of playing hearthstone almost daily, I come to realize today I can't play another shaman hero power when I have the other 4 totems on board
I... yeah...
Shaman players elegiggle.Also learned this recently.
Here you can watch this.Those were the fucking days. I'm gonna find some old VODs and relive 'em.
Man the cropping on these cards is so dumb. Always thought the taunt totem was some snake or something
Also learned this recently.
Idk I don't have that much experience with Maly rogue yet but it doesn't seem like the best matchup. You gotta have your saps or otherwise have to burn some of the more important removal so as not to be tempo'd out. All the while you have to pressure their health so they don't stay out of range of your burst.
Man the cropping on these cards is so dumb. Always thought the taunt totem was some snake or something
Man the cropping on these cards is so dumb. Always thought the taunt totem was some snake or something
Man the cropping on these cards is so dumb. Always thought the taunt totem was some snake or something
Huh? I've been in the Discord all evening, and the only complaints I've seen are from folks who joined when it launched on Steam (less than a month ago) being irate that they're just past the cut-off, which I can understand.if you thought HS community is whiny, Duelyst's is even worse. So many crybabies in there over FREE stuff they just gave away. sigh...
Huh? I've been in the Discord all evening, and the only complaints I've seen are from folks who joined when it launched on Steam (less than a month ago) being irate that they're just past the cut-off, which I can understand.
I haven't seen someone complain in hours.
Haha. I don't really check Steam reviews, but you're definitely right there. However, I'd hardly say that people who have been playing for a week or two are the "community". If I had just started playing and got edged out of a promotion like this, I would be really pissed too. CPG didn't organize this very well.Look at the recent steam reviews for example, tons of bitching.
Look at the recent steam reviews for example, tons of bitching.
Huh? There aren't any bugs involved. The promotion is pretty clear about the restrictions. People just want free stuff and are upset they don't get more.I mean if you do a promotion and you don't deliver on the product due to some bugs or whatever... people are going to be pissed and rightfully so.
It's not like Blizzard wouldn't get flack for something like this.