Tavern brawl is butt easy once you realize you just need to mulligan for win condition cards. got done with that fast
Yeah still sitting on Greenskin lol. Just havent played all that much
I did duel my next door neighbor this morning (80g friend quest) and won. I guess I did him kinda dirty. I spectated his match before I challenged him. Noticed he had thalnos on his mage. So when we dueled and he picked rogue I just kept that in mind. He's really freakin' good
so funny I know so many Hearthstone players but guess it makes sense. when I meet new people I ask them what games they play, etc. And I usually wear Gaming shirts (usually Overwatch tho)
wow you must be really cruel. Warlock doesnt even have a tier 1 deck right now in this meta do they? Just wanna kick a man (Guldan) while he's down lol
I feel you tho (well not when it comes to nerfing warlock but keeping classes I dont play down). I want them to rework Priest. get rid of mind control / entomb. just start all over from scratch. And rework paladin too to make them more fun to play. I only play pally a tiny bit only cause I love the Golden hero portrait (Liandrin). but sooner or later I'ma dust all my pally and priest cards probably. Keep in mind I dont have any pally legendaries tho
Yeah still sitting on Greenskin lol. Just havent played all that much
I did duel my next door neighbor this morning (80g friend quest) and won. I guess I did him kinda dirty. I spectated his match before I challenged him. Noticed he had thalnos on his mage. So when we dueled and he picked rogue I just kept that in mind. He's really freakin' good
so funny I know so many Hearthstone players but guess it makes sense. when I meet new people I ask them what games they play, etc. And I usually wear Gaming shirts (usually Overwatch tho)
Man, I'd love it if Blizzard would wake the fuck up and finally change Warlock's hero power so we could get other archetypes that aren't "draw twice as much as your opponent and vomit everything on the board."
wow you must be really cruel. Warlock doesnt even have a tier 1 deck right now in this meta do they? Just wanna kick a man (Guldan) while he's down lol
I feel you tho (well not when it comes to nerfing warlock but keeping classes I dont play down). I want them to rework Priest. get rid of mind control / entomb. just start all over from scratch. And rework paladin too to make them more fun to play. I only play pally a tiny bit only cause I love the Golden hero portrait (Liandrin). but sooner or later I'ma dust all my pally and priest cards probably. Keep in mind I dont have any pally legendaries tho