I don't get why Warrior has fallen off so much. Dragon Warrior is still absolutely nuts.
Thanks. Yeah that first game I was upset about not swiping the elemental right then and there. I didn't recognize the healing totem that would also heal it.1st Game
1. I think you drop Thalnos too near for Thalnos + Swipe turn, if you decide just want cycle, you do it earlier, not at turn 5
2. I think you should just Innervate the giant in that last turn, but that shaman hand look gross
2nd Game
1. You should drop Emperor on curve, yeah you don't get tick on combo pieces but you only do it against slow deck (Priest, Control Warrior, Murloc Pally, etc) you generally just want tick on anything against such like shaman or hunter for tempo swing, tick on combo pieces isn't too relevant
2. Yeah those secret look annoying, I prolly gonna messed up too, I knew because I screwed up against secret many often than not. But the second ignore on misha is too much, you counting on drawing Swipe I get it before trigger cat trick and/or snake trap, but you get so much damage ignoring that thing and you not even heal with Feral Rage, I think you should just kill misha, heal and deal with the result of trap afterward
Dat 3rd game doe Kreygasm
I don't get why Warrior has fallen off so much. Dragon Warrior is still absolutely nuts.
For someone who plays so much of the game, you certainly have tons of first hand knowledge of what the meta is like!
I watch way too many streams. I find doing that more fun than actually playing.
Loyan's midrange shaman list ��
If you want to beat any other shaman or control warrior or just about anything except freeze mage this is really good. I replaced one of the fire elementals with Hallazeal, with spellpower and portal the card is way more playable now, it helps against dragon warrior and things like that, you can't ever lose against aggro. Got my NA rank 5 with it and with that I'm done with ladder until next month and that will be in wild.
Very serious question, why the hell do you keep playing if you are not enjoying the game?
If I stop liking a game or if it makes me too salty or too whiny, I leave the game and go to another one, why keep playing the same game you are whining so much?
dusted Captain Greenskin. now have enough dust to craft another legendary. still gripped in indecision. Sylvannas or Fandral or Thalnos? I'm thinking Fandral. I like how he's cheap mana cost and can provide something you cannot get any other way (Choose both).
Can't go wrong with sylvanas. Nice that she's neutral too. I don't blame you though, I wanna craft Fandral.dusted Captain Greenskin. now have enough dust to craft another legendary. still gripped in indecision. Sylvannas or Fandral or Thalnos? I'm thinking Fandral. I like how he's cheap mana cost and can provide something you cannot get any other way (Choose both).
decisions.... Not even a big druid player but since I got Cenarius other day I'm thinking Fandral would be a nice addition
This new Aggro Freeze Mage deck seems a lot more likely to be meta defining than that Malygos Druid deck.
I guess it was a matter of time before Medivh's Valet found a place in the meta. We all knew he was a good card, but he had a little trouble finding a home.
What should I mull for playing Malygos Druid
Why play a list with one slightly unfavourable match up with Hunter when you can play Shaman with no bad match ups.I don't get why Warrior has fallen off so much. Dragon Warrior is still absolutely nuts.
I had no idea spell power affected explosive trap.
Seeing Dog's reaction when he realized his mistake was really fun.
Also nice to see Strifecro's unique deck building get rewarded. Curator Secret Hunter, new meta.
Dragon Warrior does not have a winning match up against Midrange Shaman, which was why it was played that much to begin with (it had good match up against Aggro Shaman). Now it doesn't have that going for it and people have instead opted for Control Warrior over it.I don't get why Warrior has fallen off so much. Dragon Warrior is still absolutely nuts.
Of the three you listed, Sylvanas is used in the most decks. However, with both Cenarius and Fandral you could put together a nice little Token Druid list, have some fun.
Can't go wrong with sylvanas. Nice that she's neutral too. I don't blame you though, I wanna craft Fandral.
Hunter, hunter, shaman, shaman, hey look a mage!, hunter, shaman.
Dragon Warrior does not have a winning match up against Midrange Shaman, which was why it was played that much to begin with (it had good match up against Aggro Shaman). Now it doesn't have that going for it and people have instead opted for Control Warrior over it.
Like people weren't kidding when they said that the meta was warped around the Shaman. Warrior was the best against it hence why they were so many Warriors. Now Warriors are not good enough against Shaman.
Book Wyrm is better in a slower control style Dragon deck. And it's a good card just not a great fit in the Tempo Dragon Warrior style deck that does well against Aggro Shaman.Doesn't Book Wyrm make Dragon Warrior favored against Midrange Shaman?
Maybe not, I haven't really been playing the deck.
Aggro Shaman is eh against control warrior, I think good piloted mid-shaman almost can't lose to control warrior tho, but most of these shaman is actually carried by OP deck so control warrior can win
I drafted a Hunter in Arena simply because I never do...Im 5-0 currently. Deck isn't that strong I'd say, a bunch of mech synergy with 1 call of the Wild.
Aggro Shaman is eh against control warrior, I think good piloted mid-shaman almost can't lose to control warrior tho, but most of these shaman is actually carried by OP deck so control warrior can win
Good example of that is the Eloise vs Chakki match from earlier. Great match showing Midrange Shaman somehow outlast control warrior.
I love Wild, but I was gonna say you had to be playing against Secret Shithead in order to lose with a good curve like that.I just want to point out that Wild is still pretty great for people who are mad about CotW in Hunter.
I just lost playing a cheesy AF N'Zoth Hunter Wild deck. I played: Turn 6, Highmane. Turn 7, Dr. Boom. Turn 8, CotW. Turn 9 didn't happen because I died.
Just imagine what my opponent had to do in order to stop such an insane bullshit series of turns. I was at 20 HP on turn 6 and my opponent was at 24. He went first which honestly is probably the reason I lost. I'm not mad, but holy cow that was an insane ending. So much fighting for board and then as soon as one minion stuck on either side it was GG in 3 turns. Who was my opponent? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
Seen like one Paladin the entire month.
Switch to C'Thun Warrior and get on a win streak. 4 Paladins in 5 matches. Nope, nothin off about that.
Hah yeah and it was super easy/basic to play around, so it was definitely a brain fart on his part.
it can but usually doesn't because those are bad match ups.That's silly to do so, Aggro Shaman can beat those decks.
I really don't see how it's better now on ladder, before? Agreed. now? Not so much.aggro shaman could beat any deck before whispers of the old gods, and is only better now
Superior mode, still ladder with Secret Pally
Feel bad I not even show off my yogging skillAh Innervate, double Swipe, double Golem, double Nourish you're very skilled
Feel bad I not even show off my yogging skill
I see Tunnel Trogg straight up killing Malygos from 12 HP at Muzzy Stream.. imagine one drop end up killing 9 drop with 12 HPman I would have thought your 2 Arcane giants would have gotten him.
That Nourish (draw 3 cards) was nice- gave you a lot of power
gross- with Secret Paladin.