A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
I got you. I've had the quest for a whileI have the play a friend quest if anyone on NA also has it and wants to double their gold.
I got you. I've had the quest for a whileI have the play a friend quest if anyone on NA also has it and wants to double their gold.
I imagine Levi has his hands in his pants watching this control warrior stomp this aggro shaman in this tourney.
Sign me up for a Life Tap version. ;-)Which match was that? I had a long day and couldn't stay up for the whole tournament.
Oh, I created a neutral card that would let everyone realize the glory and the power that is the best button in the game:
Going to miss Justicar when it gets rotated out.
Pretty sure I'm gonna be hanging out a lot in wild after the rotation... how can I be a TANK UP NO FRIENDS CONTROL WARRIOR without Tank Up?!?
This Cerasi dude is so bad why he get invited again?
I see Tunnel Trogg straight up killing Malygos from 12 HP at Muzzy Stream.. imagine one drop end up killing 9 drop with 12 HP
What the fuck man..
Which match was that? I had a long day and couldn't stay up for the whole tournament.
Oh, I created a neutral card that would let everyone realize the glory and the power that is the best button in the game:
This Cerasi dude is so bad why he get invited again?
Chakki's stream absolutely trash to this Violet Illusionist Rogue lmao
We wanted to move the Old Gods to be more build-around, so we sat down and redesigned almost all of them. This one was the crazy spell build-around. People were very excited about it, but it turned out to be very, very dangerous.
"More than just the power level, it was the feel," Donais said. "Even if his winrate ended up being 50%, the times you lost to it felt really bad."
The super-consistent Yogg-Saron variants caused you to kill your opponent that turn or create such an overwhelming advantage that it wasn't that much fun. So we ended up tweaking it for this random version, which ended up being a lot of fun and much healthier for the game than creating a bunch of one-turn kills."
Playing Wild really made me miss the mech decks. They just nuked them when Standard arrived
50 minutes of armoring up.
50 minutes of armoring up.
Neither player made any risks (besides yogg), one got punished by RNG far more than the other. Was a typical control warrior mirror.
How can anyone enjoy watching that control warrior mirror match? Half of the game they are armoring up and try to hold their more valueable cards. that is boring to watch. I mean playing the coin and then play nothing? Crazy world.
Nah, monkey RNG didn't decide that, it was honestly decided because one player had Nzoth and one player had Yogg, and barring a miracle, the Nzoth variant wins all day every day in the mirror.
Yogg cast tracking and discard Malygos lmao
The only real decision in that CW mirror was using the Brawl for Nzoth or using it to generate an additional
So lame that even Control Warriors are using Yogg.
Aggro shaman must face Control Warrior now
So please.