Did someone compile a complete lit of strifecro's shaman? And decklists in general.
And when we made Dragon Priest, we kind of gave them a curve deck rather than a trick deck. We’re hoping that in the future, now that we understand that concept for both Rogue and Priest, we can give them some tricks instead and do some clever stuff, and we’ll explore that space over the next, y’know, years, and the future of Hearthstone.
Azure Drake is used in more decks than Owl or BGH ever was.
Yeah, there's a difference between a card that is omnipresent (Dr. Boom, or "Dr." Kron in Duelyst right now), and a card that is in all decks of a certain type. It is expected that Argent Horserider would be in all aggro decks, just like Healbot was in almost all control decks, Thaurissan is in almost all combo decks, etc. Instead of nerfing Azure Drake, the solution is to give players MORE similar options so that decks differentiate themselves even more. For example, if you lowered Azure Drake's stats and gave it Charge, which decks would want that over the current version?what's the problem of having a card constantly used? Just because Azure Drake is used a lot it doesn't mean it has a problem, it is just that it is an all around good card for many decks, but just because it is much used it doesn't need to be nerfed at all.
cards that need to be nerfed are the ones breaking the game, like Yogg, I would argue that even Tuskarr Totemic needs it, but those are cards that have much more going on that deserves to be changed than just being good.
Azure Drake doesn't win games by itself.
EDIT: also, this game needs more modes, I don't see why mobile users (I'm one of them, too) should be holding back the overall progress of the game.
They've previously discussed the possibilities of having two mobile clients - Full and Lite Version. One of the main issues they haven't opted for it yet is because it would confuse people. Something that's hard to argue against.EDIT: also, this game needs more modes, I don't see why mobile users (I'm one of them, too) should be holding back the overall progress of the game.
They've previously discussed the possibilities of having two mobile clients - Full and Lite Version. One of the main issues they haven't opted for it yet is because it would confuse people. Something that's hard to argue against.
I really like cards that say "You better remove me". One thing I like in Duelyst is that there are a lot of cards like that - cards with a big impact if you let them run rampant. It creates intense scenarios where you have to figure out the best way to manage the threat. Though I'm not hugely fond of those threats being extremely hard to remove (Nimbus in Duelyst, Ragnaros in Hearthstone). I think Azure Drake hits that sweet spot, and I would rather more cards be brought up to Azure Drake's level than see it get nerfed. Not that that would ever happen, lol.That's a pretty specific list of control decks when BGH wasn't used in the following decks in the previous rotation:
Mech Shaman/Midrange Shaman/Aggro Shaman
Mech Shaman/Tempo Mage/Freeze Mage
Zoolock/Demon Zoo
Aggro Druid
Secret Paladin
Grim Patron Warrior
Dragon Priest/Control Priest
Miracle Rogue/Oil Rogue
Midrange Hunted/Aggro Hunter
Compared to the current decks running Azure Drake:
Midrange Shaman/Aggro Shaman (as tech)/Control Shaman
Tempo Mage/Control Mage
Dragon Priest
Dragon Warrior (Tempo and Control)
Token Druid/Malygos Druid/Beast Druid
Miracle Rogue/Thief Rogue
Dragon Paladin
Statistically Azure Drake is not only the most used card right now but it's also far more commonly used than BGH ever was. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if Azure Drake right now gets used more than Owl and BGH combined.
Though I am not directly calling for an Azure Drake nerf.. I am talking about raw stats. Azure Drake is the most commonly used card in HS right now, which means it's probably on Blizzard's mythical "radar". If I had to make a list of 15 cards on their radar, then based on stats Azure Drake would be on there.
These stats were taken quite a while back and back then Azure Drake wasn't even as common as it is now. This is back when Warrior was dominating, now with more dragon cards, Midrange Shaman, more Druids, more Tempo Mage... wouldn't be surprised if that number doubled.
Ok they don't care about it. What features are they implementing. We had to wait two years for a scroll bar.
HS already has enough cards that win more on the spot if they survive for more than a turn. Flamewaker, Sorc Apprentice, Antonidas, Councilman, Malch Imp, Fandral, Violet Teacher, Lightlord, Mana Tide, Emperor, Malygos, Trogg, Mana Wyrm etc. Some people may argue that the game has too many cards like these but that's a different topic.I really like cards that say "You better remove me". One thing I like in Duelyst is that there are a lot of cards like that - cards with a big impact if you let them run rampant. It creates intense scenarios where you have to figure out the best way to manage the threat. Though I'm not hugely fond of those threats being extremely hard to remove (Nimbus in Duelyst, Ragnaros in Hearthstone). I think Azure Drake hits that sweet spot, and I would rather more cards be brought up to Azure Drake's level than see it get nerfed. Not that that would ever happen, lol.
Not only was Diablo 3 at launch one of the worst products Blizzard had ever released but the hate was completely warranted. And it eventually gave us a much better game in the long term.t's Diablo III launch all over again.
That's true. You rarely see Azure Drake in Wild.HS already has enough cards that win more on the spot if they survive for more than a turn. Flamewaker, Sorc Apprentice, Antonidas, Councilman, Malch Imp, Fandral, Violet Teacher, Lightlord, Mana Tide, Emperor, Malygos, Trogg, Mana Wyrm etc. Some people may argue that the game has too many cards like these but that's a different topic.
Thing about Azure Drake is that it gets value as soon as its played because it draws a card. So even if Drake does absolutely nothing on the board, it still cycled itself. And you can't keep it alive on board either because of spell damage tag. In dragon decks Azure Drake gives value from just being in hand or provides Curator value.
I checked out some old stats and Azure Drake was used about as much as Belcher and Loatheb, the two other obscenely strong 5 drop cards. So it's probably more than just we don't have enough good 5 drops though that is certainly a major reason why Drake gets used so much.
Not only was Diablo 3 at launch one of the worst products Blizzard had ever released but the hate was completely warranted. And it eventually gave us a much better game in the long term.
Personal attacks on developers and calling them names is never right but sometimes feedback/criticism has to be over the top for it to reach developer ears.
Saw this linked on twitter: Kibler: (Hearthstone) The State of Competitive Play
Most of team 5's work is spent on making cards. Their output on cards especially for this year is high. Blizzard will be printing roughly 310+ cards this year, that comes to around 1 card a day.
That means they have to create the artwork, code it, do the effects work, do the sound design and VA then balance it within a day. That's a lot of work and balance becomes even more complicated when you are testing cards WHILE new cards are being made at the same time.
Just give me Molten Giant back and I'll be happy.Let me play Demon Handlock, Warsong Grim Patron Warrior and Combo Druid again in wild and I'll be pretty happy, even if I only do it now and then.
I think he meant like if you change a few stats on an ability in a MOBA, it's not that the change is not understood or known, but the impact of the change could be unnoticed by the majority of people. But in a card game, you change 1 stat and it can go from one of the most played cards in the entire game to nigh unplayable. That is almost exactly what happened with novice engineer. It was a 1/2 and it was in most decks. They turn it into a 1/1 and it's abandoned to maybe freeze mage and some other combo decks only.
Then we saw it again with leper gnome. 2/1 leper gnome = autoinclude in every aggro deck. 1/1... leper gnomes still exist? Do face decks still exist? Not much besides shaman.
Decided to take Warrior over another Mage in Arena and I've been rewarded with an 8-2 run so far.
Also I learned that if you commanding shout and play a minion after into Mirror Entity the copied minion gets the buff too. Makes sense now that I think about it.
Blames priest when he loses. Just a regular salty mofo this one is.
Blames mage being too strong, even though the mage he faced didn't even have a particularly strong draft and he has a 3* legendary draft.
Magic recently shifted to having four equal sized releases each year, which essentially means there's a major balance shift every three months.
That's not the case it changed from
Big Set > Small Set > Small Set > Core Set (medium set)
Big Set > Small Set > Big Set > Small Set
The major balance shift is also not every 3 months since that's more affected by cards rotating out not so much in (unless they are super powerful) and rotation happens with every Big Set so every 6 months.
Blames priest when he loses. Just a regular salty mofo this one is.
Blames mage being too strong, even though the mage he faced didn't even have a particularly strong draft and he has a 3 legendary draft.