The thing with yogg is *anything* can happen, even if there's an expected result of clearing the board and drawing some cards. His most problematic element to me is the value generation out of nowhere, which is why I feel like control is what gets fucked by Yogg so hard. Control matches are all about resource management, mainly with removal.
I posted a replay the other day where I was a dragon pally vs. token druid. He cycled a ton and was nearly out of cards, and by that point he played both violet teachers and both arcane giants which I cleared, he had an Onyxia on the board but was basically out of bombs beyond yogg. I also had enter the coliseum and avenging wrath from ivory knight, a big part of that was to actually prepare for a potential yogg boardstate that could be made since I had the rest in the bag. My deck still had equality, tirion, and keeper of uldaman on top of more removal like truesilvers so I still had value given he was basically out of steam.
I had rag lightlord on the board and a 1/1 against his 8/5 onyxia, then he played yogg.
The board clear yogg? I could handle. The draw yogg? Would put him in fatigue. The random secrets and token spam yogg? Also had cards for it.
But...none of those happened. What did happen is he ganged up my lightlord, ganged up his yogg, casted whirlwind and blood warriors, giving him another onyxia and yogg. Then shadowstepped onyxia.
Oh, and my board got cleared and got got buffed to 13 attack while living.
So I lost. My more controlling deck, even if the yogg would have died and I continued on, would have been blown out by him having 2 onyxias, 3 lightlords, and 4 yoggs added to his card pool out of thin air. I got outvalued suddenly, which even if you try to prepare for the 'yogg turn' can always happen in ways you can't go against. There's no deck that has removal able to handle the bombs he was given from that point in the game, and it was essentially a 20 minute match ended off of it. It's hard to shake off losses like that, but I think yogg goes beyond a mere perception thing.
People look too much at wether or not yogg ends the game on the turn he's played, or if the person who plays yogg ultimately wins. When he casts cards like thoughtsteal, entomb, honestly change the game so much from that point, and it's totally random when that happens. It can make people win fatigue games out of nowhere, do face damage when it's highly relevant, and the times it loses people games don't matter as much since it isn't a card you play when you're ahead anyway.
I do agree and see where Kibler comes from with his video but I still think yogg is a bigger issue than he let on. But I also get the tricky spot Blizzard would be in since it's a card I do realize a ton of people find fun and love to play. I just also agree with Levi that it shouldn't even be allowed on ladder, which only rewards winning and he basically spits in the face of your time.