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8 minions on the board. Opponent casts Yogg. Yogg casts Entomb. Of the now 9 minions, he entombs my Tirion.

I couldn't help but LOL. That eventual Tirion gave him the win, too.
Can't any yogg spell be cast from either person's point of view?

In short, no. They're cast from the person who summoned yogg's point of view. So spells that can only target enemy minions only hit enemy minions. Same with spells that only hit face, they must hit face, or spells that hit friendly minions must hit friendly minions. AOEs too.

That is perhaps the only reason why yogg is played. Because the summoner has the advantage of the RNG when it comes a bunch of spells. Especially card draw and 1 sided AOEs and even some hard removal (assassinate for example).


Started running into a fair amount of control priest today and they are absolutely infuriating lol. The games take forever and some of them have enough removal spells for my Rag, Call of the Wild and N'Zoth + summons.


Four tempo mages in a row, all of them awful at the game.

I guess when your game plan is "Yogg lol" trying to make smart plays is pretty irrelevant.

Got a nice win streak off those guys, but it was snapped when an aggro shaman with a perfect curve killed me on turn 6.


Super Sleuth
In short, no. They're cast from the person who summoned yogg's point of view. So spells that can only target enemy minions only hit enemy minions. Same with spells that only hit face, they must hit face, or spells that hit friendly minions must hit friendly minions. AOEs too.

That is perhaps the only reason why yogg is played. Because the summoner has the advantage of the RNG when it comes a bunch of spells. Especially card draw and 1 sided AOEs and even some hard removal (assassinate for example).

Oh yeah, hence why playing Yogg into Sylvanas is such a terrible idea.
Oh yeah, hence why playing Yogg into Sylvanas is such a terrible idea.

if you get mind control on sylvanas, best move ever. If you kill sylvanas, the rest of the yogg spells are cast my your opponent. More likely, you get screwed than not, although there are a number of good outcomes... hex, polymorph, mirror image (then kills and steals mirror image), earthshock... lots. But yeah, I don't yogg on sylvanas unless I have to.


Just hit Rank 5 today with a mid range hunter, thought I would post the deck list in case anyone wants to give it a go. The deck is good against basically every class, but the reason it isnt more popular is because its weakness is against warlock and warrior, two of the most, if not the most popular, decks to play right now. That being said, I think with the right play and teching the matches are maybe 40-60, and there have been plenty of times where I absolutely stomped warriors and warlocks with nary an afterthought

Basically drove it all the way from dumpster to rank 5. The main idea is that you want to squeeze out value from certain cards in order to be able to drop highmanes and COTWs. Not dissimilar from the normal varient, but this deck is really focused on value. I've juked a ton of people in control matches by saying "oops" then playing explosive trap, only for them to skip multiple turns.

2 x Fiery Bat

1 x Explosive Trap
1 x Freezing Trap
2 x Quick Shot
1 x Flame Juggler
2 x Huge Toad
2 x King's Elekk

2 x Eaglehorn Bow
2 x Animal Companion
1 x Deadly Shot
2 x Kill Command
1 x Unleash the Hounds
1 x Carrion Grub
1 x Stable Master

2 x Houndmaster
1 x Infested Wolf

1 x Stampeding Kodo
1 x Stranglethorn Tiger

2 x Savannah Highmane

2 x Call of the Wild

The deck looks a bit "highlander", but the fact is that it is oddly reliable. There is definitely a lot of wiggle room for tech choices. Some people don't think highly of stablemaster, but this card will literally win you the game if you can play it on curve on turn 3 or 5 to make a good trade. Any questions let me know.


Midrange hunter isn't weak to Warrior, its favorable matchup for hunter

That certainly wasn't my experience. but maybe thats the nature of the deck

Why Stable Master? That card is...not good.

Stable Master is an excellent tech choice and will literally allow you to build up the necessary board control to make it more safely to the end game. Other than one game where I was in the shit, any time I used stable master I won the game. Allowing any 1, 2 or 3 drop to stay on the board with all of hunter's removal is unreal. Add that you get a 4 attack card that can kill armorsmiths, berserkers, totem golems etc, its money.


Win streaked my way to 12... then I lost 9 in a row.

Nine! I drew Fiery War Axe in my opener exactly one of those times.That was the time the tempo mage opened with Mana Wyrm coin Mirror Image.

I finally won one against the C'thun Warrior mirror. Thank fuck the guy had no idea how to play the mirror. He played his C'thun before I played Sylvanas, so I stole it with Sylvanas / Shield Slam my own Sylvanas. He killed it so I played Bran / Doomcaller to put two extra C'Thuns in my deck (bringing my total to 4).

When you can play C'thun 4 times to your opponent's once... you're not going to lose.

The C'thun mirror, if you play C'thun before they play Sylvanas, you have to Shield Slam your own C'thun. (same goes for playing against Hex). You have to ensure your C'thun dies so you can put two more in your deck. Very few control decks can beat three C'thuns.


when you get back to back call of the wilds


You're the opposite of the hunter I faced. Counter spelled both calls.


Came up against someone in the tavern brawl playing Shaman. They thought it would be cool to hit all the powerful cards in a curve... forgetting that overload was a thing. They just clumsily hero powered every second turn.


Came up against someone in the tavern brawl playing Shaman. They thought it would be cool to hit all the powerful cards in a curve... forgetting that overload was a thing. They just clumsily hero powered every second turn.

secret thing from below strategy.

You're the opposite of the hunter I faced. Counter spelled both calls.

good job, you made someone un-install hearthstone.


crafted yogg, I'm having fun with ladder again, otherwise the game is not very enjoyable. Played it 5 times, it worked everytime, seemsgood.


And there I am taking another break.

I've wasted enough enchantment powder on too many budget decks since they are all I can make and every time it turns out they are some low tier meta shit. I am tired of loosing all the time and feeling like absolute shit because I don't have the time, money or skill combined to do anything worthwhile with this game.


And there I am taking another break.

I've wasted enough enchantment powder on too many budget decks since they are all I can make and every time it turns out they are some low tier meta shit. I am tired of loosing all the time and feeling like absolute shit because I don't have the time, money or skill combined to do anything worthwhile with this game.

Just play zoo and learn from that.


Uh. Terrifying:


Edit: Now I'm getting another new message when trying to find an opponent: "there was an error starting your game. Please try again later."





Are there more classes in this game besides Hunter? Half the games I played yesterday were against Hunter, and today 5 of my first 7 games were against hunter.


Such diversity. So balance. Much BrokeBack.
I want to love this game, I just can't get over the randomness.
How is it "fun" when my opponent casts a Servant of Yogg that Assassinates my untouched Psycho-tron giving him lethal. That's not skill, just the game giving him the win.
I don't see how this game is played competitively with that shit.
Just ranting.
Are there more classes in this game besides Hunter? Half the games I played yesterday were against Hunter, and today 5 of my first 7 games were against hunter.


Such diversity. So balance. Much BrokeBack.

Middle of the month always seems to be flooded with midrange hunter for whatever reason. Was the same way last month.


Middle of the month always seems to be flooded with midrange hunter for whatever reason. Was the same way last month.

I guess if it keeps up I'll switch to C'thun Druid or something where I have a better match up. I just know as soon as I pick Druid I'm going to start seeing nothing but Shaman again.


And there I am taking another break.

I've wasted enough enchantment powder on too many budget decks since they are all I can make and every time it turns out they are some low tier meta shit. I am tired of loosing all the time and feeling like absolute shit because I don't have the time, money or skill combined to do anything worthwhile with this game.

Yeah Zoo is the by far my best low budget deck. Been using it to climb.

edit: My other decks are PavelHS f2p warrior and mid range Hunter (2 x Call of the Wild). Zoo more reliable for me right now. Although taking some ideas I learned from Pavel's f2p pirate warrior and making something more reliable for my deck & cards
Surprisingly enough, TwoBier's Murloc deck has been my go to for grinding those ladder points this month. I only play about once a week now for an hour or so, but I'm at rank 16 and still climbing. The secret to legend is to just grind, really.


Just play zoo and learn from that.

Yeah Zoo is the by far my best low budget deck. Been using it to climb.

edit: My other decks are PavelHS f2p warrior and mid range Hunter (2 x Call of the Wild). Zoo more reliable for me right now. Although taking some ideas I learned from Pavel's f2p pirate warrior and making something more reliable for my deck & cards

It's nice of you to try and help but I assume Zoo is this: http://hearthstone.metabomb.net/deck-guides/zoo-warlock-standard-deck-list-and-guide-hearthstone-og

And that is anything BUT budget.
2 legendaries is not budget. That is "Fuck I wish I had bought 40 card packs and maybe gotten some scrap legendaries I don't need."


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
It's nice of you to try and help but I assume Zoo is this: http://hearthstone.metabomb.net/deck-guides/zoo-warlock-standard-deck-list-and-guide-hearthstone-og

And that is anything BUT budget.
2 legendaries is not budget. That is "Fuck I wish I had bought 40 card packs and maybe gotten some scrap legendaries I don't need."

Gormok and Leeroy aren't necessarily must-haves for zoo. You can play the deck without them. Just swap them for a couple Doomguards or something.



I got absolutely destroyed by this last night in the middle of my losing streak. First time I had seen this deck, now I know where it came from and what to expect so I won't be so easy to farm next time.

I have a Paladin quest I've been saving for Tavern Brawl but maybe I'll just infect casual with this list.

Need to replenish my dust, I got sick of having mismatched Brawls in my warrior decks so I crafted a second golden one. Then I decided to craft golden Acolytes since that card is in a bunch of decks I play regularly. Then I decided to craft golden two golden Ravaging Ghouls because it's one of the best Old Gods cards. And now I'm out of dust.
It's nice of you to try and help but I assume Zoo is this: http://hearthstone.metabomb.net/deck-guides/zoo-warlock-standard-deck-list-and-guide-hearthstone-og

And that is anything BUT budget.
2 legendaries is not budget. That is "Fuck I wish I had bought 40 card packs and maybe gotten some scrap legendaries I don't need."

There are many different variations, some cheaper and some more expensive. And yeah, 2 legendary cards, one or both being optional is a budget deck for how competitive you can get with it.


Gormok and Leeroy aren't necessarily must-haves for zoo. You can play the deck without them. Just swap them for a couple Doomguards or something.

Agree! yeah this what I did. I already had Mountain Giant. I am missing those 2 legendaries so I just swapped them out for stuff I got

edit: I actually dont use Doomguard. Been using my Bloodhoof Cairne and Argent crusader. Dont have doomguard yet. will look into that ty


Are there more classes in this game besides Hunter? Half the games I played yesterday were against Hunter, and today 5 of my first 7 games were against hunter.


Such diversity. So balance. Much BrokeBack.

Maybe you would like my mathups from this weekend:



What program is that?


I use it along with Hearthstone deck tracker (HDT) now.

My main reason for using it was to help with the vS Data Report:


I like it alot because it works behind the scenes while you play.

HDT has overlay, deck importing and is really great for managing your decks if you like to save 100s of decks like I do, but sometimes it is nice to not have all the mess surrounding the game.

Cat Party

I would love to use a deck tracker but 90% of my playing time is on iPad. I tracked my games by hand for a few days recently, but it's annoying.


Super Sleuth
I can't decide if pirate warrior or dragon pirate warrior is better.

It's basically trading out Sir Finley, an arathi weaponsmith, 2 blood to ichors and 2 acolytes for Alexstrazas champions, faerie dragons and azure drakes.

It feels like it slightly hurts my pirate synergies for a slightly unreliable dragon synergy.

I also need to get a better idea of when to just play some of these synergy cards even when I don't have them activated. I hate putting down a alex champion with no dragon in hand.
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