You don't cut Death's Bite, you cut one copy of War Axe. War Axe doesn't do much in Wild anyway.
Yeah no point in using Ironforge Portal in Wild unless you want to make a meme Tank Up deck or a Yogg Warrior deck.
Also Moonglade Portal is sick in Fatigue Druid.
I'm also at rank 11 in wild at the moment and have not faced a single secret paladin
Because all of them are rank 5 or higher by now.
I didn't face many Shamans at that rank in Standard either.
Also I think head to head... Midrange Shaman (with no Wild cards) MAY actually be able to take on Secret Paladin. Not win the match up but just hang in there and compete.
Spirit Claws deal with Minibot/Secret Keeper, Maelstrom Portal takes on Muster for Battle, Thing from Below beats Shredder and their 5 drop. MC can get Hexed. Thunderbluff will close out game if it has board against Secret Paladin. Can still get wrecked by Dr Balanced though.
That's a damn scary thought. A deck from Standard can compete with the best deck in Wild.