Guess I'll run King Krush now.![]()
Do you think charge now sees play in some control warrior decks?
I wouldn't think so but it is sort of an additional form of removal now. And the sylvanas synergy isn't as costly as one of your shield slams.
I think it's more playable than before but still won't see much play. We need more beneficial combos for it to be a thing. It can be good with Sylvanas and Magnatuar Alpha but it's far from worth putting in your deck good.
If you could play Anomalus in warrior it could be pretty funny.
And when we I suggested that exactly same execute nerf some weeks ago in this thread you were going crazy.![]()
I think charge plus ravaging ghoul could be pretty damn strong against early game zoo and shaman.
You already disenchanted?
My second favorite thing about this (after making Hearthstone playable again) is reading all the Yogg fans losing their shit cause their no-skill coin flip card got taken from them.
My second favorite thing about this (after making Hearthstone playable again) is reading all the Yogg fans losing their shit cause their no-skill coin flip card got taken from them.
My second favorite thing about this (after making Hearthstone playable again) is reading all the Yogg fans losing their shit cause their no-skill coin flip card got taken from them.
Some people just want to have fun... I liked the card.
Some people just want to have fun... I liked the card.
That's like... your opinion man.A control meta would be bad anyway. Giving control more of a chance in a tempo meta is ideal.
Now I'm just hoping that I don't have to play a game that I don't care about to or do something stupid get Tyrande. Please Blizzard.
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Not only that but Control meta means you can actually use fun decks and not get severely punished for it. Control meta means more time to assemble your combo pieces to do your fun stuff. You will still probably lose, but you will feel less bad about losing that way.It's funny how whenever anyone brings up control meta, the standard response is "you don't want a control meta". Well, how do you know?
A control meta means a lot of space for combo decks to flourish, which means tempo/aggro has a space as well. It's not like a control meta suddenly means tempo/aggro decks are invalid, just as much as a tempo meta doesn't mean control is invalid. But how would you know if a control meta is a bad thing if we've never really had a sustained control meta? That's just silly.
Yogg should stop casting spells if it's killed, transformed or returned to hand. It's garbage that it just keeps going.
How does a dead Yogg keep casting spells from beyond the grave? I don't know Warcraft lore but I'd think a dead god would have its spell-casting ability crippled.
I also think it's dumb that the player who plays Yogg doesn't get the overload if an overload spell is cast.
I actually think the current meta would be pretty great if it wasn't for Yogg, Call of the Wild or Doomhammer.
We've got multiple viable control decks, lots of midrange options, and only a couple pure face decks.
Most classes have decent variety in what you can do with them. There's a ton of experimentation going on.
It's just too bad a few OP cards are warping the meta.
Kudos to Blizzard for very elegant nerfs without straight out killing the card, even Yogg-Saron.
Now if they could start buffing cards...
It's still possible Yogg was straight up killed.
It's still possible Yogg was straight up killed.
I don't think so. You just might not want to risk it on an empty board anymore. It will still work 90 percent of the time to clear your opponent's board and give you some good card draw/secrets.
Since Druid has no board clears at all, they might still feel the need to occasionally risk it.
It's probably no longer worth risking for Mage though.
reynad ‏@TempoReynad 12m12 minutes ago Huntington Beach, CA
This balance patch literally makes Shaman stronger than before. Hurt nothing in the best build, while nerfing all 3 decks that could contend
reynad ‏@TempoReynad 8m8 minutes ago Huntington Beach, CA
Some necessary nerfs on execute and Yogg so it's good that the patch happened, but Shaman got a buff until rotation imo![]()
Losing Tuskar Totemic is still a big deal for Midrange Shaman though Shaman is still going to be the best class.
I dont think Blizz was just aiming at the Doomhammer/Rockbiter combo, the nerf affects early removal options too.Overall good nerfs, but the hit to Rockbiter is nowhere near enough for what was needed for the Doomhammer/Rockbiter combo