Unconfirmed Member
Reynad's take on the subject:
Yeah, I noticed that it does nerf a lot of Shaman's worst matchups.
But when did Shamans stop playing Tuskarr and Rockbiter?
Reynad's take on the subject:
Every Shaman deck plays Tuskar but Rockbiter was played less of in the Midrange Shaman deck. If Midrange Shaman finds an adequate replacement for Tuskar in the deck then it will be business as usual.Yeah, I noticed that it does nerf a lot of Shaman's worst matchups.
But when did Shamans stop playing Tuskarr and Rockbiter?
I don't think shamans will outright stop playing Tuskar.Losing Tuskar Totemic is still a big deal for Midrange Shaman though Shaman is still going to be the best class.
Even if they use the card, their power level drops because of it.I don't think shamans will outright stop playing Tuskar.
You still get the discount for Shithead From Below.
Midrange shaman played double rockbiter for the alakir synergy.Every Shaman deck plays Tuskar but Rockbiter was played less of in the Midrange Shaman deck. If Midrange Shaman finds an adequate replacement for Tuskar in the deck then it will be business as usual.
Well none of that anymore.Midrange shaman played double rockbiter for the alakir synergy.
RIP OTK warrior, there goes another deck that actually took skill to pilot into the dustbin of history.
The hate on against combo decks is unreal. The game is already basically 90% aggro/curve oriented, but I guess the most brain-dead decks are the ones that sell the packs.
RIP OTK warrior, there goes another deck that actually took skill to pilot into the dustbin of history.
The hate on against combo decks is unreal. The game is already basically 90% aggro/curve oriented, but I guess the most brain-dead decks are the ones that sell the packs.
I'm sorry for your loss, but as I tried that deck, it was pretty obvious it wasn't anything good, you just make aggro decisions until you have all the necessary cards in hand to kill the opponent in 1 turn, it isn't as smart as you think it is.
What skill? You cycle cards until you have your shit and then use it all in one turn.RIP OTK warrior, there goes another deck that actually took skill to pilot into the dustbin of history.
The hate on against combo decks is unreal. The game is already basically 90% aggro/curve oriented, but I guess the most brain-dead decks are the ones that sell the packs.
People hate combo decks. Duelyst got its first ever S Tier combo deck since the game launched with the first expansion, and the combo enabler is the #1 requested card for a nerf. Duelyst's balance patch is coming out in a few days, so I'm curious to see if they stick to their guns on it.RIP OTK warrior, there goes another deck that actually took skill to pilot into the dustbin of history.
The hate on against combo decks is unreal. The game is already basically 90% aggro/curve oriented, but I guess the most brain-dead decks are the ones that sell the packs.
Dang what should I make with my dustI just saw they're going to make Yogg give the player overload now too. That card is dead forever.
People hate combo decks. Duelyst got its first ever S Tier combo deck since the game launched with the first expansion, and the combo enabler is the #1 requested card for a nerf. Duelyst's balance patch is coming out in a few days, so I'm curious to see if they stick to their guns on it.
The Duelyst combo deck can kill you by turn 5-6. That's like completely unacceptable level of combo. Not even Patron Warrior could do that.People hate combo decks. Duelyst got its first ever S Tier combo deck since the game launched with the first expansion, and the combo enabler is the #1 requested card for a nerf. Duelyst's balance patch is coming out in a few days, so I'm curious to see if they stick to their guns on it.
It's been a few hours and I'm still like:
It's like Team Five cast resurrect on the game of Hearthstone and high-rolled!
All this time, it had been my assumption that once Tuskarr rotated out of Standard, Blizz would reprint a new card that read: Battlecry: Summon a basic Totem. Because, as far as a mechanic goes, summoning a Totem through Battlecry it vital in Totem-synergy based decks that not having such a card in the Basic/Original set is damning. You essentially give up the stats of the card to grant a free Totem. Shamans love having more bodies on the Battlefield. It means the ability to do more stuff.
So, on one hand, I think the Tuskarr change is completely fair and is a key piece of the puzzle. On the other, TGT will be rotating out of Standard in the not too distant future, meaning the vital mechanic I just talked about will not longer be present. They will have to (in my opinion) print ANOTHER card that is a Battlecry and that will summon a Totem. Due Note: It doesn't necessarily have to be a basic Totem, or a random Totem, or a Manatide/Flametongue. It can be a unique token-style Totem even. And will they feel like creating such a card after having Tuskarr? Heck if I know.
This is probably the best set of balance changes they've done so that's something. Tuskarr probably could have been made a 3/3 since it seems really weak for a class card now, but this needed to happen.
My second favorite thing about this (after making Hearthstone playable again) is reading all the Yogg fans losing their shit cause their no-skill coin flip card got taken from them.
Have you never played a Yogg deck for fun? Not everyone is ultra competitive.
I'm sorry for your loss, but as I tried that deck, it was pretty obvious it wasn't anything good, you just make aggro decisions until you have all the necessary cards in hand to kill the opponent in 1 turn, it isn't as smart as you think it is.
People will still be able to play Yogg for fun.
I never felt that yogg was all that oppresive that it needed that nerf. Going to suck when you play a 10 mana card and it kills itself on the first spell. Gg you just lost.
I never felt that yogg was all that oppresive that it needed that nerf. Going to suck when you play a 10 mana card and it kills itself on the first spell. Gg you just lost.
Firebat was on valuetown
liked the nerfs overall but he said that midrange shaman is going to be even better until next expansion.
You being obtuse? Battlecry. Wicked Witchdoctor is a cool card in the Totem line-up, but it fills the other gap: Spending a resource to summon a Totem, potentially an endless supply. It doesn't address the Battlecry portion, which will always, guaranteed, summon a Totem when played.
I'm postulating on whether or not Blizzard would reproduce such a card like Tuskarr in the next/future expansion because I feel it's necessary to have a card that, on the spot, will summon a Totem without needing a Hero Power, a spell, or some other thing. Or will they instead try to skirt the other direction and come up with another archetype to fiddle with.
The more I think about it the more I agree. Just had a match against shaman where I was ahead all game and still lost with no help from the nerfed cards. It almost felt like his deck was purposely built for post patch.
Our main hope is that the next expansion gives buffs to the other classes and doesn't buff the Tier 1 decks even more.
Or they just print new totem cards like flame tongue or totem golem. There is no real need to have a neutral non-totem have a battlecry to summon a totem, basic or not. And they aren't really into reprinting new cards... the whole point of rotations is to provide difference not just different shades of the same.
The Yogg nerf really isn't so bad. If anything it just means you won't likely draw your entire deck when you play him late game but he is still good for board clears.
REALLY wish they did more with hunter.
Don't you see how hilariously hypocritical this argument is? Yogg could win or lose the game before, even based on the first spell. Now it's just less likely to win you the game overall, and that's massively different? No, sorry it's not. The change reduces it's power so you don't see it in so many top decks.
I think this logic shows people were just hard on defending the pure strength of yogg and at least some don't care that it was RNG, they care that it won them games very often that they had no chance to win. I've been of the opinion that strong cards in the game are fine, even saying cotw is fine (although I said several times if the stats show a nerf is warranted, 9 mana is good).
They nerfed COTW, what is wrong with Hunter now?