i don't even own the card. I have no horse in this race of what gets nerf or not. People are just flying off the handles about Yogg. Take some time to listen to Kibler's talk about the state of competitive play, specifically the little segment he talked about yogg.
Yogg Nerf is massive buff for mid-shaman, not sure how druid can beat them anymore, its gonna be 80-20 matchup
I predict there would only 2 tier 1 deck after nerf live, Mid-shaman and control warrior
btw wtf happened to HCT APAC player on this weekend? they got fucked?
The main problem with the recent balance adjustments is that it reinforces the incessant and loud bitching and moaning.
I kinda wish crafting piece for freeze mage instead anyfin pally now lmao
miracoli and freeze mage kinda got buff by these nerf right??
I kinda wish crafting piece for freeze mage instead anyfin pally now lmao
miracoli and freeze mage kinda got buff by these nerf right??
Absolutely, it was ridiculous a midrange deck could burst you from 18 with no board.Well none of that anymore.
That's also probably why they went with the 2 mana choice... can't get double Rockbitered with AL Akir or makes it harder to do the Leeroy Windfury OTK.
I will let you know.let me know.
I did the 20 pack thing and I am personally interested in getting in that game if HS becomes too stale, so I'm actually interested to see if they address changes quickly and how they make them
That is true, but 5-6 turns in Duelyst is ~3/4 of a normal match, too, so it's not a direct parallel to Hearthstone. My earliest kill in Duelyst was on turn 3, and that's not even mathematically possible in Hearthstone outside of Innervate combos (right?).The Duelyst combo deck can kill you by turn 5-6. That's like completely unacceptable level of combo. Not even Patron Warrior could do that.
If it takes a reasonable amount of time and deck cycling to assemble a combo then it's usually fine. If a combo deck can kill you in the same amount of time as an aggro deck then that is just bad for the game.
People do have an inherent distaste for combo decks though. Exodia decks have been nerfed numerous times in YGO along with various other OTKs. The whole solitaire playstyle just isn't fun for the other player.
I think Anyfin is an acceptable combo deck in its current iteration. You have to set up the combo by killing your Murlocs, then play Anyfin on turn 10 and then again to get the OTK. That's a lot of time and card draw one has to go through to enable it. It makes it easy to counter and target.
I will let you know.Glad you got the 20 packs at least - no one should miss out on that, just because you never know if you might want to try the game out a year from now, and it would be nice to get a starter bonus.
That is true, but 5-6 turns in Duelyst is ~3/4 of a normal match, too, so it's not a direct parallel to Hearthstone. My earliest kill in Duelyst was on turn 3, and that's not even mathematically possible in Hearthstone outside of Innervate combos (right?).
But on that note, isn't Barnes into Y'shaarj a 4 turn kill unless the opponent draws taunts or hard removal?
I've also yet to lose to the Boarhai combo deck in Hearthstone. I've been able to outplay my opponent every time and deny the combo through positioning.
What's wrong with anyfin paladin?
If there actually are less hunters, great. And I frankly don't feel like anyfin does that poorly against shaman... I have a high winrate at least. Most of the games I lose against them are due to tuskar totemic high rolls anyway and I still win a decent amount of those high rolls. I think the deck is much less anyfin dependent than people expect and there are ways to ensure warleaders die. But even if they are hexed you then have tirion and rag lightlord to carry.
In a tournament setting, like batstone, pros bet on anyfin and it was actually a targetted deck. It's much harder to target a deck in a ladder setting, so I could easily see anyfin becoming a stronger deck as a result.
Elegant? These nerfs are anything but elegant. Elegance suggests some kind of sophistication that one might find impressive. The nerfs are:Kudos to Blizzard for very elegant nerfs without straight out killing the card, even Yogg-Saron.
Now if they could start buffing cards...
lol :-XYou keep saying that duelyst has so little luck that skill can mean super high winrates when you are playing inferior opponents.
I am awesome at everything (which obviously includes duelyst which I have played upwards of ten games) but I lost a game of duelyst the other day. Explain that!
My best theory is the dude was hacking.
It probably won't be good enough, but it doesn't seem that bad to pay 1 mana and a card to give Justicar, Harrison, or Sylvanus charge to attack a minion before the opponent uses one of the game's many removals on it, or to save some life from them ignoring your minions and hitting face.
There is a lot of space for charge to become useful if not great, if not now then perhaps the future. Calling it a dead card is a bit much by a long shot imo. Magmataur alpha can be a viable card to give charge, for example. Maybe you give a big windfury minion charge and clear their board. I think the potential is there.
It is pretty good against priest to help kill your sylv or cairne before he can entomb it. Talking more wild here where priest exists.
There have been legend control warriors lately teching in 2 coldlight oracles and a violet immunity thingy card just for fatigue matchups. So crazy teching in control warriors is already happening.
Terrible changeCW will still use execute, but they won't be able to execute my 10/10 van cleef on 3 mana most likely. Muhahaha.
CW will still use execute, but they won't be able to execute my 10/10 van cleef on 3 mana most likely. Muhahaha.
Well Barnes is still pretty stupid and a bad design. Usually decks that can pull Yshaarj consistently off of Barnes have other consistency issues. It's like losing to Astral Communion Druid off of Innverate Astral.I will let you know.Glad you got the 20 packs at least - no one should miss out on that, just because you never know if you might want to try the game out a year from now, and it would be nice to get a starter bonus.
That is true, but 5-6 turns in Duelyst is ~3/4 of a normal match, too, so it's not a direct parallel to Hearthstone. My earliest kill in Duelyst was on turn 3, and that's not even mathematically possible in Hearthstone outside of Innervate combos (right?).
But on that note, isn't Barnes into Y'shaarj a 4 turn kill unless the opponent draws taunts or hard removal?
I've also yet to lose to the Boarhai combo deck in Duelyst. I've been able to outplay my opponent every time and deny the combo through positioning.
I think Medivh into cotw is worse after the nerf.
Best case at 8 mana you get a rag, a tirion, grommash, alakir, chromaggus. Worst case is medivh.
Best case at 9 mana is Ysera, King Krush, Soggoth, Malagos, Icehowl, Anubarak, Aviana. Worst case is Majordomo.
I'd rather have 8 mana minions i think. A little more immediate impact. And the bad result isn't potentially game losing.
Well Majordomo won't be an option for much longer, unless you're playing in Wild.I think Medivh into cotw is worse after the nerf.
Best case at 8 mana you get a rag, a tirion, grommash, alakir, chromaggus. Worst case is medivh.
Best case at 9 mana is Ysera, King Krush, Soggoth, Malagos, Icehowl, Anubarak, Aviana. Worst case is Majordomo.
I'd rather have 8 mana minions i think. A little more immediate impact. And the bad result isn't potentially game losing.
Well Majordomo won't be an option for much longer, unless you're playing in Wild.
I think Medivh into cotw is worse after the nerf.
Best case at 8 mana you get a rag, a tirion, grommash, alakir, chromaggus. Worst case is medivh.
Best case at 9 mana is Ysera, King Krush, Soggoth, Malagos, Icehowl, Anubarak, Aviana. Worst case is Majordomo.
I'd rather have 8 mana minions i think. A little more immediate impact. And the bad result isn't potentially game losing.
So TempoStorm did a wild meta snapshot, for better or worse.
The most interesting thing about it is their patron warrior list has Nzoth. This seems pretty interesting. It seems to make a mage, priest or cw matchup ever so slightly better? Never tried it before.
The tier list is consistent with my own experience, I would add Midrange to tier 1 as well.
The Wild tier list is accurate at the top end but middle and below it's pretty bad and shouldn't be taken without a grain of salt.
You can take Yogg Druid and do really well in Wild too. Not tier 1 but still pretty strong. They are also right in that Nzoth strategies dominate Wild so decks that can utilize that are just inherently strong. Hell you can even play Nzoth Rogue.
Only exception is Zoo because it's Zoo. Grim Patron Warrior counters the top 2 decks to some degree and Nzoth Priest counters the Patron Warrior deck.
I ran a N'Zoth Hunter list for a season, and N'Zoth almost never saw play or mattered. The big issue is the same as with all Hunter decks - there's no card draw. So you're literally waiting 20+ turns to draw him a lot of the time.Which is why i think it's strange that they don't include nzoth in their hunter deck.
Just bringing back a belcher and highmane is insanely strong. You don't have to change a standard hunter deck at all besides the single card. Their strongest cards are already deathrattles.