Any comments on how to improve my Priest deck?
Its a Summoning Stone / Medivh deck, basically stall till you have sufficient mana then drop Summoning stone / Medivh and get lots of extra value out of your spells. Since you have 6 board clears and plenty of single target removal, you usually have answers to their threats.
Against aggro, theres injured blade master + circle of healing, as well as resurrect to help you stabilise. After a couple of board clears, Priest of the feast + all the spells to heal back up.
Against control, 2 Entomb + 2 Mindcontrol means they are effectively -4 threats, and and you have + 4 threats. For example Nzoth is sad, if you take out Sylvanas and Cairne, leaving them nothing worthwhile to resurrect. 2 Mind Controls is really greedy, but worth it just to cast it on a Tirion/Rag/Other large creatures while Atiesh is out.
The main weakness is burst damage from Charge minions / spells since I don't have taunts and the only healing comes from Priest of the feast and hero power. Thinking of cutting some cards for Holy Fire / Justicar (which I don't own), but not sure what to cut.
It's hard to make a Priest deck that's good against everything. Your deck looks good against Control. If Control Paladin and or Warrior starts dominating the meta, you'll be in a decent spot.
Two Mind Controls is two too many in this meta. You already have two Entombs, Summoning Stones, Thoughtsteals, and Medivh, you don't need MC clogging your hand.
I love Summoning Stone, but it has huge flaws--especially in Priest.
1. Most of the time you're AoEing on turn 5.
2. Rarely will you ever have a board that can defend a 0/6. If you do, then you probably don't need SS.
3. You're not really running that many spells and most of them are reactive, meaning you need to have a SS on the board with one or more of their creatures.
4. SS sucks with Onyx Bishop.
Like I said, against control priest or warrior, you'll be in good shape, but everything else will just run you over unless you get an early IBM + Resurrect.
Overall, your list is just too too slow. It's most abusable aspect (the Rez package) is countered by the most played deck on ladder right now: midrange shaman and hex. Even Freeze Trap will ruin your BMs.
I'm don't know, it has a lot of good stuff. I guess I can try it out, but I think it's way too slow against Shaman, Hunter, and Tempo Mage, the AoE (outside of Circle Asp) is too weak against Totem Golem and Thing From Below.
I imagine your probably sitting around 40% with that list?
Justicar really helps against Hunter, but she doesn't help vs. Shaman.
Really nice if you can get the improved heal with an IBM on the board though.