Why did he do this? To prove the point priest is bad?Yeah, I watched him for a few hours until he finally gave up on priest. It was brutal, like almost every game was against Shaman.
Why did he do this? To prove the point priest is bad?Yeah, I watched him for a few hours until he finally gave up on priest. It was brutal, like almost every game was against Shaman.
Why did he do this? To prove the point priest is bad?
Do you guys think they'll ever do a sale on the hero portraits? Kinda want Magni but it isn't worth 10 to me and I know that a week after I buy it the price will be reduced.
Man gg to his viewership. Feels bad man.He did like a straw poll and people voted for priest to legend. I don't know how long he actually played priest, but it was over seven hours of him stuck at rank nine because of it.
Where is your dark cultists?
Ima try this since I just got the new priest hero. I love priest and yeah, even the best priest deck will get shit on by almost any random shit deck in standard. Wild it is!
They came out in June 2015! probably not at this point. What's more likely is that they include them with different products instead. Like Medivh is included with Warcraft bluray now.
Yesterday at twtichcon, Kibler was interviewing, Ben Thompson. He was talking about Tyrande. I'm quoting here.
"Tyrande is the first hero that we're attaching to something, or the hero that we are attaching to twitchprime". Note the "first". So I think going forward heroes will just be for various promotions. Even Khadgar is apparently coming back according to some Chinese sources at some point.
I bought all the heroes with various amazon coin and credit promotions, practically paid nothing for them, you should look out for those.
Do you guys think they'll ever do a sale on the hero portraits? Kinda want Magni but it isn't worth 10 to me and I know that a week after I buy it the price will be reduced.
I bought all the heroes with various amazon coin and credit promotions, practically paid nothing for them, you should look out for those.
Just subbed my man Thijs with twitch prime free sub. Went with him cause he doesnt curse much if at all. Theres some other nice streamers like that too (like maybe Amaz,Trump, and kripp) so it was a toughie. I like TidesOfTime a lot too but he curses a lot (at least he was a lot last night after getting tilt by Tyrande)
I have small children. Even tho I have a man cave still dont want them to hear too much foul language if I left my door open...
So a note to any aspiring streamers. A lot of parents might be eager to support if you keep it on a professional level as much as possible
A lot of people have used their Twitch Prime to sub to Thijs. I think he reached around 1700 subs since the promotion went live. That's $4,250 just this weekend...
All the streamer that actually went to twitchcon missed out on all the benefits. lol
All the streamer that actually went to twitchcon missed out on all the benefits. lol
Everyone that is streaming this weekend is getting tons of subs. Even lesser known ones like zetalot is getting one left and right right now.
People only get one sub. I think there will be people who will hold on until their favorite streamer comes back. I know I'm waiting for Kibler to do a stream before I sub to him.
I know I'm waiting for Kibler to do a stream before I sub to him.
They're great early game, but I never found their Deathrattle super useful after they are summoned from N'zoth. Should I be running them? I have no idea what I'd cut.
Secret Paladin in wild is much closer to midrange hunter than midrange shaman.
It wins against a good amount of decks, there are a ton of them, it is easy to play, sticky minions, but lots of decks counter it.
The midrange shaman of wild is midrange shaman.
New dragon deck:
Hah, fuck freeze mage
Cancer deck since 2013.[/QUOTE]
How are you faring with only 6 dragons in your deck?
From my experience 8 dragons are the sweet spot, any less and you'll just struggle more than not with your Corruptors, Guardians etc.
Besides is Deathwing even worth it? None of the dragons he can put on the battlefield will trigger their Battlecry. Even Chillmaw isn't that useful since she cannot active her Deathrattle effect without dragons in your hand.
Can you play rogue without van cleef ?
It's one of the few classic class legendaries I don't have
How are you faring with only 6 dragons in your deck?
From my experience 8 dragons are the sweet spot, any less and you'll just struggle more than not with your Corruptors, Guardians etc.
Besides is Deathwing even worth it? None of the dragons he can put on the battlefield will trigger their Battlecry. Even Chillmaw isn't that useful since she cannot active her Deathrattle effect without dragons in your hand.
Played against a druid with priest.
I counted out a deathlord, he played astral communion. I immediately regretted my decision.
He played Fel Reaver he i believe got from Raven idol. He immediately regretted his decision.
After burning 9 of his cards, he went into fatigue with an empty hand when i still had 14 cards. He ended up having to dream the Fel Reaver to stop the burning. It didn't help.
Had a 27 minute match vs OTK Priest, he died to fatigue, and I ended the game with 30 health and 26 armor.
Unless the Warrior had Brawl, you had won the game anyway. So much board , life nd card advantage over him. Fool's Bane is obviously not good against that big of a board and with that much of a life/card deficit.Also, who was saying Fool's Bane was good vs Shaman?
He face tanked a bunch of damage there and conceded. Fool's Bane OP if your goal is Sudoku, lol.
The two legendaries I definitely have to craft for wild are loatheb and boom. But man malganys seems like a lot of fun.
Also, Implosion really is one of the worst designed cards. If you roll low on damage it should roll high on the number of imps and vice versa. And even then the card sucks.
He's talking about the design of the card, not the power level of the card. Card is clearly busted in terms of power level but it's also a terrible design in terms of RNG.People must really be hating Standard, because Wild is actually filled with meta decks at rank 20 now.
Woah. Implosion is an amazing card. It's one of the most hated cards pre-Standard. You play it with Knife Juggler on the same turn and watch the board die.
People must really be hating Standard, because Wild is actually filled with meta decks at rank 20 now.
Woah. Implosion is an amazing card. It's one of the most hated cards pre-Standard. You play it with Knife Juggler on the same turn and watch the board die.
Oh okay, I thought you were crazy for a moment. :-DI didn't mean sucks performance wise. I meant sucks to play against.
Deathrattles occur sequentially. I believe based on order they were played.Is there a list of weird hearthstone quirks.?
Traded a highmane into a sylvannas and was suprised that a hyena wasn't taken.but if you fire lands portal sylvannas she takes the minion
Deathrattles occur sequentially. I believe based on order they were played.
Is there a list of weird hearthstone quirks.?
Traded a highmane into a sylvannas and was suprised that a hyena wasn't taken.but if you fire lands portal sylvannas she takes the minion