No, it's not. And how do you beat secret paladin now that they have n'zoth?
With patron or priest. Or freeze mage.
No, it's not. And how do you beat secret paladin now that they have n'zoth?
The tempo list has zero healing so freeze mage eats them for breakfast, hutner can still tempo them out, but they are getting nerfed with CotW, priest has a better NZoth variant,...No, it's not. And how do you beat secret paladin now that they have n'zoth?
You out tempo them with Zoo which has always been favorable for Zoo.No, it's not. And how do you beat secret paladin now that they have n'zoth
Wild is both healthier and unhealthier than Standard.
You see more class variety and deck variety.
But there's a lack of card variety as a lot of decks use very similar neural minions even if they are using different decks. It's difficult to play a Wild game and not run into Scientist, Shredded, Belched, Loatheb, Dr Balanced and Nzoth. Any class can play these cards and have an annoying deck to deal with.
But you can definitely play Wild even with no wild cards.
A new player can't access wild mode at all until they craft a wild card. Once in, they can play standard decks all they want.
I just tried it with my dummy account. I can definitely access wild the normal way with no wild cards.
I love when my opponent plays a complete dumbfuck but all they have to do is just drop Call of the Wild on 8 and 9 and then top deck lethal. It's great.
Did you start your account before or after the rotation? I'll try it on my Asia account when I get a chance. It's possible I'm wrong, even though that's never happened before.![]()
Decided to make a Malygos-OTK-Priest. This is what I came up with:
One game, 100% winrate. I think I'll retire it. It can only get worse.
Unable to load mono library from "B:/Blizzard/Hearthstone/Hearthstone_Data/Mono/mono.dll" (error = 126).
I've gotten AlAkir 3 times today off of Swashburglar.
I consistently get bolster from warrior for some reason.Now think about that other guy that has gotten totemic might three times.
I think patching broke it.
Wouldn't you want to be running clerics and circles for ultra fast cycling?
Same happened to me, Scan and Repair seemed to fix it though.
Not sure if this was known yet or not, but you do get 1600 dust for disenchanting Yogg.
Just for yogg? Or also for call of the wild?
For Call of the Wild too, of course. I just wasn't sure how Yogg was going to be treated since the card text and stats didn't change at all, just some game mechanics.
So now that Tuskarr is dead and buried, any chance that Master of Ceremonies is actually worth experimenting with?
Did the same but no luck yet.I did the Kripp thing of buying packs in search of dust:
That'll do.
Maybe unbound elemental. Especially since you'll probably want to run lightning bolt over rockbiter.
Ugh... shaman are gonna still be really strong...
So now that Tuskarr is dead and buried, any chance that Master of Ceremonies is actually worth experimenting with?
did you not run both already? I'd still want to run 1 Rockbiter for AlAkir but I think I'll swap the 2nd with another primal fusion.
So now that Tuskarr is dead and buried, any chance that Master of Ceremonies is actually worth experimenting with?
Also, I'm a newb, if I have some of the cards they nerfed, should I automatically disenchant them?