ohh!! This my first nerf I've been present for. interesting strategy
One reason why you should not click on the dust everything button.
Amass a collection by playing Arena.
ohh!! This my first nerf I've been present for. interesting strategy
Took a chance on Hallazeal and have had a lot of fun with him. I just like weird cards
Several people were playing N'Zoth control Shaman last night after the nerfs kicked in.
ETA for people to start complaining about the new meta.
Nah this one is far more expensive.
Looks like we might have a few days of control meta before things are figured out, it happens every time there is a change or new set, don't worry it will pass like every single time before. Time to face Lord Jaraxxus until then.
Looks like we might have a few days of control meta before things are figured out, it happens every time there is a change or new set, don't worry it will pass like every single time before. Time to face Lord Jaraxxus until then.
Yeah my first 10 minutes after patch was zoo, aggro freeze mage and same shaman deck from before.
Come back that night and Anyfin paladins, priests, Druids, control warriors, malchezzar hutners(?!?!?!)
should be an interesting few days at least.
Seems like a great time to play anti-aggro decks.
Sucks when you queue up against control.
Another anyfin mirror where they made it easy for me by playing anyfin first. Even with only a single warleader on the board, because 2 of his 3 bluegills died, I had OTK because warleader (with 1 on board already) makes bluegills 6 damage, and 5 summoned total = 30 damage. But for extra measure I killed the third one so I summoned a 36 damage finisher.
bout 60/40 in favor of more aggressive decks. I thought control warrior would be heavier.
Kripp queuing into one priest after the other tonight is pretty hilarious.
Play Anyfin first its fine, infact its recommended if you holding 2
The player that doing it must competent tho
don't raise murloc count stupidly, and count if opp have lethal if he react with anyfin, if they don't had lethal its winning move to go anyfin first
So you're saying that if you anyfin against an empty board with a paladin who has no weapon.... which should almost never happen... with you also having 20+ hp... okay. But typically your first anyfin is not on an empty board, they will kill your bluegills, and you'll die. It is extremely unlikely that you get an anyfin uncontested and too risky to assume they don't have anyfin.
I don't know if I watched in tourney, mirror anyfin with equally competent player its always came down to who anyfin first, if anyfin first not important, why the most important thing in matchup is to draw anyfin?
if you can force your opp entire turn to just clearing your first anyfin, you usually win
Thinking about turning yogg into something like silvanas that I don't have.
It was like I was playing a multi-level boss stage.
Got Golden warrior (first golden!) on my last match to rank 5.
It was like I was playing a multi-level boss stage.
Ermigawd, I just beat a Renolock in fatigue with Control Priest.
I feel like I should get a medal or something. It's ALMOST as bad as the Freeze Mage match up.
Are we like...Hearthstone Brothers or something?
I just crafted Hallazeal like 5 minutes ago. lol
N'zoth is my favorite card from WotOG. I think Cabalist Tome, Undercity Huckster, Yogg, and Shifting Shade are probably my other favorites.
Hallazeal has potential though, so we'll see!
Damn, must be nice playing a class that has no hard counters.
Every time I run into Anyfin Paladin, any Rogue, Freeze Mage, or turn two Dark Peddler, it's just heartbreaking.
Yeah, but you CAN Barnes, Resurrect, Onyx Bishop, Circle of Healing Soggoth.
Thanks I'm gonna try that right now lol. Just got a priest/pally dominance quest and stuck with it (rerolled from 5 Tavern Brawl quest). Just crafted Soggoth cause I'm crazy like that. Let's give this a whirl....
What the thread on gaming side about?
But really, don't let me influence you. I don't think I've ever ranked above 9 and play mostly meme / jank decks for fun. ; )
Playing Combo Renolock tonight has paid off pretty well. nobody can out greed Jaraxxus.
I've been playing Shadow Reno C'Thun Priest in Standard to no avail... But it is fun trying. Actually, it makes me think non-Reno Shadow C'Thun could work well.
what is it with mages running colights oracles? I´m missing something
Anyfin counter.
Some aggressive mage AND Reno decks both lack consistent draw so they tech in a Coldlight. It's not very common though.
Anyfin counter.
Some aggressive mage AND Reno decks both lack consistent draw so they tech in a Coldlight. It's not very common though.
it's just for the extra draw aggro freeze mage needs. there is a new version with Medivh's Valet recently being popular and it's pretty good. (mostly played to counter midrange Shaman)what is it with mages running colights oracles? I´m missing something
probably beginner's luck (and ladder not too tough right now) but Soggoth putting in some work so far (helped me win a game just now)
[edit] Here is the deck still needs more optimization. I am not seeing much aggro right now and I just subbed in Emperor Thursian
strategy: I mulligan for Barnes. If I get coin, I go Barnes and pray for ragnaros. Rag will die but then I just rez him for maximum carnage. I also pray for bloodhoof, sylvannas, or soggoth. I probably will just play around with this deck for occasional games. Win rate is favorable but I won't bother posting it cause deck is influx and lots of easy opponents this morning with one execptional player that pwned me
more notes- I never play Priest of Feast same time as er, soulpriest ofc. Mass Dispel and Power word shield are here for card draw. Soggoth for late game tanking incase I dont get Barnes early. I might bring back that 4/5 card that heals for 5 (alchemist?) for more nuke with soulpriest. undecided.
I'd cut the Divine Spirit for another Blademaster. And I'd probably replace Mass Dispell with Holy Nova or Excavated Evil. As someone who has most of his wins with Priest, let me tell that Auchenai + CoH is never there when you really need it.
Kibler ran a similiar deck last season: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvMvug6yiwY