I don't think they give shaman more cards that would help a mid range style of deck next year. Look at paladin, I think they push the healing and board clear aspect in control shaman, it's already quite alright right now. Make something to replace elemental destruction and it's set.
One thing they've been stressing a lot lately is how they will do whatever it takes to make standard years feel different too, so I think classes will play differently than this year. I think there will be even more classic nerfs next year and they will have to hit these cards to reach their goal;
Conceal - yeah, the card should go away if they are to give rogue anything good. Current lists aren't really healthy and the strategy is just yolo conceal board right now, just like charge not every minion was meant to have stealth and it's completely unintractive for most classes. I'm fairly certain conceal is on the list and I hope they make good cards for rogue this time finally. I find the conceal decks extremely cheesy and not satisfying to play. It's not really a combo deck.
Power Overwhelming - Zoolock has been getting a lot of hate and it's the main offender of samey decks in the game. I think they will try to make zoolock worse and worse, while it will always be a thing it should not be the best warlock deck. Then of course charger + faceless combo is forever a thing in the core set. You can just play wolf rider after emperor goes away.
The last offender is freeze mage, while it's not good right now, it doesn't mean it can't be good next year. I don't know what card they would nerf in here, my guess is Ice Lance.
I don't really see any obvious evergreen offender left after these.