Hearthstone should have its own category of player aka the "rando" player.
His name is "Randy" dagnabbit.
Hearthstone should have its own category of player aka the "rando" player.
Have to concede below 14 HP IIRC.has it always been the case that conceding doesn't let you complete the friend quest?
So it's too overpowered for tournaments but you don't think it needed to be nerfed? I don't get that logic. Ladder is meant to be just as competitive as tournaments. It'd be dumb if Blizzard admitted that Yogg was an issue by banning it but letting it continue to ruin their ranked ladder system.
"I like Yogg because it does wild and crazy things, not because it's OP" has been the constant refrain of the Yogg lover for the past few months. Well, Yogg still does wild and crazy things, it's just less likely (not even impossible, just less likely) to steal wins, and all those same people are tossing their rattles out of their cribs, tantruming about how the game is ruined and they are gonna take their ball and go home. I always suspected their "Yogg is fun and crazy, don't change it" was just a cover for "Yogg wins me games I can't otherwise win, don't change it" and I feel vindicated now.
I wonder how MTG would have evolved differently if Wizards had access to all the data Blizzard does about which cards are being used.
You shouldn't feel vindicated because Blizzard didn't believe the card was OP.
"We felt like seeing Yogg in tournaments was not where we originally hoped it would end up. Yogg should be for players who want to have a lot of fun, but maybe not the card you see frequently in high-level tournaments. Yogg is relatively weak in power level for nearly every class at every level, but is slightly above average in 2 decks Tempo Mage and Token Druid."
Yogg wasn't OP, but stats don't matter to some people (I would say most, frankly). Basically that is what I was discussing with dahbomb a little before the nerfs were announced, about statistics not mattering to most people and perception being an important driving force. And I argued with levi that yogg was a problem not because of his statistics in terms of win rates or power level, but because of the RNG/perception issues, the "unfun" factor, or whatever you want to call it. Slightly above average stats is definitely not a reason to nerf a card, and it was only above average in 2 classes.
It's not just coincidence that Blizzard states they are nerfing yogg for reasons other than it's power level. And it's not PR spin that they're saying essentially the same thing I argued as to why yogg needed to be nerfed.
I'll even empathize with people who didn't want yogg to be nerfed. Typically in gaming things are nerfed because they are OP. Yogg was not nerfed because he was OP. So if you were of the opinion that yogg was perfectly fine and he was nerfed, I understand if that person wants to complain about yogg being nerfed despite remaining the same random bomb. They're not suddenly saying it was the power level that was important to them all along, they're saying they nerfed a card's power level despite it not being OP. I disagree, certainly as to whether yogg needed to be nerfed. It definitely had to happen. But I'm not gonna call them hypocrites based on some superficial cursory glance at their reaction.
Freeze mage expert is there is something that I can do differently at this game?
feel I could do better, but didn't know where
Have to concede below 14 HP IIRC.
Turn 5 was screaming for a coin emp play I feel.
but I can't coin alex then
I've been putting off crafting baron geddon for a long time, and I actually think geddon is potentially really good in control paladin which I play a lot of. I think I need to craft him tonight or tomorrow, with my yogg dust.
I can't imagine coining alex there was a good play either. Leaving up Fandral AND emp against a druid seems suicidal.
You would have been in a much better position to control the game had you taken advantage of the empty board and emped. The valet turn seemed a little wasteful. You didn't need a secret up yet.
As played, I think playing the emp into the other emp seems bad as well. Giving him too much with that play.
This is imo the worst brawl ever, even randomonium had more skill
he kharazan chess game was more fun, in this game the draws determine who wins
I see those Ironforge Portals in there son. I told you that card is usable when there were claims being made that Warrior didn't get anything in Karazhan.
Well if your comparison point is Shaman then yeah sure... no one got anything in Karazhan except Shamans and maybe Hunters.
I don't play Control Paladin, but wouldn't Geddon be negative synergy with your hero power?
I think usually when you're going to play baron geddon, you're either going to trade those 1/1s or not care if they die. I've used the AOE murloc before and it was pretty good. For 1 mana more barron geddon is a much stronger choice imo.
priest daily so i tried a resurrect deck on ladder. Proceed to get the worst rng possible 5 games in a row. 1:5 chance of getting worst draw/res/rag hit and get the worst option 7 times in a row... yay.
I would say look at how small Kibler's winrate is. 63% winrate for one of the best players in the game against a bunch of ladder randoms? In comparison, top Duelyst players maintain >90% winrates, and Nowayitsj, a top Duelyst player, has won like 80% of the tournaments in the last few months. You won't find those parallels in Hearthstone. It's not that the game requires no skill at all - and I exaggerate on this sometimes - but it requires very little skill compared to some other card games. Infinity Wars is another card game that has a very high skill ceiling, which is why the best Infinity Wars player has >100 win streak in that game's Arena mode. Hearthstone players that focus on Arena still go 0-3 sometimes, lol.I don't know how people can say Hearthstone doesn't take skill.
Kibler posts 63% WR with Control Priest over almost 100 games and I'm stuck in rank 18.
So frustrating.
Holy shit. Friend gave me the 80 gold quest which along with my other quest gave me enough to get 2 packs with it.
You can still play Aggro Shaman, replace Tuskar Totemic with Unbound Elemental.Man this patch killed my desire to play the game. Need a fun deck to play, of the stuff I like it's basically just Zoolock and MR Shaman?
I watched that live lolHearthstone should have its own category of player aka the "rando" player.
Basically wants to play some random as hell cards and wants to see random crap happen. Then laugh it up and submit videos to Trolden.
Kripp with the hilarious Priest salt.
Man this patch killed my desire to play the game. Need a fun deck to play, of the stuff I like it's basically just Zoolock and MR Shaman?
It's raining dust!
And there's always Secret Paladin the god in Wild.
Those decks aren't fun at all to play.
Why don't you try some Warlock Y'shaarj?