What are some good substitutions for Rockbiter, Tuskar and Al Akir in Midrange Shaman? I'm assuming Windlord is probably droppable without as much rockbiter synergy.
What are some good substitutions for Rockbiter, Tuskar and Al Akir in Midrange Shaman? I'm assuming Windlord is probably droppable without as much rockbiter synergy.
Personally I'm throwing Fire Elementals back into the mix to help with the late game since the burst is gone. Then I'm just experimenting with Unbound Elemental.
Personally I'm throwing Fire Elementals back into the mix to help with the late game since the burst is gone. Then I'm just experimenting with Unbound Elemental.
Can the Fiery Bat's deathrattle hit the minion that Maelstrom spawns?I don't think I've ever lost after coining out maelstrom portal against hunter's t1 fiery bat. It's such a tempo swing.
Dragon Priest is not good IMO. It's good in Wild, though - Velen's really pulled that deck together. In Standard, you just don't have enough "big" stuff that you can maintain with heals, which is why (again IMO) Dragon Warrior is the better dragon deck out there. Velen's is actually stronger than ever right now because no one is running silence outside of Renolock players, so your buff is guaranteed to make a big impact. I started playing N'Zoth Priest, and I remember waaay back when I first started playing Dahbomb told me Velen's on a Deathlord is a borderline win condition against an opposing Priest, and I have abused the heck out of it.I've been playing nothing but Dragon Priest since the patch. Started at 20, got to 16 then I quickly fell to 18. It's good deck. I had to make sure to craft double gold Netherspite Historians. Dem gold dragons!
Plot twist!
Can the Fiery Bat's deathrattle hit the minion that Maelstrom spawns?
My deck is different from yours in that:
I run 2x Thunder Bluff Valiants - it's a win condition on its own and provides incredible value.
No Flamewreathed (people seem to mulligan for answers to it)
No Unbound Elemental (IMO you don't have THAT much synergy for it)
Someone should try an Overload deck.Admittedly this is probably a personal preference. I typically find the card clunkier than most people. And with Tuskarr gone it is even more clunky.
I'm not convinced about Unbound overall but it does give you a tempo play on Turn 3. I did manage to make one a 4/6 yesterday and I won a game because of it, though. 477 is there for the overload synergy.
That's almost identical to my Midrange Shaman. I have two Thunderbluff and one Feral Spirit though.Personally I'm throwing Fire Elementals back into the mix to help with the late game since the burst is gone. Then I'm just experimenting with Unbound Elemental.
Personally I'm throwing Fire Elementals back into the mix to help with the late game since the burst is gone. Then I'm just experimenting with Unbound Elemental.
*snip out deck since its quoted above*
You probably want a second Mana Tide over both to be honest.Wouldn't you want a argent crusader over unbound elemental?
You probably want a second Mana Tide over both to be honest.
There are enough overload cards in that deck for it to be worth it to run Unbound Elemental. People are scared of it and it ends up eating removal usually.
The great thing about Bloodlust is that people HAVE to take care of those useless totems, which makes your clears much stronger due to slowing the damage you take.I can't count the times people don't expect a bloodlust on all these "useless" totems and won
This one is pre nerf so not really that relevant, next one should be more telling but it's not going to be anything revelatory.Last vS Data Reaper report of the old meta:
The next one is going to be pretty interesting.
The great thing about Bloodlust is that people HAVE to take care of those useless totems, which makes your clears much stronger due to slowing the damage you take.
So I finally craft my first N'Zoth and holy fuck this is the most fun I've had with this game since I started. I made an N'Zoth Rogue deck and this shit is ridiculously fun. Got coins and cards flying all over the place. I'm sure I'm not playing it correctly too since I just made it but hell I'm still getting out wins and having a blast.
So I finally craft my first N'Zoth and holy fuck this is the most fun I've had with this game since I started. I made an N'Zoth Rogue deck and this shit is ridiculously fun. Got coins and cards flying all over the place. I'm sure I'm not playing it correctly too since I just made it but hell I'm still getting out wins and having a blast.
Yeah, N'zoth is the best Old God.
Praise N'zoth!
It was tough to figure out what I wanted to craft because I like Cairne, but goddamn it I wanted to play an N'Zoth deck and I already had Sylvannas. I crafted Sylvannas to make it work.this is one of the cards I really want to have, it can make huge swings and although it is an slow card, it can make huge comebacks.
EDIT: and Sylvannas.... and Cairne.... and Grommash... Holy shit I still don't have so many good cards.
Last vS Data Reaper report of the old meta:
The next one is going to be pretty interesting.
Reno Mage above Control Warrior?!? DansGame
He can be a good get from Curator though.People play Cairne in Standard out of necessity. Card sucks in Wild.
People play Cairne in Standard out of necessity. Card sucks in Wild.
People play Cairne in Standard out of necessity. Card sucks in Wild.
Cairne was also actually a good card back before Naxx and GvG ramped the power level up. Now that we've ramped back down, it fits in again.
His name is "Randy" dagnabbit.
I like that secret hunter deck a lot. stall the enemy with your secrets to crush him with savanna highmane, call of the wild or yogg.