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Sintolol brought Pirate Warrior and Face Hunter, that's a bit different than what most people are doing. smORC!
That's the light at the end of tunnel? That some guy brought degenerate face decks to try to be different?

Face decks off meta in 2016.


Salt over Freeze Mage in 2016. Let's complain about Tank Up Warrior too while we are at it.

Meanwhile Midrange Shaman enjoys near Undertaker level win rates and approaching that level of usability too.
Better that than freeze mage.
Which really gives you less control over the outcome of the match?

If a face deck draws well, and you don't draw counters, you get overrun - there's no opportunity to retaliate.

Freeze Mage is slow, and there are usually decisions you make that can affect the outcome of the matchup such as saving burst for Doomsayers, choosing how to break Ice Block, saving weapons for emergency damage post-Blizzard, etc.

Personally, I would rather face Freeze Mage than Aggro Shaman or Tempo Mage with a really good hand.


That's the light at the end of tunnel? That some guy brought degenerate face decks to try to be different?

Face decks off meta in 2016.

No, some guy trying to get to Blizzcon with Face Decks is DansGame, but on the other hand he's trying something different than bringing the same 5 decks we've been seeing forever at these tournaments.

Salt over Freeze Mage in 2016. Let's complain about Tank Up Warrior too while we are at it.

Meanwhile Midrange Shaman enjoys near Undertaker level win rates and approaching that level of usability too.

Losing to Freeze Mage "feels" really bad. (Perception, right?) Losing to Shaman is just what happens when you go on ladder, we're all used to that.


Salt over Freeze Mage in 2016. Let's complain about Tank Up Warrior too while we are at it.

Meanwhile Midrange Shaman enjoys near Undertaker level win rates and approaching that level of usability too.
Thijs must end his stream early after titled lost 5 star to mid shaman is heart breaking


Unconfirmed Member
Losing to freeze mage is just frustrating when you come from the world where there is actual interactivity in other games. Freeze mage just locks you out of every option except spells, and since there are lots of classes that can't win via spells if the FM just does what it does, you have no options. It is frustrating to lose to because you can't counter it with play, you just hope they didn't draw their win conditions. It's shitty in exactly the same way OTK decks are, but for whatever reason Blizzard thinks that is ok and the OTKs aren't??

I just want some consistency in their reasoning, which I guess is asking a bit too much for Blizzard. If they are against OTK decks because of the lack of interactivity, they absolutely should be against Freeze mage as a thing. If they are ok with one, then they should allow the other too. Let all the effective OTKs exist or none of them. Just be consistent.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I feel like Yogg is kinda trash tier now. You weren't guaranteed anything before other than fuckery, but that could be good or bad. Now you aren't even guaranteed that since spells stop if it gets removed or dies somehow.


Well Freeze Mage is like decks in other cards games where you tend to win/lose based on pure match ups. It's a deck that hard counters other decks but gets hard countered itself. You can tech against it, you know what's coming so you can try to prepare for it.

But the deck does go against Blizzard's philosophies with the game. It doesn't get nerfed because A) It's not nearly powerful enough. B) It gets hard countered easily and thus can never be the best deck in the game. C) It represents a very class defining feature of the class which is Freezing and burning. D) Your average player is garbage with the deck and matches still take too long for your average player to bother with it.

This goes back to the argument of stats. If we are talking about stats right now then FM should absolutely not be nerfed. But if we are talking about public perception then sure I guess but I would argue that FM gives HS some flavor and identity, kinda like Handlock or Control Warrior. It would hurt the game more if you nerfed it because that's one less non curve deck and combo deck in the game for people wanting something different to play around with.

Main issue is that Blizzard just doesn't print enough anti combo cards for counter play. That leads to more salt against combo decks because of the feeling of powerlessness.

I think an interesting anti combo card that can be made is "Every spell after the first one that your opponent plays in the same turn costs 6 more mana". That way control decks don't get obliterated because by zoo decks because they can't play a board clear (like with Loatheb) or a quick removal.
Bought the Welcome Bundle. My Legendary was Edwin, which is perfect for my Miracle deck.

285 dust
One pack was Dire Wolf Alpha in the middle of four rares. I thought that was funny.
Just when I pulled a 50 attack c'thun... dude concedes before I could play it. He was even at 40 hp...

What now control warrior? Too busy hitting that armor up button waiting for optimal brawl and I got a brann shadowcast on blade of c'thun off lul


First shadowcast was on brann... so good. And I bran blade of c'thun on grommash lol... then I cast briarthorn toxin on my 4/4 blade of c'thun and I played my 1 mana blade on that, so I got 34 attack on c'thun in a single turn, hence the 50.

Infinite goddamn heals!


Dragon warrior conceded after I healed for 18 but I could have shadowcasted a shadowcaster and then shadowcast another ERF... basically infinite heals. Even had another brann... lol


Have been having fun with my Dragon Pally in casual games

It can clear out small minions and legendaries pretty well
and fill up the board with attackers
But it feels like it falls apart if I don't have a dragon on hand by turn 3... So I don't dare to use it in ranked

How is this legal? *babyrage*


Hearthside Chat: Designing Karazhan's Chess Event with Peter Whalen
We also had a bunch of extra things: each player’s hero power gave one of their minions Attack until the end of the turn; each deck had a number of special spells—like Pawnstorm, a spell that let all your Pawns attack this turn; and every time something bad happened to the enemy (they lost a bunch of life, lost an important piece, or a few other triggers), they would cheat in some dramatic way, like killing one of your minions or resurrecting one of theirs.
Wouldn't mind a PTS for this kind of shenanigans - just the prospect as casting Pawnstorm intrigues me.


Moebius that deck looks fun as heck. I think I might try it this weekend. First I have to figure out how to win 5 with Hunter, though, I have overlapping quests.

I tried making a Curator/N'zoth Hunter this morning in Wild and I just got zerged down by all these super fast aggro decks, ugh. Maybe I'll copy that Face Hunter deck that one guy is bringing to Last Call.


Anything in this game that lowers cost of cards, either through procs or passives, should never be able to lower it to less than 1. Why do they keep allowing this, it's so fucking stupid. A zero cost card is broken
Played against n'zoth hunter (I assume) cause he was running ball of spiders. He had gotten me low just on the value he got out of eaglehorn bow. Then I top decked... earthen ring "heal me to full" seer. Okay, so he only healed me 18... not full... due to double shadowstep and having brann on board.

If I wasn't so low I would have shadowcast on shadowcaster, then shadowcast on brann and basically been set for the result of the game. But I had to novice engineer to fish for ERF in the first place so I couldn't do more than healing for 18... bringing me to 28 is pretty good though lol. Call of the wild is pretty meek looking when you have near full health.

Here is the game. I looked to see if I could have made a better turn but couldn't see one clearly better https://hsreplay.net/replay/FE3hPJxNdMwTSS88sdhHJU

(I did notice missed lethal in game, but he conceded anyway heh)


druid plays yogg, first spell, call of the wild. Second, from all targets on the board, 10+, cold blood goes on huffer, that is some bullshit. Then mind blast comes and I end up at 1, he gets one mage secret. Of course it's iceblock.

Seems nerfed alright.

I still won, ahahaha. shaman is good. he couldn't get that one damage.
i took out rag from my secret hunter deck and put in king krush, i dont know why i didnt do this before. year 3 9 drops in a hunter deck is kinda nuts but nobody sits there and tries to play around king krush and the reach is awesome


i took out rag from my secret hunter deck and put in king krush, i dont know why i didnt do this before. year 3 9 drops in a hunter deck is kinda nuts but nobody sits there and tries to play around king krush and the reach is awesome

I think this is mainly because nobody expects a KK now... it is so forgotten with the entrance of COTW that it fade of memory.

a couple of hunters used it against me and completely destroyed me with it.

Cat Party

Anything in this game that lowers cost of cards, either through procs or passives, should never be able to lower it to less than 1. Why do they keep allowing this, it's so fucking stupid. A zero cost card is broken
This would have solved so much, but they won't modify Emperor now with it rotating out soon.


The speed at which these people copy and paste decks is incredible. 3 days ago I rarely saw Bloodust or Harrison now it's in every single Midrange Shaman deck. Now the "counter" (Control Warrior) has to find a way to somehow clear every single basic totem because of Bloodlust. But how can they do that when Spirit Claws stops every early game minion and Hex or the Shaman's board prevents any decent minion from doing anything?

I'm going to have to jump on that Freeze Mage bandwagon. I have no choice. Can't use any of the decks I want to use because of Shaman. Dropped from 5 to 7 because majority of my games were against Shaman while I wasn't using CW. Games were basically an auto-lost.

Anything in this game that lowers cost of cards, either through procs or passives, should never be able to lower it to less than 1. Why do they keep allowing this, it's so fucking stupid. A zero cost card is broken

I would love to hear their response to a question about this.


According to ValueTown, the best counter to Midrange Shaman is.... Control Shaman.

The whole meta revolves around Shaman. Guess I'm gonna pick Shaman back up.


Nothing like Burgling a golden Varian Wrynn, emoting "The pleasure is mine" and tossing a brann out of the battlecry and then throwing a Nefarian for an instant concede.
Nothing like Burgling a golden Varian Wrynn, emoting "The pleasure is mine" and tossing a brann out of the battlecry and then throwing a Nefarian for an instant concede.
I wish there were nothing like this, but WotOG added a lot of cards that give people random stupid wins.


According to ValueTown, the best counter to Midrange Shaman is.... Control Shaman.

The whole meta revolves around Shaman. Guess I'm gonna pick Shaman back up.

I think this might be the answer. Completely dominated 3 in a row with N'zoth Shaman. Baited them to use 2x Hex then dropped down Ysera in the last game. It was GG after that. Need to play more games, but it feels like an actual counter so far.


I wish there were nothing like this, but WotOG added a lot of cards that give people random stupid wins.

if this wasn't possible, this game wouldn't be any different from chess... the point of HS is to get these weird little things to work and miraculously get them in place on the right time.

if you ask me how many times I got a combo like that, I could probably say this is the first time out of many many games I played with this deck, this isn't nearly enough to even count it significant.

prep'ing a CotW on turn 4 is fun.

OMG, I would love to do something like that



Staying alive with cheap minions and cheap removal. And ERF to bounce back, sometimes with brann it is enough. Especially now since shaman lost some burst potential.

I would keep shadowcaster, because it's value is through the roof at times and for a deck that doesn't have a lot of cycle, I think that is important.
Thanks. Half of my cards are different. Glad to see your deck working in ranked. I like the ERF Brann combo. My deck sorely lacks heal.
if this wasn't possible, this game wouldn't be any different from chess... the point of HS is to get these weird little things to work and miraculously get them in place on the right time.

if you ask me how many times I got a combo like that, I could probably say this is the first time out of many many games I played with this deck, this isn't nearly enough to even count it significant.

OMG, I would love to do something like that
It really bothers me when people create this kind of false dichotomy, as if the game either has to be maximum random bullshit or 100% deterministic.
Thanks. Half of my cards are different. Glad to see your deck working in ranked. I like the ERF Brann combo. My deck sorely lacks heal.

Against decks that I need the heals for, like an aggro warrior with arcanite reapers, copying brann with shadowcaster... and then shadowstepping the shadowcaster, and using the brann + erf + shadowcast on ERF... just heals so much they can't ever kill me. Even if you don't have to use the heals immediately, having 2x 1 mana erfs plus a 1 mana bran... it's kind of insane how much you can heal back up.


Just played against a warlock that had no minions.

Not sure what he was going for

Wish I saved the replay
I played and lost again that. It's Renounce Darkness plus Barnes + Yshaarj.

He got off the Barnes off of coin on turn 4. I actually managed to survive from there because Yshaarj didn't pull out anything else so once I removed the 10/10 I was fine.

Issue was that after I stabilized he got Mage and just burned me out. Mage seems to be one of the better ones to get off of Renounce Darkness because both the minions and spells are usually really good. He got Antonidas off.

It's a bad deck though. He got off like the perfect start plus perfect answers after that and then a perfect class with perfect cards to win that game.
I played and lost again that. It's Renounce Darkness plus Barnes + Yshaarj.

He got off the Barnes off of coin on turn 4. I actually managed to survive from there because Yshaarj didn't pull out anything else so once I removed the 10/10 I was fine.

Issue was that after I stabilized he got Mage and just burned me out. Mage seems to be one of the better ones to get off of Renounce Darkness because both the minions and spells are usually really good. He got Antonidas off.

It's a bad deck though. He got off like the perfect start plus perfect answers after that and then a perfect class with perfect cards to win that game.

When I played it, I had aldor for the yshaarj... he could have conceded right there... but he trucked on... played renounce and got priest. Should have conceded there. Wasted 5 more minutes. He also coined out barnes. And even had renounce the very next turn.


Super Sleuth
I played and lost again that. It's Renounce Darkness plus Barnes + Yshaarj.

He got off the Barnes off of coin on turn 4. I actually managed to survive from there because Yshaarj didn't pull out anything else so once I removed the 10/10 I was fine.

Issue was that after I stabilized he got Mage and just burned me out. Mage seems to be one of the better ones to get off of Renounce Darkness because both the minions and spells are usually really good. He got Antonidas off.

It's a bad deck though. He got off like the perfect start plus perfect answers after that and then a perfect class with perfect cards to win that game.

Kolento was playing that the other day. A much more entertaining deck than the hunter version when you go Barnes to ysharrj immediately into renounce darkness.
I'm playing a N'Zoth Priest mirror. He plays Deathlord, and I kill it. What does it pull? N'Zoth?

Goddamn this game.

I play it out because a 5/7 is still powerful board, and he didn't answer it right away.

8 cards left in my deck, and I play Thoughtsteal.

It puts his N'Zoth into my hand.

He blows Lightbomb because he thinks I have no N'Zoth. I win.

This game is so stupid.


Back to rank 5. I wish there was an incentive to get to legend now. No dust, packs, or gold, just a cardback? Blizzard pls.

This is definitely the best counter. It's not even the "If I have a perfect opening hand and great draws, then it's a great matchup" kind of counter like CW is. You can stand a chance against Warrior as well so I'd rather use this than Freeze Mage.

Spirit Claws is even more ridiculous when you have more board clear and heals than Midrange Shaman. So easy to remove every priority target and get more value from AOE spells.

I played and lost again that. It's Renounce Darkness plus Barnes + Yshaarj.

He got off the Barnes off of coin on turn 4. I actually managed to survive from there because Yshaarj didn't pull out anything else so once I removed the 10/10 I was fine.
It's a bad deck though. He got off like the perfect start plus perfect answers after that and then a perfect class with perfect cards to win that game.
Sounds like my experience. I ran into that when I was using Freeze Mage. He Renounced into Priest and had every silence to prevent me from drawing cards. Along with 2x Priest of the Feast and a ton of spells.
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