@Karsticles, That deck looks like it will help the enemy a lot with that deathlord and zombie chow.
In this regard (Wild Priest) my opinion is from a complete noob's point of view. I've only played Priest in standard ladder just recently because of Tyrande waifu
Deathlord only helps the enemy sometimes. He's a pretty complex minion in terms of how he affects the game. For example, if he pulls Reno Jackson for your opponent, then you might have just won the game. Or maybe he pulls a Tunnel Trogg and I get to kill the 1/3 for free. Maybe it pulls his Sylvannas and I Entomb it.
Zombie Chow's heal doesn't matter early on because Priest isn't trying to go face, it's trying to control the board. Unless your opponent doesn't play any cards in the first few turns, it really heals for 0.
link was broken but Deathlords are meta calls, I never used them until I was absolutely getting hammered by aggro decks for a couple days. Now I'm thinking of taking the 1 of I'm playing out again since I pulled one too many Tirion's recently, 2 to be precise.
Hmm. Wild is so diverse that it's hard to say. I would love to put something else in there, though.
I really like zombie chow, but I don't think I'd run two in Nzoth.
There are so many deathrattles, and I wait so long to drop N'Zoth (basically until my opponent is top decking or entering fatigue out of paranoia), that I rarely get 2 Chows.
Edit: I looked at your list, and I feel like Excavated Evil + N'Zoth is a mismatch.
Zombie Chow's whole value is from dropping one of them early, if you cut 1 you're better off cutting both.
Yeah, games where I drop a Chow and then curve out are games I often win even before N'Zoth drops. Chow is such a strong board presence.