800 dust from both of my Call of the Wilds. That's a lot.
Because HS is a bitch of a programme that doesn't scale and rather adds a scroll bar when there's too many singletons.
Of course there's a Tirion, my bad.
Because HS is a bitch of a programme that doesn't scale and rather adds a scroll bar when there's too many singletons.
Of course there's a Tirion, my bad.
For your consideration: Wild Huhuran Hun'er.
I haven't made the deck but am strongly considering it now. Free Shredder/Belcher/Highmane activiations so you can run CotW into massive burst the next turn. Seems legit. Hell run Feign Death too and go nuts. Could be ok.
Because it's still one of the best finishers. HS right now is all about board control so when Rag comes down you either clear the board so it's a guaranteed 8 to the face or if you want to clear a single big minion.I don't get why everyone seems to have Ragnaros in their deck right now, with Shaman being by far the most popular class. Just means I have to play Shaman to counter it...
Because it's still one of the best finishers. HS right now is all about board control so when Rag comes down you either clear the board so it's a guaranteed 8 to the face or if you want to clear a single big minion.
You have to play shaman anyway, playing anything else is for fun already.
I don't think shaman is the only good deck to play atm. So I hope you're just exaggerating.
I would assume rag is popular due to freeze mage, not just because it's a strong card.
It's good against Freeze Mage but I don't see enough Freeze Mage for that to matter.
I play Rag because it has an instant effect, taunt doesn't stop it, silencing would be counter intuitive (not that there is much now anyway), it's a big body so not easy to kill without hard removal, forces sub-optimal plays (people flood the board if they can't kill it), and kills most minions it hits.
I've gotten super lucky with emperor tonight for some reason. Maly druid had no removal for it and it survived for 2-3 ticks, same with freeze mage. Both lost in a landslide. Tempo emperor lul (I coined out both times). The druid had just spent swipe and feral rage the turns prior, so I figured it had a solid chance at surviving and it did.
Midrange Shaman has lots of troubles against control warrior, my only chance of winning is if their yogg fuck up
Midrange Shaman has lots of troubles against control warrior, my only chance of winning is if their yogg fuck up
Nah, you just maximize hero power usage. They will eventually snap and start clearing up totems. Having taunt totems in there really screws with their weapon usage and of course spell damage totem is always nice. Don't over commit your cards in hand, having him waste Brawl on a board of totems plus one other threat.Midrange Shaman has lots of troubles against control warrior, my only chance of winning is if their yogg fuck up
Good thing I am not running into that many Shamans, my stats aren't looking pretty for them this week. Like pretty bad. Uck.
Mage is a perfect example of why of why spells are horribly designed in Hearthstone.
Fireball, Frostbolt, Forgotten Torch, etc. etc. All perfectly fine/strong when used on a minion yet when you start slinging them at the face they're completely broken.
Of course it's not a Mage exclusive thing. Hunter and aggro Shaman have relied on the exact same thing.
Burn spell itself is fine. I don't have a problem with stuff like Sinister Strike and Mind Blast, they are useful in a specific strategy.why burn spell is horrible design?
in fact we (you) lucky, HS currently shaped to just bouncing minion till death
current mid shaman is team 5 wet dream
Burn spell itself is fine. I don't have a problem with stuff like Sinister Strike and Mind Blast, they are useful in a specific strategy.
Burn spell that doubles as removal is not really good for the game especially when they are efficient for the cost. Cards like Storm Crack, Arcane Blast, Flame Lance, Shadow Strike are good. It's why they nerfed Rockbiter to begin with.
Thankfully Blizzard has scaled back on that (again, ignore Firelands Portal).
Kripp about to play Thijs in the Tyrande show match. I expect Kripp to get annhialated.
Well said. As someone who's been around since the beta I've seen my fair share of Control Warriors over the years - maybe that's where my disdain stems from. Justicar promised improved Hero Powers across all 9 classes but in fairness only delivered on 2 (1 since Priest is now irrelevant). And that arch type was already strong/played out. I'm all for control decks - just really want other classes to shine. I had high hopes for Huhuran in Control Hunter, but the jury is still out on that one...I am super super super sad to see Elise and Reno go, but Justicar can take a hike as far as I'm concerned.
Elise and Reno present cool options and are some of the most interestingly designed cards ever made. The deck restriction that Reno has and the transformation that Elise can cause are things that uniquely works because Hearthstone is a digital game. While it might be possible to attempt something like Reno in a physical game, the verification would be almost impossible and Elise is just not possible. The cards are crazy and FUN. Their effects are strong and also controllable. They may seem unfair to an opponent, but a well played control deck often feels unfair anyhow. Reno especially seems to get a lot of hate for being unfair (I know multiple people IRL who say this and quite a few on this forum), but the card is a consistency trade off which you can't see in your 1 ladder match you lost to someone who played Reno. What you didn't see is the 5 other matches that Reno player lost because they didn't put the right mix of things into their Reno deck or simply didn't draw him in time. Elise is similar against control matchups, but since those are less common no one is complaining about her. And with the wide swathe of Legendaries out there it is entirely possible to play the Monkey and get hosed with a bunch of low power legendaries and be unable to close out the control match before you are killed by fatigue.
Justicar is simply a case of the rich getting richer. Classes with the best hero powers simply get better and classes with trash ones (Shaman mostly) get what their hero power should have been. Justicar isn't problematic in a sense that the card is OP, but just unfair in that too few classes benefit heavily from her. The card is biased toward Warrior/Priest styles of control and very useless for most other styles. Why not just make the card a Warrior card from the get go and make something else for the other classes.
Opponent Astral Communions then top decks an Alex.
I only see the deck once in a blue moon but holy shit it's the most garbage thing around.
e: god now I'm up against burgle rogue who keeps stealing counters. I hate this.
e: a c'thun warrior now. this meta is a fucking joke. nobody should feel like they can play these awful decks. I'm winning and I'm mad as hell
Hey, hey, HEY!
I'm playing Purify Priest, Astral Druid, AND Y'shaarj Warlock in ranked.
What do you want, people to just play boring-ass, tier one, net decks that you didn't even make or optimize yourself?
I love how Secret Hunter went from a deck about secrets to an aggro deck that abuses the tempo. Very Hearthstone. I played it and went 3-2 last night to clear Hunter quests. I liked old Face Hunter more, but this isn't bad. If I ever get another Snake Trap (not crafting it) I have an idea for a Zoo Hunter deck that is based out of Secret Hunter.Dead on turn 5 against secret hunter
Ranked game vs Priest. Opp gets Barnes -> Rag turn 4. Not so bad just kill both so when he resurrects it has a chance to get the barnes. Resurrects Rag every single time.
Fuck Priest
Very next game
Thanks RNGstone love ya
How many times can a Druid pull that off a good Astral Communion like 1%? You should be happy you just witnessed a mathematical miracle
Losing to Yogg in 2016. BibleThump
Was on a streak, had a spectator I was about to earn a pack for, of course this tempo mage top decks Yogg and of course it's super favorable. Clears my boards, fills his board, plays 5 secrets, draws 8 cards, you know, all the expected and normal and not at all OP Yogg outcomes. I knew I was fucked when one of the first spells was commanding shout, making it much more likely the Yogg was gonna stick for all 20 spells or whatever.
boy rank 14 sure is Freeze Mage Town all of a sudden
to be honest, you didn't had much armor that game, you were starting to swing it to your favor, but the yogg just confirmed the tempo that mage already had.
yeah it was pretty damn good.. unleash the hounds + commanding shout is a tempo killer yogg combo
Don't forget the equality prior to the Unleash the Hounds, and the Effigy that brought back a 12/12 after I killed his Yogg. My resources I wasted on killing the 12/12 made it so I couldn't deal with Antonidas and cost me the game.
I had the game stabilized and the Mage was at 11 and I had a weapon equipping and Grommash in my hand.
If I made a mistake it was N'zothing too early, I should have waited until after the Yogg, but whatever, N'zoth wins that game 9 times out of 10.
A Priest stole Cabalist's Tome from Thoughtsteal. :-(Well my problem with control warrior yesterday was that he managed to get his yogg alive, and cast
Holy Nova (bye totems)
Cabalist's tome
Mirror Image into Bolster
Moonglade Portal and some other fuckery that I forgot