how can anyone find burn/freeze mage fun
I hate going against it
its hard to play and not just play stuff on curve.
how can anyone find burn/freeze mage fun
I hate going against it
It's HS, none of the decks are hard to play. HS does take skill but the skill floor is very, very low.its hard to play and not just play stuff on curve.
Pfft 2 turns so slow.Play it and find out. The first time you take an opponent from 30 health to 0 in 2 turns will let you understand.
its hard to play and not just play stuff on curve.
"one of the easiest decks to play perfectly with is freeze mage" - tidesoftime
Sometimes you must be annoying to get across a message to somebody else that they are being annoying, otherwise they may not get it.
Sometimes it's just a lost cause.
So we are going to ignore the quotes of other top players who have said otherwise?
"one of the easiest decks to play perfectly with is freeze mage" - tidesoftime
i dont agree at all. SP and the current shaman builds are way easier to play and not just because they allow for mistakes because there OP.
setting up lethal and basically playing with more than 10 cards in your hand is harder than tunnel trogg into golem into ferals.
So we are going to ignore the quotes of other top players who have said otherwise?
More difficult to play than the dumbest deck in quite some time...
What an endorsement.
There's no deck in the history of HS that is as difficult to play as OG Grim Patron and even that is not that hard because just like Freeze Mage you have a ton of solitaire like games where you draw the nuts and just OTK the opponent. Honestly speaking the most difficult part of that deck was calculating Frothing damages which at the decks peak people had made spreadsheets that you could have memorized to know the damage values with X amount of minions on board. That wouldn't even be needed if every card in that deck didn't take up so much animation time.I think there is SOME truth to that statement. Compared with other difficult to pilot decks like Grim Patron (original) and other control decks, Freeze Mage has a pretty straightforward win condition. Do the Alex, then Burn or get Emperor Discounts then Burn. That part of the game never changes, compared with other decks who have to contend with deciding to burn or control.
In that respect Freeze Mage is pretty straight forward. Compared to aggro decks though, Freeze Mage might as well be quantum mechanics. So there is a big of a spectrum there.
I think there is SOME truth to that statement. Compared with other difficult to pilot decks like Grim Patron (original) and other control decks, Freeze Mage has a pretty straightforward win condition. Do the Alex, then Burn or get Emperor Discounts then Burn. That part of the game never changes, compared with other decks who have to contend with deciding to burn or control.
In that respect Freeze Mage is pretty straight forward. Compared to aggro decks though, Freeze Mage might as well be quantum mechanics. So there is a big of a spectrum there.
Zoolock yes, Face Hunter hell no.I think people view aggro decks as being low skill when they're actually very difficult to play perfectly. I would put freeze mage below zoolock, far below it. I'd put freeze mage on the same level as face hunter.
You're an asshole.![]()
Makydruid is so much harder than Malyrogue dunno why it's the better deck.
I also think the meta deck building and tech process of Zoo is very difficult especially for the average player.
Makydruid is so much harder than Malyrogue dunno why it's the better deck.
maly rouge has to run garbage like sinister strike. even moonfire is usable in druid because of drake and bloodmage. sinisters strike is a absolutely dead card until the finish, same as mindblast and the old charge. decks that are based around having a combo with dead cards like that always have a problem with competing with decks that do something similar but have better, more flexible cards.
Every time I use burn in Malydruid for board control I end up lacking the burn in the end for the combo. I'm tempted to take out the ramp and arcane druids but Druid doesn't have good burn to replace them with.maly rouge has to run garbage like sinister strike. even moonfire is usable in druid because of drake and bloodmage. sinisters strike is a absolutely dead card until the finish, same as mindblast and the old charge. decks that are based around having a combo with dead cards like that always have a problem with competing with decks that do something similar but have better, more flexible cards.
Delete Barnes from the game.
Every time I use burn in Malydruid for board control I end up lacking the burn in the end for the combo. I'm tempted to take out the ramp and arcane druids but Druid doesn't have good burn to replace them with.
With rogue I can fight over the board and even get solid damage in the process.
Sinister Strike isn't garbage it's very cost efficient. For the same amount of damage you have to play 3 moonfires and these 2 extra damage can make all the difference between winning and losing.
Delete Barnes from the game.
Delete Barnes from the game.
Barnes is pure power creep. A 4-mana minion is a 4/5 at max stats. Barnes is a 3/4 that summons a 1/1, so same stats. Except Barnes can pull minions with all kinds of crazy deathrattles and abilities like Ragnaros and Sylvannas. Worse, the minions he pulls can be game-deciding at 4-mana based on that RNG. He's basically Piloted Shredder in overdrive mode.He can be pretty annoying, but I don't know that he is trully overpowered. I did however lose to a Harrison when he spawned Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound, which at end of turned, spawned another YRU. A 10/10 which spawns new cards at the end of a coined turn 3 is pretty rough.
There are a bunch of the "newish" cards that have low odds, crazy high upside. I think that actually adds a more fun "random" mechanic to the game.
I guess I have to adjustIn general Maly burn is just bonus for Maly Druid, the full combo not even pull OTK
You just want ramp fast, clear everything, drop Giant, drop Maly to stay a turn, that a gameplan
MalyRogue not relying Maly himself to stay a turn, in general he only drop for OTK
Malydruid on other hand rely Malygos to be able stay on board to be able pull swipe shenanigan
One of the worst cards ever printed. Especially combined with Innervate, another horrible card.
Barnes is pure power creep. A 4-mana minion is a 4/5 at max stats. Barnes is a 3/4 that summons a 1/1, so same stats. Except Barnes can pull minions with all kinds of crazy deathrattles and abilities like Ragnaros and Sylvannas. Worse, the minions he pulls can be game-deciding at 4-mana based on that RNG. He's basically Piloted Shredder in overdrive mode.
Well,that's not really how it works. 3/4 + 1/1 is usually weaker than 4/5 (2/1+ 2/4 < 4/5 and 2/3+1/1 < 3/4 in most cases).Barnes is pure power creep. A 4-mana minion is a 4/5 at max stats. Barnes is a 3/4 that summons a 1/1, so same stats. Except Barnes can pull minions with all kinds of crazy deathrattles and abilities like Ragnaros and Sylvannas. Worse, the minions he pulls can be game-deciding at 4-mana based on that RNG. He's basically Piloted Shredder in overdrive mode.
Barnes is pure power creep. A 4-mana minion is a 4/5 at max stats. Barnes is a 3/4 that summons a 1/1, so same stats. Except Barnes can pull minions with all kinds of crazy deathrattles and abilities like Ragnaros and Sylvannas. Worse, the minions he pulls can be game-deciding at 4-mana based on that RNG. He's basically Piloted Shredder in overdrive mode.
Barnes is pure power creep. A 4-mana minion is a 4/5 at max stats. Barnes is a 3/4 that summons a 1/1, so same stats. Except Barnes can pull minions with all kinds of crazy deathrattles and abilities like Ragnaros and Sylvannas. Worse, the minions he pulls can be game-deciding at 4-mana based on that RNG. He's basically Piloted Shredder in overdrive mode.
Speaking of barnes...
malygos was last minion in deck, stupid shaman left auctioneer up and that 4 mana malygos off barnes let me easily cycle through my deck and lethal
Also it was my last match before hitting rank 5 this season, coincidentally. Did rank 10ish->5 using maly rogue.
Well,that's not really how it works. 3/4 + 1/1 is usually weaker than 4/5 (2/1+ 2/4 < 4/5 and 2/3+1/1 < 3/4 in most cases).
Not that barnes isn't a big problem, but in the worst case he is worse than yeti.
Barnes isn't power creep, let alone "pure" power creep. No one plays 4/5 yeti. And a 3/4 + 1/1 is not even the same exact thing as a 4/5 anyway. It's also a legendary card, which I am mostly pointing out because you can only have 1 of it, compared to 2 of yetis.
I think on average it is better than a yeti. But a playable 4 drop has to be better than a yeti, let alone being legendary which will add inconsistency to your deck since you can't double up. That doesn't make it power creep, because yeti wasn't even being played in competitive decks.
I think you guys are forgetting the part where you can construct your deck so Barnes never pulls a pure 1/1. If Barnes pulls a pretty much any Hunter minion he will have an unreasonably strong effect on the board for his mana cost.Barnes isn't power creep at all. He's a legendary so he needs to be more powerful than a Basic or Common card. And he is, but only when he "hits" which isn't 100% of the time, of course. When he misses, he's arguably worse than a Yeti and definitely worse than Shredder.
They were counterarguing that barnes is yeti at worst. Barnes unable to whiff is a serious deck construction cost, even hunter would like to play houndmaster and Cloaked Huntress of late.I think you guys are forgetting the part where you can construct your deck so Barnes never pulls a pure 1/1. If Barnes pulls a pretty much any Hunter minion he will have an unreasonably strong effect on the board for his mana cost.