A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
1000 gold
Uuuuhh pass
Uuuuhh pass
I'd like the idea more if it didn't replace that week's tavern brawl. I don't like losing that free pack or the ability to clear quests easily.
I've climbed to 70% winrate this season with maly rogue. Continuing to truck into rank 4 although I haven't played but a couple games last couple days.
Dominating a shaman from board as maly rogue replay.
He might be referring to reynad's moonkin maly druid he was playing on stream the previous night. Moonkin + swipe board clears.
https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/57y4al/introducing_heroic_tavern_brawl_news/d8vvp9awhere are you seeing all the rewards?
So yeah, looks like it's literally just constructed in an arena format. At least for the first one anyway, who knows if it will come back down the line with new rules.
Can you walk me through your mulligan strat for your Maly deck?
Just like it's unwise to queue with Shaman on Ladder right now?if it gets really shaman heavy, you can counter shaman now. I don't think it's wise to queue with shaman, that's what people will expect and target.
It's a really cool idea still, the meta it could create should be fun. It's so bad it's too costly to participate. 500g was reasonable imo, it takes like a month to get 1000g unless you're a streamer that hits 100g limit every day.
Can't even outheal Pirate Warrior with Paladin...what the fuck is this bullshit? Used almost every heal and still lost.
Just like it's unwise to queue with Shaman on Ladder right now?
Freeze Mage is the best mathematical counter right now at 56% win rate over Shaman overall. Shaman's global win rate is 56% (second highest ever, Midrange Combo Druid was 57% at a very narrow point in time). As per VS reports. Calling a 6-4 match up a "counter" is disingenuous anyway.What even counters Midrange Shaman right now?
Or imagine you queue in Freeze Mage thinking you are brilliant then lose to three Warriors in a row.This mode is different, imagine every game you got was mage and you're going to get knocked out early on with your OP shaman. People will try to target you, people you play against aren't average joe on ladder either. If you want to do well in this I think you should try to counter not to play what's popular. It's about getting the most wins, not the fastest deck or easiest deck to play countless game with.
Or you queue into 3 Shamans and lose anyway because you still only win 60/40, maybe you get those 3 40%s in a row.
Pally is just not really there in Standard. In this replay I obliterated this pally and his legion of legendaries (Prince Malchezzar). but maybe his build was utter crap I dunno. But he used all kinds of heal. I'm rewatching this replay cause it was bizzare
18 turns of pain tho. just watching him heal over & over
What even counters Midrange Shaman right now?
Midrange Shaman can tech to beat CW rather consistently and you will still have Hunters in this Brawl as they can beat FM too.the other problem is the mirror match. If you're just going with shaman against other shamans, it all comes down to coin flips, 50 percent winrate. I think you want to avoid that too.
That's why I'm saying some kind of control warrior is actually the best. Why you think pros favor control warrior this much all throughout hearthstone? It's consistent and doesn't have a truly unwinnable match up right now and you can actually outplay people with it.
If this mode ain't for you, don't play it. I get ladder anxiety at rank 15, I'm not mentally strong enough for this mode but it'll be fun watching the pros dipping into their huge gold reserves.
New mode announced now portends good things for Blizzcon, since they have better things to announce their than this.
All reddit wants to do is whine and complain that the mode is too hard and the low end rewards too weak, makes me realize why blizzard generally does not give a fuck for feedback. "give us new modes" "here!" "fuck u blizzard".
If this mode ain't for you, don't play it. I get ladder anxiety at rank 15, I'm not mentally strong enough for this mode but it'll be fun watching the pros dipping into their huge gold reserves.
I don't know why anyone would want to watch Kripp do this, he's not exactly a constructed master.
The salt of course. If someone gets 12 wins with Priest that person will be the best Hearthstone player.
I have no idea what that Paladin deck is trying to do. Looks completely random lol.
That's for 12 wins in a row.From what I can tell, a very good 60% winrate player has around a (removed) chance at hitting 12 wins.
No that math sucks. But the chance is still pretty low.
Blizzard has been pretty up front that they use Brawls to test future ideas for cards/etc.Well when this was announced as a "Brawl" people assumed it would have its own ruleset and Kripp does alright in deck construction challenges early on.
Now that it's basically just another form of Ladder, there's no point in watching Kripp play other than to watch him struggle and get whooped. I think he will try it though for the stream CPM and the allure of the shiny Goldens.
I think the good thing from this is that this could be a beta for a tournament mode down the line. Either that or the next Heroic Brawl will have a more different ruleset.
I take it back, I do want to watch Kripp play this and get totally exposed, and then whine for 20 minutes about "netdeckers" right before promoting a web app that drafts arena decks for you.
The salt and hypocrisy will be so delish.
Can you walk me through your mulligan strat for your Maly deck?
Heroic brawl seems interesting. I just want to know what kind of rules they'll use. That'll figure into whether the mode is good or not.
Mulligans for rogue are pretty hard. But typically I aim for shadowstrike, backstab, si7 agent (if I have backstab)
for aggro: add fan of knives
Tomb pillager is a tricky one. You want him in most match ups but I hesitate to say he is something you automatically include because against some decks (like tempo mage), they can deal 4 damage so easily it might even be a liability. Against aggro I think it is too slow, but maybe okay if the rest of your mulligan is good.