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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
if it was a minion in your hand, the trap will trigger. if it was a spell, it won't.

pretty straightforward, it depends on what you play

this is the same reason that counterspell doesn't go off on any of the random spells in the brawl - what you played from your hand was a minion, not a spell.

You can play Living Roots all day and Sacred Trial will not trigger. Saplings are summoned, but not played.
brawl was alright. First game I lost even though I had golden monkey. 2nd game I won b/c shaman played something that ended up casting astral communion on like turn 3 or 4 losing him the game lol

got a golden prep that I dusted from the pack so sorta worth it


Unconfirmed Member
You can play Living Roots all day and Sacred Trial will not trigger. Saplings are summoned, but not played.

This goes ditto for Force of Nature, and Wisps of the Old Gods and other cards like that which summon minions from nowhere. Pretty much only a minion card coming from your hand to the battlefield (or like Jaraxxus, hitting the battlefield for a moment) will trigger sacred trial.


yeah not funny, possibly one of the worst brawls they have every come up with. It boggles my mind how bad they fucking are at making brawls

The problem is you are taking them waaaaaaaaay too seriously. They are supposed to be for shits and giggles. I laugh my ass off during these kinds of brawls, both when I get the good and bad end of the RNG stick.


yeah not funny, possibly one of the worst brawls they have every come up with. It boggles my mind how bad they fucking are at making brawls

It's not to my taste but looking around the internet there's a lot of people who like this brawl. They can't please everyone with every brawl.

I don't find this kind of RNG fest fun, but I'm happy that at least I can play it without having a collection. That way I can use it to do dailies on my f2p accounts where I don't have many cards.


I felt bad for this guy:





Ha! If a secret is cast with one of these random dice rolls, that you already happen to have active, the secret is then revealed to the opponent.
Ha! If a secret is cast with one of these random dice rolls, that you already happen to have active, the secret is then revealed to the opponent.

Yogg does the same thing. If you already have secrets up or it just happens to cast 2 of the same secret, the opponent gets to see that you already have it.


The problem is you are taking them waaaaaaaaay too seriously. They are supposed to be for shits and giggles. I laugh my ass off during these kinds of brawls, both when I get the good and bad end of the RNG stick.

i mean if they want to leave it to rng why waste time? open up brawl, let it flip a coin, be over with it in 20 seconds, because this whole thing is about whos luckier, not whos better


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah this brawl is hilarious. Even though I am getting reamed by the RNG.
Lots of times the opponent plays a minion and ends up clearing their own board.
Well Played!



i mean if they want to leave it to rng why waste time? open up brawl, let it flip a coin, be over with it in 20 seconds, because this whole thing is about whos luckier, not whos better

Again, you've fundamentally missed the point of brawls. They are for crazy wacky unique experiences. You have play mode for compeitative matches.


i mean if they want to leave it to rng why waste time? open up brawl, let it flip a coin, be over with it in 20 seconds, because this whole thing is about whos luckier, not whos better

It's supposed to be fun. Why are you trying to measure card skillz in tavern brawls?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Again, you've fundamentally missed the point of brawls. They are for crazy wacky unique experiences. You have play mode for compeitative matches.

If Blizzard actually managed to make a tavern brawl using the existing card pool that was actually better than the main game, then that would actually mean that Blizzard should make that brawl the new normal.

Tavern brawls, as temporary distractions, by their very nature will be worse than Play mode.

Play a few games, chuckle at the novelty, than gtfo. That's what it is there for.


Funny enough, this tavern brawl actually has an optimal playstyle strategy and there's a best class for it. Play Warlock, only play enough minions to have board control. When you have board control, play as few extra minions as possible and tap for card advantage. If you are behind on board control then just play out as many minions as possible. Only take favorable minion trades, otherwise go face. I don't know why I'm only facing Priests in brawl.


Cue up as Mage, get a wall of Warriors. Cue up against Miracle Rogue, get non-stop Hunter and Shaman. Always countered; never the counter.



This game has gone to shit since Old Gods IMO, never seen such a lack of diversity in decks. Literally everyone I play against the last few weeks is using the exact same net decked super aggressive decks. Call of the Wild Hunters can fuck off if they think that card is staying 8 mana and double rockbiter Doomhammer, enjoy your 16 damage to the face because every Shaman plays around a teched Ooze or Harrison Jones now. Warlock Zoo (enjoy your 3-4 PO's burst) plus Dragon Tempo Warrior and C'Thun Warrior are like 99% of ladder. That's literally 5 deck types in a game that's devolved into kill your opponent by turn 8.

I almost fall out of my chair when I run into a Priest or Rogue.



I wonder if Shadow Word: Horror was "Destroy all minions with 3 or less health" if it would be OP or put priest in a powerful place in the meta.
Leeroy or N'zoth? I have cards for building decks around them with Rogue for both.

Leeroy is in the Classic Set, so he's Evergreen. He's also used in a wider variety of decks since almost any deck can benefit from a good finisher. N'Zoth is a powerful card, but is mostly in control deathrattle decks. If you're looking specifically at Rogue, I think Miracle is generally stronger than N'Zoth Rogue and Miracle benefits a lot from the extra burst that Leeroy can provide.

Just my own stats of course. I played almost all my games with stat tracking. This is ranked only. It's of course not 100% accurate. I may have deleted some experimental decks, with their stats, but none really played significantly.

IMO, much better meta without secret paladin. Not sure how anyone can claim this is a bad meta compared to TGT or LOE.
Leeroy is in the Classic Set, so he's Evergreen. He's also used in a wider variety of decks since almost any deck can benefit from a good finisher. N'Zoth is a powerful card, but is mostly in control deathrattle decks. If you're looking specifically at Rogue, I think Miracle is generally stronger than N'Zoth Rogue and Miracle benefits a lot from the extra burst that Leeroy can provide.

Ok thanks, I have a lot of struggling back and forth on ranked with Miracle, let's hope Leeroy helps with that.


Super Sleuth
Is leeroy still a good finisher when your build doesn't have buff cards? Isn't it PO that really makes him super powerful?
Is leeroy still a good finisher when your build doesn't have buff cards? Isn't it PO that really makes him super powerful?

PO is a good one, so are Cold Blood and Shadowstep. He also works reasonably well with Flametongue Totem. But even without buffs, 6 damage can be enough to give you lethal, especially in an aggressive deck.
Is leeroy still a good finisher when your build doesn't have buff cards? Isn't it PO that really makes him super powerful?

It still is one of the highest face damage cards in the game. It's beaten by... pyroblast. And technically ragnaros if it hits face. Ties for several cards, like fireball.

I used to run it when it was at 4 mana without shadowstep or coldblood. Sometimes I ran cold blood, but I never got into the shadowstep finishers as I wasn't a fan of shadowstep's utility outside of combo.


Is leeroy still a good finisher when your build doesn't have buff cards? Isn't it PO that really makes him super powerful?

He really shines when you pair him up with PO or Soulfire for 10-14 damage in a single turn. I guess it really depends on what class you play and if 6 points of damage is enough to close out most games for you.
N'Zoth is beyond broken and is going to be in standard for a very long time, he's a way better card than leeroy (which is a B+ legendary in the classic set, no doubt); but zoth basically wins any game when he gets thrown on the board, it's very close to impossible for most decks to deal with, especially considering even if they do have a magic ticket like twisting nether, you have up to 6 deathrattles triggering anyway that they can't do anything about. N'Zoth is easily an A+ legendary, only exception would be if you have an extremely light collecton void of deathrattles. but snagging a second sylvanas, cairne, etc all in one turn is instant win 99% of the time.
N'Zoth is beyond broken and is going to be in standard for a very long time, he's a way better card than leeroy (which is a B+ legendary in the classic set, no doubt); but zoth basically wins any game when he gets thrown on the board, it's very close to impossible for most decks to deal with, especially considering even if they do have a magic ticket like twisting nether, you have up to 6 deathrattles triggering anyway that they can't do anything about. N'Zoth is easily an A+ legendary, only exception would be if you have an extremely light collecton void of deathrattles. but snagging a second sylvanas, cairne, etc all in one turn is instant win 99% of the time.

For a card that is "beyond broken", I've rarely seen it outside of the first 1 or 2 weeks and in the majority of those matches I beat it. N'zoth simpy requires way too much set up time, which lets a lot of decks simply race you down or combo you to death.
N'Zoth is beyond broken and is going to be in standard for a very long time, he's a way better card than leeroy (which is a B+ legendary in the classic set, no doubt; but zoth basically wins any game when he gets thrown on the board, it's very close to impossible for most decks to deal with, especially considering even if they do have a magic ticket like twisting nether, you have up to 6 deathrattles triggering anyway that they can't do anything about

I agree that N'Zoth is a powerful card, but the meta isn't exactly dominated by N'Zoth decks for a reason. He's slow. An aggressive deck can just stream roll you before you ever get the chance to play him. And control decks do have ways to handle big N'Zoth boards. N'Zoth will get better if more deathrattles are introduced, but he's not the guaranteed win card that you're claiming him to be.


Yeah, N'Zoth is super slow. There isn't a single tier one N'Zoth deck on the standard ladder.

In wild, though, N'Zoth is crazy. You can slow the games down with Sludge Belchers and Deathlords and then bring them all back in the late game.


Unconfirmed Member
N'Zoth is going to be a force in Wild for a very long time, or until Blizzard release something that punishes deathrattles MUCH more harshly (such as lots of cheap silences, lol -- don't hold your breath).

The card is simply too insane in a meta where there are many more control options available. Sludge Belcher(s) alone makes the card playable along with a few Standard cards like Sylvannas, and you have an insanely sticky control deck that can summon a massively powerful board out of nowhere.
N'Zoth is going to be a force in Wild for a very long time, or until Blizzard release something that punishes deathrattles MUCH more harshly (such as lots of cheap silences, lol -- don't hold your breath).

The card is simply too insane in a meta where there are many more control options available. Sludge Belcher(s) alone makes the card playable along with a few Standard cards like Sylvannas, and you have an insanely sticky control deck that can summon a massively powerful board out of nowhere.
Plus it synergizes with Secret Paladin.
i mostly play wild since i've been playing HS for a couple years and have a good lot of cards, but yeah zoth is insane when you get to drop him there. I guess if you play standard i could see him being significantly weaker without sludge and belcher, still sylvanas and cairne alone make for an absolutely berserk turn even if that's all you get. add tirion to that trio and LOLGG


Still can't play since last patch, and pretty sure no one from my country (Indonesia) could either

Its seem people with certain ISP affected from this
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