Oh sweet I voted for Cydonia. Gimme them packs.
Me too.
Oh sweet I voted for Cydonia. Gimme them packs.
THijs doesn't play til tomorrow.
Also, it just kind of occured to me (well recently) that druid's living roots is kind of just a better version of sinister strike. I always thought of mage and rogue as being the classes that got strong cheap spell cards but blizzard loves druid enough that they give them powerful tools that imo they shouldn't even have. Meanwhile they take away powerful tools like blade flurry. So weird.
Combo is always going to serve as a damper on cheap Rogue cards.
Great Shadowverse has been pushed back until tomorrow. Was looking forward to try out the game...
Has anyone else had trouble reaching Rank 5 this season? I usually don't have much trouble getting to 5 but this has been a huge slog.
Has anyone else had trouble reaching Rank 5 this season? I usually don't have much trouble getting to 5 but this has been a huge slog.
I started stalling around rank 7 with maly druid, the meta was pretty varied so wasn't sure what to tech for. Got a play 50 shaman cards quest, built a cookie cutter midrange deck and didn't lose a single game til rank 5.Has anyone else had trouble reaching Rank 5 this season? I usually don't have much trouble getting to 5 but this has been a huge slog.
I'm not a fan of it copying Hearthstone's draw system.It's okay. I think I've cooled off on the game quite a bit. I don't think its better than HS and a lot of decks I faced off against even at the beginning of ranked were really heavy cost decks, many aggressive face decks as well. It doesn't help that deck sizes are larger while the health pool is smaller. I would have liked to see a larger health pool with the larger deck size.
It's nigh identical to Hearthstone, so at least you will find it familiar.Great Shadowverse has been pushed back until tomorrow. Was looking forward to try out the game...
I think shadowstrike is uncontested the best rogue spell they've gotten since sword oil. I wouldn't mind more spells with combo text though. Eviscerate remains very strong due to how it scales mid game and late game, particularly with spell power which cheap spells are easy to combo with.
god damn when will blizzard that effects or procs that push a card to 0 make them broken. Secret hunter might as well just be face hunter stupid. it tops out at such a ridiculously low curve and the secrets are basically impossible to deal with. it's so dumb.
Speaking of how forgotten Combo feels as a mechanic. I got a quest for Enrage minions the other day and did a quick search.
There are REALLY not many Enrage minions! Bloodhoof Brave is probably the best one that isn't Legendary (Grom) and it's a warrior class card. The 6 others are neutrals and 1 is from GvG as a warrior class card (Warbot). Except for 3, all these cards are from the base set and only Warriors have Enrage cards as class cards.
I guess they decided that the mechanic doesn't work most of the time? But it could be a cool way to get warriors to use all their Ping mechanics pro-actively instead of reactively. As buffs, instead of more removal. But it just seems like there are a ton of "forgotten" mechanics in Hearthstone. I imagine some are intentionally forgotten to prevent OPness, but I can't figure out why they wouldn't make more of some of them. I guess this is back to the old talk about how amazing Discover is and how more things should have that keyword.
I mean more that they're going to be concerned about printing great cheap Rogue spells and cards that could enable powerful Combo effects.
LOL Asmodai destroy other streamer monitor
Asmo play Malyrogue this other streamer play mid shaman, the mid shaman fill the board and get cleared by Elemental Destruction from huckster, and asmo finish the game with combo after barnes pull malygos, the mid shaman streamer end stream abruptly and turned out his monitor broke after he throwing his mouse
Fuck Yogg. Fuck that card so much.
Seriously? After the nerf there are so many other OP cards that Yogg isn't even close. It's a gambling card with barely any predictability in how it behaves.
EDIT: Handsome guy fail. I bet on him because he's Korean, I thought they practiced 16 hours a day.![]()
How long 'til day 2 starts?
Yogg still being dumb shouldn't be surprising. They'd need to change the card completely to change that
Winning the first 3 games of the day in Gwent earns you a pack. That's preferable to getting a "play 10 enrage minion" quest.
Thanks man!Winning the first 3 games of the day in Gwent earns you a pack. That's preferable to getting a "play 10 enrage minion" quest.
40 minutes
Anyone else going to blizzcon? next weekend will be very busy for me
bbgungun had my friend and I worried (I convinced my buddy to go in on him too). I knew about his past history training players in the background but didnt account for his stage nerves. His nerves caused him to misplay a little but he came through at the end
Hopefully now he'll relax more and put in good work
And yeah lol Yogg still decided some matchups
Well played sir.
I picked Thijs because Dutch pride.
Good on ya buddy.
All these retards in Twitch chat thinking they get a pack per game win.