Well Karazhan is widely considered as the worst expansion Blizzard has released so at the very least Blizzard can't just phone it in anymore.I wonder what people will think of the new expansion cards? There is so many other card games flooding the market now. I literally can't even find them all.
Just heard bout Alteil Horizons other day. And that Eternal screen Möbius posts looks pretty
Questing Adventurer step aside.
Technically questing adventurer analog is awakened student (empower: +1/+1).
You got two epics from your reward? Whythefuckyoulyin.gif
I'm starting to think mercy priests are a thing, after 2-4 losses blizzard just throws a priest at you so you can have 1 win and regain your confidence and focus. Not sure how that works if your normally play as priest though, mercy rogues?
I put an Earthen Ring Farseer in my Priest. So far it was pretty useful. Either heals a Blademaster or a ping with Auchenai. That was rank 20-18 though against a few Shamen.
Which game is that?
Are you suggesting rogue is a good match up for priest? lol.
I play neither class ( just zoolock, secret hunter and a cheap attempt at freeze mage) I've always heard ( since I started back in I think June?) priest and rogue were the weakest two classes so I assumed priest would do best against the second weakest deck. I had no idea rogue was supposed to be a bad matchup for them normally.
I play neither class ( just zoolock, secret hunter and a cheap attempt at freeze mage) I've always heard ( since I started back in I think June?) priest and rogue were the weakest two classes so I assumed priest would do best against the second weakest deck. I had no idea rogue was supposed to be a bad matchup for them normally.
Did I miss that 1000 gold entry arena or did it not happen yet?
Did I miss that 1000 gold entry arena or did it not happen yet?
Well Karazhan is widely considered as the worst expansion Blizzard has released so at the very least Blizzard can't just phone it in anymore.
It feels like some or more of these things have to happen for the new expansion to be received well:
*New mechanics/keywords. We are long over due for something.
*Less RNG big swing cards. Blizzard has been lowering RNG since after GVG but then somehow stopped with Karazhan. With them specifically stating that it's not fun to play against Tuskar Totemic, I think they may have finally realized that big swing RNG cards are not fun anymore.
*Cards that shake up the status quo, mainly flashy Priest and Rogue cards like they alluded to.
*Powerful anti aggro and tempo cards, hopefully some efficient board clears too.
*Common Mage cards that are terrible in Arena.
*Strong Legendaries because everyone always focuses on the Legendaries even though it's the commons/rares that make a bigger impact most of the time.
*No blatant power creep cards over basic cards but we all know this is not going to happen.
*No more direct damage, charger or powerful spell damage card. Especially if Blizzard is insistent on board centric game play.
Realistically speaking unless some drastic changes are made, the existing decks will become more efficient, faster and with less weaknesses. That's what happens after every expansion without a rotation. I think if they give Paladins better early game then we may see return of Secret Paladin so they probably have to be careful about that.
Just as an FYI, Dahbomb and I will be doing our Karazhan re-review stream hopefully sometime this week before Blizzcon on Friday. Possibly as early as tonight if the stars align.
You can follow me on Twitch to get a notification when we start.
All I want from the next set is a way for me to kill my own Sylvanas playing Paladin.
Righteous sacrifice. Destroy a friendly minion and heal for it's attack plus health. 1 mana.
Or summon recruits equal to it's mana cost.
I'll take it, I'd prefer destroy a minion heal your opponent for it's attack + health.
Hard removal? Fuck no.
Because Paladin already has an overabundance of that? Warrior is laughing all the way to fatigue at us.
Even Druid got mulch.Paladin not having single target hard removal is by design.
Dahbomb and I will be starting our stream within the next 10-15 minutes.
I just beat a player with a legend card back. Feels so good lol.
Druid had naturalise before that. While their hard removal isn't great, it's never been non-existent. What Druid sucked at was board clearing medium sized and above minions, which is something paladin has in spades.Even Druid got mulch.
Man that Hotmeowth Warrior deck... wut. The craziest thing about it is that it only has one copy of Grim Patron and then has one copy of Blood Warriors.blizzcon final decklist is out
As expected Amnesiac ditch his removal warrior, switch to discardzoo
Hotmeowth weirdly bring Arcane giant warrior tho
I guess he read the meta everyone switch to zoo and dragon warrior
blizzcon final decklist is out
As expected Amnesiac ditch his removal warrior, switch to discardzoo
Hotmeowth weirdly bring Arcane giant warrior tho
I guess he read the meta everyone switch to zoo and dragon warrior
Druid had naturalise before that. While their hard removal isn't great, it's never been non-existent. What Druid sucked at was board clearing medium sized and above minions, which is something paladin has in spades.
My boy Pavel looking good so far. Got that Spell druid and Maly Rogue, even has Firelands portal and water elementals in the tempo mage. I'm liking it.
Yeah I feel the same way. I forgot they can change decks.I don't like hotmeowth odd against drhippi at all lol
I guess I already get 3 pack
Eternal. It's in closed beta atm, being developed by ex-MTG pros and same developer as elder scrolls legends.
ERF in priest is pretty old school.
YouTube Archive of last night's Karazhan Re-review stream.
Our final score for folks on blast:
Amaz - 7
Trump - 3
Firebat - 6
Kibler - 4 and a half
ZealousD - 1
Dahbomb - 1
Midrange Shaman can easily tech against Freeze Mage, just put in Eater of Secrets, Ragnaros, 477 and some more burn damage. But you make your other match ups a bit weaker and it's not worth it on Ladder or even in tournaments.Healing wave in cheOnsu midrange shaman's an interesting inclusion. I bet the freeze mage matchup in the VS report would look a lot better if shaman started copying that. I guess cheOnsu thought it was good for other matchups too, probably Maly Druid, Hunter, and Tempo Mage.
I do wonder if midrange shaman could get around 50% for every matchup if they cared to tech for it, but don't because there aren't enough Freeze Mages out there to make it worth it.
He only has one copy of Patron in the deck, that's what gets me the most.That giant warrior should be favored against druid and even mage and everyone has them, it's not a bad choice imo, patrons beat zoo most of the time if you have a decent hand too. Actually If he can get patrons out on 6 he can beat everything DrHippi has, he no longer plays control warrior. It can beat itself with unplayable draws though and that will happen at least once. In my experience play that deck, I'm never lucky to get patrons out that fast but he's a pro on a high roll streak, he probably can!
Should be interesting.Each player is given Dorothee, which grants Charge to minions on one side and Taunt to the other. Build a 10 card deck and we'll give you three copies of each.
You start with 10 armor.
Where is the heroic brawl. I need the streamer salt