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Rank 5 finally. Felt a bit more difficult than usual, but I think that is because I usually wait until the last week try and push.


Here are my stats for the month in case anyone is interested:


Amazingly I made it in 157 games which is EXACTLY the predicted number of games for 59% win rate and 10 more games than expected with 60% win-rate. Based on this reddit post.

Therefore I can expect another 120 to 200 games to Legend if I want to keep pumping out games at a decent winrate.

As you can see I did dabble in a variety of decks and decided to stick with zoo and a bit of hunter. I played Hunter when I felt it was control warrior heavy and played warlock any other time. Most of this was simply my desire to hit 5 early since I was in the Hearthstone mood.

In the end I feel like my stats were pretty damn good with Shaman being my only unfavorable match-up. Typical shaman losses were to on curve 7/7 followed by feral spirits and two 5/5 taunts for 0 mana.


Did I ever mention how much I hate Yogg? Got a mage to lethal in the next turn and he had no resources to counter it, except topdeck yogg which wiped my board filled his with minions, buffed the minions and played several secrets that boosted him out of lethal range.
Today's crackpot deck is a dragon rogue deck. I first tried malygos, realized I didn't have enough burn and probably wouldn't be able to hold enough burn. So I switched to alexstrasza and I am 4-0 so far. I am realizing now I kept ET in the deck even though it was included primarily for malygos. Might be worth keeping.


Deathlord just got me a win though. The 12/12 if killed would have gotten me like 3-4 dragons.


Just had the craziest ending to a game in this week's Brawl. My opponent had a Wee Spellstopper and a Ysera on his board vs. my empty board, so I decided to Deathwing even though my hand was nearly full. My random spell was Siphon Soul on my own Deathwing. Then my opponent Pyroblasted his own face for lethal.
Lol, I actually ran into a control N'Zoth Shaman on Standard ladder. Dude must be having a horrible time.

Edit: Mmkay, second N'Zoth Shaman. Which streamer is responsible for this? lol

Edit2: Welp, switched to Midrange Hunter and winstreaked to rank 5 off all these random N'Zoth Shamans and Renlocks I was running into. Another month's grind in the books.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Kibler responded to my video on Reddit.

I definitely underestimated Malkorok to some degree, though it's worth noting that there isn't really much competition at the seven drop slot for a solid proactive card in warrior, so it doesn't have to edge out much.

I do not think I was at all wrong about Shifting Shade. There are no really competitive priest decks including it (or at all, really, but the best of them are not Shade decks), largely due to its poor stats and inability to help control the board.

Generally speaking, my reviews are aimed at looking for where cards might have a home, especially those that are dismissed by the community at large. There's value in finding cards others overlook.


Unconfirmed Member
Lol, I actually ran into a control N'Zoth Shaman on Standard ladder. Dude must be having a horrible time.

Edit: Mmkay, second N'Zoth Shaman. Which streamer is responsible for this? lol

Kibler taught me about it, though I'm using Amnesiac's deck. It sucks but at least it's still better than Priest.


Did I ever mention how much I hate Yogg? Got a mage to lethal in the next turn and he had no resources to counter it, except topdeck yogg which wiped my board filled his with minions, buffed the minions and played several secrets that boosted him out of lethal range.

Yogg is total bullshit, destroys the competitive integrity of the game, and is grosser than Dr Boom ever was. Why is the most powerful legendary in the game a neutral one? I thought they learned their lesson.


Yogg is total bullshit, destroys the competitive integrity of the game, and is grosser than Dr Boom ever was. Why is the most powerful legendary in the game a neutral one? I thought they learned their lesson.
Play a yogg deck and you'll see how "powerful" he is most of the time


Play a yogg deck and you'll see how "powerful" he is most of the time

Yeah, I've played him. I had a huge streak with Tempo Yogg Mage last season until I got fucking bored of Yogg. You keep him in hand if you're winning, and if you're gonna lose, you play him and there's a very good chance you just fucking win.

What other single card in the game can you drop and turn a game that you are 100% losing into a game that you just win? Everyone wants to say Yogg has downsides--he has no downside. Any player with half of a brain only plays Yogg when they're behind, so if it doesn't work out, no worries, you were losing anyway. The fucked up part about Yogg is he usually doesn't fizzle.

I mean, Yogg isn't even the best legendary in the set, let alone in the game.

Maybe I didn't mean best. I probably meant most broken, most oppressive, most harmful to the game.

Mages run Yogg and cut Antonidas. Antonidas, one of the best class legendaries in the game! Cut for a neutral legendary! How is that not indicative of how ridiculous this stupid card is?
Sorry but Yogg has very big downsides.

For one, his mana cost alone is extremely prohibitive. If you draw him early, he is a dead card for many turns.

Second, if you draw him too late, you are just as likely to fatigue yourself to death.

Third, you can hurt yourself upon using him and sometimes you may have to play him in an unfavorable situation, because of the previous drawback.

And the obvious one, you can't really count on him to work every time. And sometimes yogg will just lose you the game. I frankly think the decks that rely too much on yogg to win, are really bad decks (locknload). Tempo mage yogg is just a good deck all around imo. In the right meta that thing can have a really high winrate because it's a very good deck, not because yogg is top tier.

And as for antonidas, Antonidas himself was often cut for ragnaros. Antonidas was always very mediocre on tempo mage and he is far from one of the best class legendary cards. And in reality, the reason you run yogg over antonidas is because yogg decks are designed to be more aggressive, using your early spells for tempo and not worrying about saving fuel for antonidas. Yogg did not replace antonidas. Rather, Yogg fills a separate roll.
Maybe I didn't mean best. I probably meant most broken, most oppressive, most harmful to the game.

Mages run Yogg and cut Antonidas. Antonidas, one of the best class legendaries in the game! Cut for a neutral legendary! How is that not indicative of how ridiculous this stupid card is?

I'm not sure it's really that comparable though. Antonidas was used as a pure finisher while Yogg can be used as a finisher or a comeback mechanic but with extreme RNG involved. The current tempo Mage just values that comeback mechanic right now.

Yogg is the very definition of a hail mary. Sometimes it connects and it's out of this fucking world levels of good and sometimes it misses and it's a steaming pile of crap that usually has you scrambling for the concede button. I've experienced my fair share of both personally.



Tempo Mage is strong without Yogg, the Yogg is just an X factor thrown in. It doesn't rely on Yogg to win.

If your deck is focused around Yogg then your deck is bad. If your deck functions without Yogg but it just so happens to work with Yogg then your deck is still good and Yogg can be effective.

Card design of Yogg was always sketchy. It's a 10 mana card though and you kinda expect a big swing with it. Varian Wrynn in Tempo Warrior has won me a lot of games, both games that I was losing due to lack of card advantage and games where I was behind in board and got something on the board right away. That's about what you want in terms of board impact/card advantage from a 10 mana card.


at least the best competitive yogg deck right now, yogg druid is quite intriguing deck.. if Yogg enable such a deck so be its, I take that over drag warrior n hunter shitshow


Lol, I actually ran into a control N'Zoth Shaman on Standard ladder. Dude must be having a horrible time.

Edit: Mmkay, second N'Zoth Shaman. Which streamer is responsible for this? lol
Yeah i'm seeing these stupid control shamans too lol. some streamer is fooling people.

ok dude, healing wave all you want, you're still dead by turn 7


oh man now all these streamers are trying to find that secret priest deck.

the next few days of ladder going to be like

kripp went like 5-0 with this weird ass nzoth control thingy with dragonlord lol. won games with his ingenuity.

now he'll make a vid about it and i'll feast on all these scrubs


Lol this Brawl. Played a turn 1 Mana Wyrm which casted Mind Games and it summoned the opponent's Confessor Palestress. :"D Insta-enemy concede.


gamescom is over a month away, assuming it comes the adventure releases that week after announcement, you still have a lot of time to save up gold etc. I was hoping for it to come out a little earlier, I guess no one releases anything early August.
Does C'thun solve Miracle's problems?

If you add in only a few cards....disciple, twin emperor, c'thun's chosen and blade of c'thun and cold blood, conceal, poison, leeroy you've now got a deck that can be far more reactive on board with a solid win condition.

even better put in a shadowstep for two c'thuns.

basically you get 2 more si agents and some other stuff. not sure if the chosen is necessary puts its pretty durable.

i'm only trying this around ranks 15-18 though, and i'm not really seeing a lot of shaman or zoo so who knows how it behaves there but i like the battlecries.


So, I switched back to warrior. Played two ranked games.

Saw two hunters.

Maybe I was just joking before, but come on, there's no way ranked isn't rigged. How is it that I see SOOO many hunters when I'm queueing warrior, but if I queue Zoo, I start seeing Warriors instead?

I actually managed to force the second hunter to rage quit after I gained 10 life than followed it up with Justicar when he was topdecking and obviously didn't have call of derp.


"Yogg druid rewards skilled play" - Crane
Is he wrong? Its certainly not as braindead as Dragon Warrior
Yogg is just one card, the deck even have win condition that contrasting with what yogg itself does
Dragwar on other hand only one way road, Kolento's video today playing that deck is sad af, never before you seeing kolento play as similar as rank 20 player


Shouldn't I be getting a new quest when I complete a quest? I haven't cleared one for about three weeks and I didn't reroll any. Did a quest a few hours ago but a new one didn't pop up. Not even after starting new.


Is he wrong? Its certainly not as braindead as Dragon Warrior
Yogg is just one card, the deck even have win condition that contrasting with what yogg itself does
Dragwar on other hand only one way road, Kolento's video today playing that deck is sad af, never before you seeing kolento play as similar as rank 20 player

Token Druid is definitely a deck where you have to know how to play the game, whereas Dragon Warrior you can just topdeck your way to victory even if you're facing a better player.

Still, there isn't a card in the game that rewards bad players more than Yogg does. Coin wild growth on turn one, then have no follow up so you're hero powering on turn 2 and 3? Why not! Yogg will make everything okay!


Is he wrong? Its certainly not as braindead as Dragon Warrior
Yogg is just one card, the deck even have win condition that contrasting with what yogg itself does
Dragwar on other hand only one way road, Kolento's video today playing that deck is sad af, never before you seeing kolento play as similar as rank 20 player

Yeah, he has a point. But it was still funny hear him saying it.
Where do you guys find deck profiles that have reached legend for Standard?

I want to craft my own version of a top ranked "Hunter" deck and hopefully legend some day.


Super Sleuth
Dude hit #1 Legend in EU with a Worgen warrior combo otk deck. Kind of crazy. Deck costs 1600 dust plus Emp Thaur.

Also, an N'zoth paladin deck is running over Dreamhack right now.

Just played a renolock who didn't actually have Reno right when he needed it. Holy crap! Take that sucka.
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