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Can everyone stop this warrior otk bullshit and try to find that unicorn priest deck so I can get easy wins on ladder?
Can everyone stop this warrior otk bullshit and try to find that unicorn priest deck so I can get easy wins on ladder?
IDK if you've seen everyone saying it, but if you want to win as Priest, go play Wild. Priest is very strong in that meta since you still have Velen's and Deathlord.



Just got this on EU.


Another arena stopped at 6 wins thanks to a crazy opponent and this is making me incredibly paranoid.

Whatever, I got a lot of gold.


Another arena stopped at 6 wins thanks to a crazy opponent and this is making me incredibly paranoid.

Whatever, I got a lot of gold.

Yeah, 6 wins is a pretty significant milestone in my experience. Any time I go 6-0 I start hitting insane decks.


Yeah, 6 wins is a pretty significant milestone in my experience. Any time I go 6-0 I start hitting insane decks.

It's normal having to face insane decks after 6 wins but ugh it's frustrating having such a high number of 6-3 arenas.

Besides, what was this about getting two packs more often? I've never got one except for the time I got to 12 wins. I feel it was just a few people getting them over a huge sample size when TOG came and the chances are really tiny.


what the actual fuck? i get garbage rng but manage to survive then when I cast ancestral knowledge the fucking game just fucking disappears, ui stops responding but I can click around so I exit the client and try to rejoin my game. nope, no game

piece of shit fucking client stealing wins what fucking garbage.

yeah. there goes my star what in the actual fucking hell is this bullshit? I want to say it was my cunt opponent doing some stupid shit because that would be just absolutely fucking predictable.
playing against hunters that have both call of the wilds and highmanes in the top 15 cards of their deck while you're trying to test different priest decks is pretty soul crushing
what the actual fuck? i get garbage rng but manage to survive then when I cast ancestral knowledge the fucking game just fucking disappears, ui stops responding but I can click around so I exit the client and try to rejoin my game. nope, no game

piece of shit fucking client stealing wins what fucking garbage.

yeah. there goes my star what in the actual fucking hell is this bullshit? I want to say it was my cunt opponent doing some stupid shit because that would be just absolutely fucking predictable.
*hugs* I hope you feel better man.

playing against hunters that have both call of the wilds and highmanes in the top 15 cards of their deck while you're trying to test different priest decks is pretty soul crushing
Testing decks is kind of frustrating in general. I think that's why so many people netdeck.


*hugs* I hope you feel better man.

Testing decks is kind of frustrating in general. I think that's why so many people netdeck.

I turned around and decked a token druid with control n'zoth shaman so that improved my mood.
A druid who played yogg into my 2x ancestral spirit cairne + regular cairne + baine, wiped me down to 3 baines, shadowstepped his yogg, and froze my board out so I couldn't push damage. Second time yogg came down it completely cleared the board. of course 2 yoggs at maybe 12 spells each may have been the reason he got decked so hard :p

Turn 2 he innervated violet teacher but had no turn 3 answer to my doomsayer.
Couldn't clear my emperor for 2 turns either, mad discounts.

I never even got to play the bonkers n'zoth
Man, I'm down to 5 packs on my WOG pity timer. Shit sucks.
But may it be a great pity legendary! :)

I turned around and decked a token druid with control n'zoth shaman so that improved my mood.
A druid who played yogg into my 2x ancestral spirit cairne + regular cairne + baine, wiped me down to 3 baines, shadowstepped his yogg, and froze my board out so I couldn't push damage. Second time yogg came down it completely cleared the board. of course 2 yoggs at maybe 12 spells each may have been the reason he got decked so hard :p

Turn 2 he innervated violet teacher but had no turn 3 answer to my doomsayer.
Couldn't clear my emperor for 2 turns either, mad discounts.

I never even got to play the bonkers n'zoth
I am always surprised when I play against a Druid, the Druid innervates something big, I clear it, and then they hero power for the next 2 turns.


Well the good news about OTK warrior being popular. We can have more games where people draw the game out until fatigue and then take the full rope to figure out if they have lethal, while each time you scramble to keep your health above 44 - 60 Health, have an ice block up, or 2 taunts depending on how many executes have been used.


Thumbs up for last week's tavern brawl, any time I can win 25+ matches with rogue is a good thing. Finally got that class to level 60, all basic gold cards unlocked.


No one expects the Secret Murloc Paladin haha!

I mean, mgrlrlrlrl


OTK Warrior and Freeze Mage rekt me tho


Unconfirmed Member
Had a lot of fun questing against friends at lunch today.

Played some mad janky decks (C'thun Reno Mage is so bad), some pretty ok but fun decks (YOGG N LOAD BABY), and some concede tier decks (Murloc Pally and Murloc Druid cause they are really fast win/loss). Overall HS against friends is SIGNIFICANTLY more fun than ladder. Heartily recommended for all quests this week if you can do it.

Also don't concede in those matches. It doesn't seem to work.


PC Gamer getting in on the speculation

Prior to the teaser, a post on a Chinese forum claimed to have leaked information that the next expansion will be based on a World of Warcraft raid that is written as three Chinese characters. From that, the internet soon sleuthed the following shortlist:

卡拉赞 — Karazhan
奥杜尔 — Ulduar
永春台 — Terrace of Endless Spring
悬槌堡 — Highmaul


It will be interesting to see how much new stuff they will bring to the table. They have gone for a more "inspired by" them for TGT and LoE. It will be interesting to see how much new lore they create or if they will follow the raids more closely.

Having a magic based Adventure does sound like an awesome way to get some more spells and spell related minions into the game.
PC Gamer getting in on the speculation


It will be interesting to see how much new stuff they will bring to the table. They have gone for a more "inspired by" them for TGT and LoE. It will be interesting to see how much new lore they create or if they will follow the raids more closely.

Having a magic based Adventure does sound like an awesome way to get some more spells and spell related minions into the game.

Priest isn't allowed to get a decent 2 drop until rogue does. It's out of my hands, it's the law.


I got the brawl quest today, it was the first time that I've seen this quest appearing when brawl is offline, weird. new bug?

I've been playing my concede c'thun rogue that has a lot of dupes but runs reno anyway and it's quite funny. I have double prep, fan, si7, disciple, backstab, tomb pillager, azure drakes and evis and I still activate my reno often. playing one sprint and one gadgetzan.

And for 2 drop for rogue, I'm playing that 1/4 c'thun taunt guy, yeah. main way you lose is to get face rolled in turn 1-3, this like armor smiths is hard to kill and I have a lot of cards that deal 2 damage so plus 1 damage I can kill 3 hp minions, later I can play c'thun and don't die. I think it's somewhat underrated. I wish it buffed c'thun too even if it was just +1/+1.


Come on Blizzard, introduce a scry-like keyword in this adventure. Just link it to the fortune teller or something.

I wonder if Dodds is going to be the one introducing this because then it's 100% sure there are 2 teams within the HS team.

Tea and scry finally.

Just got a new quest in eu

Battle a friend 80g
You both get a reward


I got this quest today too. If anyone else gets it feel free to let me in on yours. ;)


I am going to play my part and an attempt to build a mythical unicorn Priest deck.

I am going to build it around Holy Champion, Injured Blademaster/Kvaldir, and Boneguard Lieutenant so it would be a more Midrange, Tempo style Priest deck.


Aw yiss rank 5, goes 37-13 with my non-dragon tempo warrior from rank 14

I love the deck, when everyone else already replacing Armorsmith, putting Finley, or just simply play Dragzzz warrior that much more aggresive I still prefer this slower build


Its interesting my winrate is much more leaning when I start with coin than when I'm not

Track-o-bot Stat, unfortunately I only start using it from rank 9 so no bigger sample size


My worst matchup is ofcoure Dragon Warrior, they have more proactive 2 drop that made me struggle to keep up, hard to fight that deck if your deck only 2 drop minion is Armorsmith, but eh fuck that deck.

I more comfortable against control warrior because I can read their removal, but admitedly some of these player playing badly and waste removal for lesser target. I don't why you would Shield Slam an Fierce Monkey, but hey works for me lol


Super Sleuth
I keep going back and forth on whether or not to craft two lock and loads to have some fun with a Yogg and load hunter.

I'm pretty card poor, have very few legendaries, and am sitting on 5600 dust.

It just seems like a lot of fun.


I keep going back and forth on whether or not to craft two lock and loads to have some fun with a Yogg and load hunter.

I'm pretty card poor, have very few legendaries, and am sitting on 5600 dust.

It just seems like a lot of fun.

Why not just made Yogg Druid? that deck look fun but also competitive, my next dusting for deck target its seem

lacking Fandral, Yogg and at least one of Onyxia or Cenarius >_>


Super Sleuth
Why not just made Yogg Druid? that deck look fun but also competitive, my next dusting for deck target its seem

lacking Fandral, Yogg and at least one of Onyxia or Cenarius >_>

If i invest heavily in dust I want it to be majority non class legendaries. I'm looking at Thalnos, Twin emperor, sylvanas, or Leeroy.


If i invest heavily in dust I want it to be majority non class legendaries. I'm looking at Thalnos, Twin emperor, sylvanas, or Leeroy.

that really slow way to create library IMO

I spend 8000 Dust for Tempo Warrior I posted above, 3 Warrior Leg and including 1 that gonna rotated soon but its help me get rank 5 3 month in a row so I'm not regret it but tbh I bummed a bit the Dragon variant take its place as tier 1 deck lol

I think its the best to spend your dust for 1 whole deck that you interested and competitive, that way all the card that you crafted help synergy each other and not scattered to everywhere that not fit in one deck just because you thinking crafting neutral card is the best value.

but its seem you had 2 CoW already so you had that hunter deck going already for laddering purpose


Super Sleuth
Just played a patron warrior with my midrange hunter. He had 3 patrons up and two ichor slimes. I used unleash the hounds to fill his board with damaged patrons and then suicided the rest of the hounds into his patrons and then played explosive trap.

Very satisfying way to clear his board.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Hmm either the free 13 wotg packs don't count toward the pity timer or I forgot that I pulled a legendary. Either way I hope I get something soon


cancer buff?

Enough shields that control has trouble removing the stuff, and board clears are usually ineffective. I have to get a good draw to beat aggro though, because no board clear of my own. Does well against midrange because of shields allowing favorable trades.

EDIT: I put in the murlocs because I need bodies on the board asap. Just having a 1/1 survive is enough for me to maintain board control.
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