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Druid gonna being top dog very soon again anyway, and bliizz already said they do not like changing innervate and wild growth

they in great spot


How much experience with control warr vs priest do you have? Not a ton of experience with cthun, but I have played tons of control warr vs priest in the past and the general method is you reroll for justicar and play nothing and don't draw at all. Don't kill their 1/3. Your goal is to get them to 10 cards and make them have to use their conditional cards undesirably while you just respond to their threats. So only play your weaker minions or to make space in your hand. You basically win through fatigue or monkey if you're playing it.

Might be a little more rough with cthun variant but I've had decent win rate vs priest using this method with control warr. A lot of priests don't play it right though so if you get a priest who knows what you're doing it makes it harder.

And when they play their sylvannas if you can give them an acolyte it helps a lot.

It's very rare for me to lose to Control Warrior if I'm playing N'zoth Priest. The C'thun components make it more favorable for the Warrior I think, especially if the Priest cuts an Entomb. Most Priests won't use their Northshire Clerics if they think they're playing against Control and will ONLY draw if they're ahead on fatigue.

It's a hard match for Warrior and one of the very few positive matchups for Priest.


Super Sleuth
No one has ever complained about Houndmaster in the history of HS.

Animal Companion though...

With the amount of complaining about hearthstone in general, i refuse to believe there is any component that hasn't been complained about. Somewhere, there is someone bitching about magma rager being op.


Warrior is fine, Blizzard needs to help other classes have more viable decks (or in some cases a single viable deck)

I would love to be able to bring out my retired golden priest but I doubt that'll ever happen again outside of some novelty deck. Priest has been ignored for soooo long that I think they forget it's an actual class in the game.


The class that has been the most consistently good in Hearthstone is Warlock.

Warrior was not good in Undertaker meta. Warrior was not that good in Secret Paladin/Combo Druid/Zoolock meta. Warrior honestly wasn't that great in the GvG meta either pre-BRM.

Warlock has always been good primarily because of the Zoo playstyle, sometimes Handlock/Renolock ends up being on top like when Grim Patron was the best. But Zoo always manages to find a way like a cockroach.

In fact the only time where Zoo wasn't a tier 1 deck (it was tier 2 then) was during Grim Patron meta days because that deck directly countered Zoo.

Tier 1 deck in pre Naxx era (OG Zoo)
Tier 1 deck in Naxx era (just below Hunter).
Tier 1 deck in GvG (Demon Zoo)
Tier 2 deck in post BRM (Demon Zoo), but Warlock still had tier 1 Handlock
Tier 1 deck in post Warsong nerf (Demon Zoo)
Tier 1 deck in post LoE (Demon Zoo with Dark Peddler)
Tier 1 in post Standard (Current Zoo)

While people will point at PO... it's really because of Life Tap. Firebat had a good explanation on why this is so "whatever people find is the best deck in HS, Zoo will just pick minions that are slightly faster than it and just swarm it out".



Every single class has some OP cards from the basic and classic sets that are just an essential part of their kit and will always see play. To point the finger at cards like Fiery War Axe is to ignore the previous whole history of the game where that card was basically needed to make warriors viable, And at some points the meta wasn't even kind to the card.

Great points, and to your point there times where warrior were dropping one axe (though you had death's bite) because it wasn't as effective against the popular minions at the time.

The thing that makes it seems so overpowered is the faster warrior decks means warriors now have strong early drops instead of just armoring up which is ridiculously strong in a meta with few comeback cards.

With rogue I cry ever time I see coin+Alex champion. That is pretty much the reason why rogue disappeared. Rogue was fine against the non-dragon tempo warrior. I think if they nerfed that card it might be enough to make dragon warrior fair.


In Wild right now it's very common to have only one War Axe. War Axe in Wild doesn't do much of anything, Death's Bite is what carries them.

Before this Standard rotation, Warrior has historically had very few archetypes. It was usually only Control Warrior pre BRM. After BRM they got a Tempo based archetype and that was really it... they hadn't had a tempo based archetype in forever. In fact this many archetypes for a single class is a huge anomaly in the game's history... outside of Warlock and MAYBE Mage very few classes have been able to have 3 or more strong archetypes at one time.
If Mage was on top you'd have people complain about Fireball or Frostbolt.

If Druid was on top you'd have people complain about Innervate and Wild Growth.

If Rogue was on top you'd have people complain about Backstab, Sap, and Eviscerate.

If Paladin was on top you'd have people complain about Equality and Truesilver Champion.

If Hunter was on top you'd have people complain about Kill Command and Houndmaster.

If Warlock was on top you'd have people complain about Power Overwhelming and their 1 drops.

If Priest was on top you'd have people complain about Power Word: Shield and Shadow Word: Death.

Every single class has some OP cards from the basic and classic sets that are just an essential part of their kit and will always see play. To point the finger at cards like Fiery War Axe is to ignore the previous whole history of the game where that card was basically needed to make warriors viable, And at some points the meta wasn't even kind to the card. Right now you have cards like Tunnel Trogg that make the meta very kind to Fiery War Axe and that's why it's so powerful. If Blizzard went back to the days where 2/1 was the typical 1 drop instead of a 1/3, Fiery War Axe would be a lot less of a problem.

Many classic and basic cards have been nerfed in the past though. At times they weren't even played and later were nerfed regardless. While you make a good argument pointing out that there are lots of core cards to each class that are strong, that has never made them immune to being nerfed in the past.

Soulfire, which could easily be listed as a core warlock card as it was played in both zoo and handlock. Got +1 mana.
Warsong commander (give minions 3 attack and under charge).
Flame imp (self damage used to be 2).
Blood imp (1/1 stealth +1 health aura).
Defias ringleader (2/3 + 2/1 originally).
Charge! (originally 0 mana gives charge, no attack buff).
Flare (used to be 2 mana).
Blade Flurry+ancient of lore+force of nature+the other standard changes

I listed the changes because not everyone is that familiar with it. A couple were more niche than core but I'd think the niche cards are less likely to be nerfed than the core ones.

I wouldn't be surprised to see execute made 2 mana. I can't see how they can nerf fiery war axe despite out strong it is, but I guess they don't mind gutting cards a bit... see blade flurry =/


There's no real way to change Fiery Axe without making it garbage or by redesigning it. They shouldn't change it because it's a good barometer of gauging the meta. Like if you are at the point where War Axe can't curb early drops then that means your early drops have gotten too strong (like they were before Standard and how they are in Wild).

Execute can go to 2 mana though. Mostly because TWO Executes are run in every single Warrior deck and it's stuff like this is why it's hard to play decks that focus on slower, larger minions. It's just not enough of a tempo loss for tempo decks to utilize the removal... like they can remove a large minion and then play their large minion too. They nerfed Hunter's Mark so this is well within their capability to nerf.

But it's way too early to be talking about nerfs, they still have this adventure and another expansion to go. Most other classes are likely to increase in power at a higher rate than Warriors.


I feel the biggest issue with Execute at 1 mana is that it actually makes it really strong against mid-game as well.

If you're not expecting anything especially big, you just use it as a 1 mana way to remove whatever mid-game creature is threatening your board control because you're generating so much damage across the board with your early game minions anyway. They can't really remove that part of the class either without taking away a major portion of its identity.

But yeah, as it stands, I'm not expecting unscheduled nerfs. The card doesn't feel ridiculous either. It's more about opening up some more design space.


Sap is more annoying than execute, at least if you have a deathrattle it goes off when executed.

Sap is just... ugh... play 8 drop, get sapped for 2 mana (no real condition to Sap, unless it's stealth'ed, of which there are very few good minions), lose 6 mana in tempo... garbage.


12 hours of playing.. got to one win away from rank 5...

Now I'm one loss away from rank 8.

BRB drinking bleach...



Sap is more annoying than execute, at least if you have a deathrattle it goes off when executed.

Sap is just... ugh... play 8 drop, get sapped for 2 mana (no real condition to Sap, unless it's stealth'ed, of which there are very few good minions), lose 6 mana in tempo... garbage.
That's why Blade Flurry got nerfed. Rogue was dominant at single target and multi-target removal, so they just made Rogues weak to board flood while still excelling at removing single targets.


Had two health at the end of my turn after I got wrecked by call of the wild, decided not to concede and just let him finish me off. Jerk roped until the last second and then hero powered. Like... really?

12 hours of playing.. got to one win away from rank 5...

Now I'm one loss away from rank 8.

BRB drinking bleach...

And there's the reason I'll never hit rank 5. I was 16 this month, so baller!


Fire portal is a high value spell but what makes you think it's going to be ran in tempo when even faceless summoner isn't?

I remember when people were calling that thing OP.

Portal doesn't seem terrible. But its really expensive spell. What high cost spells are ran in your non-freeze mage deck that isn't call of the wild? Very few. Even flamestrike is iffy.

Can the RNG even lead to some astounding win? Like what is the best case 5 drop? I guess doomguard. So far I am not convinced that tempo mage has a slot for something like that. It's way too expensive and even if you do run a 7 cost spell, wouldn't it be flamestrike?

1. Firelands portal allows you to deal with a threat on the board while also advancing your own board state.
EG, your opponent plays Thaurissan on their turn 6 into your turn 7, can you play summoner and allow thaurissan to a. trade with the secondary body and b. get another round of reductions? Probably not, but with firelands portal you clear Thaurissan and advance your board state.
2. Firelands portal can be lethal.
3. Firelands portal is a spell.

2 is too many IMO. against board flooding decks like zoo you would rather have some sort of aoe, especially that late in the game.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Firelands Portal is expensive but it's worth it. Gotta remember that 5 damage kills a TON of stuff.


Firelands Portal is expensive but it's worth it. Gotta remember that 5 damage kills a TON of stuff.


At least Sylvanas can steal the summon minion though, which on average would be around a 4/5 stat minion.

Can't wait for the Trolden videos of this summoning a summoning stone, I wonder if it will give a 7 drop minion?
5 damage kills a lot of stuff, sure. I agree it's a good card. I just don't think it fits in tempo. If there is a meta where no decks spam minions, or you're targetting a deck that wins by having 1 or 2 minions on the board at a time at most, then sure. It's just so much easier to hit for 5 with many other cards for so much less mana, I feel like it's redundant despite it being multi-purposed and high value. I think it's the type of card that can go either way, but I'm leaning on it not making the cut in tempo.

10 Tavern Brawls and only 1 win. Saw someone summon an Ancient One on turn 4. All that for a shitty pack. This game does not respect your time.

You just reminded me to do brawl this week lol. I almost missed it entirely.

wow, i already won, screenshot inc



Finished my arena run at 6-3. Last 3 decks were just nuts, had perfect luck and I didn't draw any removal to boot.

Spellslinger gave my last opponent (a Paladin) a Fireball to finish me off. Was a fucking mess. Nothing I could do.

Now back to never playing Arena again and hating Constructed.


Unconfirmed Member
How do I post my card collection?

If I post my card collection, can you give me some tips on a decent deck I can build with it?

Hearthpwn's innkeeper app exports your collection to the web. I'd take a look at it.


Opponent's Undercity Huckster gives them a Kill Command to finish me otherwise they'd have lost. I think I hate any card with the word "random" on it. This happens too damn often.
1-damage Deathrattle hits Disciple of C'thun? Nope, face.

1-damage Deathrattle hits anywhere but Acolyte of Pain? Nope, Acolyte.

1-damage Deathrattle hits Disciple or C'thun's Chosen? Nope, face.

Can't believe I won that.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm in the mood to craft a legendary. Is either of the hoggers any good? Which one is better?


reynad say he gonna uninstall the game if he not get legend lmao
he not gonna do it

dude how about do us a favor and close tempostorm too


Unconfirmed Member
The whole Midrange archetype is a bad descriptor anyway.

These decks are aggro/tempo as long as we can classify pure face decks as burn decks. But people don't want to classify their decks as aggro because of stigma so they will call it ANYTHING else.

"Guys it's not Aggro Pally... it's Midrange Tempo Divine Shield Buff Paladin"

It didn't use to be, back when there was a choice between zombie chow and leper gnome. You could still pick chow and not be control, so midrange is the only way to describe it

Nowadays the distinction between aggro and midrange is way more fuzzy, and all the obviously midrange decks have other mechanics to describe them, like dragon priest.

I guess midrange shaman is very clearly midrange too even though it's still one of the fastest in the game, just because you need something to distinguish it from aggro shaman, and it sure as hell isn't control.


"Tempo Storm: become Rank 2"

Last year it was a funny meme because of the Asus Play it Cool event.

Now it is his legacy.


Blizzard trying their best to enforce a meta

Wow, that's pretty good, mayne.


And a golden Forbidden Ritual...whatever

Clocked in at Rank 10 this month. Played Priest exclusively for the first 2/3rds, then switched to Secret Paladin. I rose pretty quickly after that, but just lost interest at rank 10. Wonder if there will ever be a deck that can both hold my interest the entire month and get me to rank 5.

WORST THING about the new adventure is that we'll finally get new cards and probably half of you doods will be like, "GONNA TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE DANK DECKS TO GET RANK 5 WITH MY FACE SHAMAN DECK!".
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