That's even worse! An aggro deck does not want 5 random legendaries thrown into their deck.
Well my deck definition might be all over the place, but I was thinking something along the lines of an Astral Communion ramp Druid deck, in which category does that kind of deck falls into? Just a ramp deck?
Well my deck definition might be all over the place, but I was thinking something along the lines of an Astral Communion ramp Druid deck, in which category does that kind of deck falls into? Just a ramp deck?
anyways, I believed in Reno when most everyone were calling it unplayable; "there are so many good cards to play one of", "deck consistency though". I believe.
I could see malch being used in a midrange-ish deck like miracle rogue that runs a lot of card draw. It does add an element of inconsistency, but not all miracle rogue versions build up to a singular combo as their strategy. You can rely on bombs like ragnaros, so maybe this adds a few more bombs than what your opponent can deal with and you win. Definitely worth a try.
I don't think that it is true that two 1/1s are better than a 3/2, especially when the 3/2 has a beast tag. Is Murloc Tidehunter a better card than Bloodfen Raptor? Most people would say no, and that is a 2/1 and a 1/1. And we've seen how valuable it is that the spiders that pop out of infested wolf are also beasts.
Nah, Miracle is a delicate deck. Probably one of the worst decks to play this card in.
im more impresed that less than 30% of ppl reach rank 15 in HS. And blizz thinks ladder is fine
It depends on what version you're playing. Miracle has never really been a one trick pony. Which is why it has lasted so long, past so many nerfs.
Duster for battle
But you do rely on tempo cards to last you till Auctioneer and the eventual burst finish. 5 random cards and a Pit Fighter don't fit that plan. PM is a card for very turtly decks.
Protect the King seems like a good anti-aggro card, especially with bolster. turn 5 cranking out 5 3/3's (or more given how aggro works nowadays) with taunt against zoo would be pretty great. Its the kind of card that might actually get you back in the game, which HS needs a lot more of.
Hey sweet, a decent cho gall card for once
The thing about Protect the King is that it's only good with Bolster. Without Bolster, it's crap. It also has anti-synergy with Warrior's many Whirlwind effects. I'll try to make a Bolster deck work, but I'm not optimistic.
Prince Malchezaar effect is only useful in control and mill decks,and against fast deck it's just a pitfighter.
Possibly worse since a random legendary if often worse than a card you would up in your deck.
I also don't get why it's at the start of your turn and not the end.
Could be worse a spot in a slow meta, but currently, I don't have much hope for this card.
Protect the King is a worse unleash the hounds in most cases, because UTH lets you make the trades.
Not to emntion it gets destoryed by whirlwind effects.
I'm not sold on either cards.
Would Malchezaar make any sense in Zoo? There was a point where Zoo was a little slower and ran stuff like Loatheb and Dr. Boom. Maybe this opens that type of playstyle back up? It's not like they don't have the draw engine anyway.
Perhaps it's a bit too ambitious though.
God damn more Zoo cards....
Duster for battle
"heavy cycling" only works with a specific deck like Miracle, with specific cards. Didn't draw that backstab or prep because you got a Nozdormu instead?
PM only gains value to longer the matches last. Miracle doesn't want a long game, it will tempo the opponent out and refill with Auctioneer. Drawing those cycling cards and auctioneer both get harder with 6 added filler cards.
Would Malchezaar make any sense in Zoo? There was a point where Zoo was a little slower and ran stuff like Loatheb and Dr. Boom. Maybe this opens that type of playstyle back up? It's not like they don't have the draw engine anyway.
Perhaps it's a bit too ambitious though.
You could argue it would be better if it was at the start of your next turn.
end of your turn maybe.
do you just cut some legendaries when you play this card?
This won't be run in Zoo. Not better than getting 5 1/1s, and less buffs to Darkshire Councilamn.
It will definitely find a spot in Reno warlock though, IMO. That deck has room for weird stuff at most of the mana levels, and 5 mana for 3 bodies is probably good enough to make it in standard. I doubt it does anything for any deck in Wild though.
You want your deck to rub optimally, not sloppily.
You make the thinnest deck possible when you are playing a combo deck while also having enough cards to control the board so that you don't die before you get your combo pieces/draws. That's how the Warrior OTK works, that's how Freeze Mage works. In under no situation will those decks WANT to put more cards in their deck.Deck building will always be a balance between power and consistency. What makes this card interesting is that it lets you bend the rules a bit and if you can capitalize on that, you might have something interesting, and possibly special.
If the goal is always to make the thinnest deck possible, you'd just include every cantrip/deck thinner possible. It'd be shit and that is my point.
If the goal is always to make the thinnest deck possible, you'd just include every cantrip/deck thinner possible. It'd be shit and that is my point.
Anyone on EU want a free 80 gold for a quest game?