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How many of Nintendo's franchises do you personally care for?

Franchises I care about:
Smash Bros.
Mario Kart
Star Fox
Golden Sun
Custom Robo
Kid Icarus
Donkey Kong

Franchises my interest has waned in:

Franchises I play now and again:
Animal Crossing
Fire Emblem

The rest aren't for me.


I don't see a category for the Mario RPGs, which I feel like would probably belong in its own category as was done with Mario Kart, and the Sports categories.


Xenoblade and Pokémon are the main ones for me. Played all of them (all two in the case of Xenoblade), and am eagerly awaiting the next instalments.

I'm not really a platformer person, so I don't massively care for Mario/Donkey Kong/Kirby, though I did enjoy Super Mario 64 and what I played of Galaxy.

I always get Smash and Mario Kart for multiplayer, though that's less important now that I don't hang out and play games with friends as much any more.

I've been loosely keeping up with Fire Emblem, but the only ones I've put a lot of time into are Awakening and the spinoffs (Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Heroes). The strategy gameplay hasn't really grabbed me, but I like the RPG stuff and leveling my characters.

Kid Icarus Uprising was awesome, but I'm not expecting a new game any time soon.

I've yet to finish a Zelda game despite starting a few of them - I got a couple of dungeons in but then stopped. Hopefully Breath of the Wild's open world structure works better for me.


Advance Wars and Metroid mainly. They're not a developer who greatly enthused me much outside of those.


paid requisite penance
2D Mario*
Donkey Kong Country
Rhythm Tengoku*
3D Mario, sometimes

Kirby holds nostalgia value, but I never end up buying the games for some reason. Only exception was Return to Dreamland on the Wii.

Everything else I don't care much, if at all.

* When they don't screw things up by rehashing (NSMB series), remixing (Rhythm Tengoku Best-Off) or shitting on the DNA/forgetting what the series is about (Other M, Federation Force, 3D Zeldas outside of BotW)

[EDIT] Forgot Mario Kart and Punch-Out, sometimes. And Wii Sports, if you can call that a series.


No Sin and Punishment, GAF? Y'all slipping.

Mario Kart
Paper Mario
Smash Bros.
Fire Emblem
Advance Wars
Sin and Punishment
Wave Race


The games I really care about are
Smash brothers
Mario Kart
Mario sports
Punch Out
Fire emblem
Animal crossing

I sort of care about donkey Kong even though I didn't really like tropical freeze.

I don't care about Splatoon at all but i hope for Splatoon 2, if it has more content than the first game, I'll probably give it another chance.


Fail out bailed
As far as actually caring, I still pay attention to
Animal Crossing
Kirby (even though they stopped making making Kirby games for me)
Metroid (even though the stopped making Metroid games for me)
MArio Kart
Smash Bros

Anything else I would have to have heard someone else say it was good.

Excited to finally play Splatoon on the Switch


Animal Crossing - a lot
F-Zero - somewhat
Fire Emblem - yes
Kirby - somewhat
The Legend of Zelda - a lot
Mario - yes
Mario Kart - yes
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario) - yes if they go back to tTYD style, else no
Metroid - a lot
Mother - a lot
Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.) - somewhat
Pikmin - a lot
Star Fox - somewhat
Super Smash Bros. - somewhat
Xenoblade - a lot if they return to the original. Dead to me if they stick with X.


Pokemon, Mario Kart and Zelda are my favorites. I love Mario 64 and like but do not adore their 2d platform offerings since I am such shit at them. Really excited for Mario Odyssey


Fail out bailed
Zelda Couldn't careless about anything else. I've literally been playing Mario over 30 years enough is enough.
I'm not trying to change your mind, but whenever people say this I am always so confused. In my head, the idea that Super Mario Bros is basically the same game as Mario Galaxy is bonkers. Especially next to Zelda.


Unconfirmed Member
Mario Kart
Wonderful 101
Battalion Wars
Star Fox


Fire Emblem
Golden Sun
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.)
Super Smash Bros.


Only ones I care for is Fire Emblem, Xenoblade and Zelda (depending on the title).

Don't care about their other properties.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I dont care about any of them. Or more accurately i don't care about them from an emotional nostalgic perspective of a unified whole. I loved plenty of their games growing up but i was never particularly attached from a franchise perspective.

I played plenty of marios but i'm not particularly attached to mario itself, same with games like smash and donkey kong and metroid. I loved Metroid prime but i dont particularly care about Metroid itself

I'm more attracted to the quality of many of their individual games than whether they are in a successive line of titles.


Fire Emblem
Metroid, sort of. Really only like the metroidvanias, never played/cared for the Prime versions.

Purest 78

I'm not trying to change your mind, but whenever people say this I am always so confused. In my head, the idea that Super Mario Bros is basically the same game as Mario Galaxy is bonkers. Especially next to Zelda.

Anything involving Mario or characters from that world I want nothing to do with. I'm actually shocked Zelda still holds my interest after 3 decades.


Zelda & Xenoblade are a must.

For the rest it depends on the appealing of individual aspects from each game.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
To be honest, but this also goes with my large taste in alot of video game genres, but like atleast 90% of nintendo games I care for, and some of them im even big fans of, I honestly end up buying most of nintendo's 1st party games


I'll add it, but that's a dead IP :(
Less dead than F-Zero and Advance Wars!

To answer your questions;
For those who have a Switch, or a Wii U, or any system since the Gamecube really - do you fit into what I describe?
Not really. I mostly play Japanese and arcade-style games, and Nintendo platforms always had a steady stream of those.

Are your personal choices enough to get you to buy a system? If not, what would it take for you to do so?
It depends on the replay value. I wouldn't buy a system for say, a single-player Metroid game, but a new Smash Bros. with mechanics closer to Melee would be enough for me even if nothing else was on the horizon.


That's what I care about:

Animal Crossing
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Super Smash Bros.

Looking at this list, I realize that even if only particular games from this list will be released on the Switch, it will justify getting that console. Every third party on top of that is just a bonus, not a must.
Mario Platformers

Fire Emblem


Custom robo

rhythm heaven

I also do enjoy the occasional zelda game though I don't really care about the franchise that much (judging by the giant bomb quicklook botw is up my alley.)


Advance Wars

Those are the only franchises I consider top tier from Nintendo.

Donkey Kong Country series is great too.

The rest, no appeal for me.


Almost all of them, so good.

Pikmin is my favourite at the moment. I LOVE Pikmin. Followed by Zelda, then Mario I think. Losing interest in Pokemon. I think Pikmin 3 is the best game on wii u


Personally none but I'm hoping to be a Zelda convert very soon (my Switch arrives tomorrow, well Sunday).

To explain.. I've had limited exposure to Nintendo. My oldest brother had a SNES and I quite like Super Mario World and then Starfox but I've played very little else. I had an N64 but pretty much only ever had Goldeneye for it I think and then the last console I properly owned was the GameCube. Super Monkey Ball was my favourite game there, and I had Mario Sunshine but just never really gelled with it (I'm very fickle and I hated the setting). Don't remember owning that many games for the GameCube either.

I was a Sega kid who moved to Xbox and rather liked my PS1 and PS2 also. Moved to 360 then found my home with the PS3 and now PS4. The Switch is the first Nintendo console I've wanted to own since the GameCube and I'm hopeful I can find some love for Mario and Zelda in the months to come. Zelda of course just sounds incredible and there's so much about it that sounds right for me and what I want from an RPG. Mario Odyssey just looks fun and challenging and then Jesus Christ Mario Kart 8 looks amazing too! Absolutely ignored this due to knowing I was never going to own a Wii U but seeing hands on videos from people at Switch events I realised just how incredible that game looks, and it even looks like it handles well. I'm a racing sim fan but good arcade racing games do it for me too! Indeed before the Zelda hype MK8 was the game I'd seen that convinced me I was going to be buying a Switch. The tracks in that game and the variety of looks to it all is astounding. And 60fps too!

Outside of Zelda, Mario and Mario Kart I have very little knowledge and virtually no hands on with any other Nintendo property. Looking forward to Super Smash Bros and hopefully a Mario Golf game (girlfriend and I love Everbodys Golf) for just fun local multiplayer. Hopefully way more than that too but I'm so glad I will own a Switch soon, I feel like it's going to be a really big success a couple of years from now when there's more games and a more affordable price point to get the masses on board.


None of them to be honest. I may have cared for them in the past but at the moment I no longer do.

I wouldn't mind trying out Fire Emblem if was on the Vita or some other platform that I own though.
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