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How many of Nintendo's franchises do you personally care for?


Zelda - My interest in the franchise has been rekindled now with BotW. For the last 2 games before I didn't care anymore.

Pikmin - I'm somewhat interested in. I didn't like the dual screen gimmicks in 3. A 4th game could respark my enthusiasm if Nintendo doesn't shove more unnecessary crap into it.

Metroid - I'm halfway interested. One half of me will buy a Switch tomorrow if Prime trilogy HD were on the verge of releasing. The other half of me knows Nintendo just doesn't know what the fuck to do with the franchise. It's on the verge of being totally dead to me like Star Fox.

In short I'm pretty lukewarm on Nintendo games overall


Fire Emblem
Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Super Smash Bros

Although Pokemon is soon to drop off that list. Sun/Moon didn't grab me and I can't see myself getting Stars unless they add a Hard Mode. Metroid is also dead so that doesn't leave much for me lol.


I should list the ones I really don't care about instead:

Splatoon: Feels like a party game from a compilation. We had paint games before and Splatoon is not fun for me as are the others.

ARMS: Third person fighting is not a common genre but I think it shouldn't be. They are really hard to control.

Pikmin: I'll always see Pikmin as a glorified Lemmings/Tower Defense game. Such stuff I usually stay away from.


brazen editing lynx
Donkey Kong - Mainly the Country series
Fire Emblem - converted by Awakening; probably going to buy Fates soon
Kid Icarus - Sadly, I doubt there will be another entry for a good while
The Legend of Zelda - Not being able to play BotW really sucks right now
Mario - Still the king of platforming, though not undisputed
Mario Kart - Still the king of kart racing, though not undisputed
Metroid - It hurts how this franchise has been treated since Other M
Mother - Very unique and charming series
Pokémon - It just has it hooks in me and won't let go
Super Smash Bros. - I've gotten every one at release since Melee (except for Wii U)
Xenoblade - Almost flawless JRPG; haven't played XBX

Golden Sun - Only played the first one several years ago
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario) - These have struggled lately
Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.) - Good gameplay, but I've never got very far into any of them
Pikmin - I like the gameplay, but something about the franchise still hasn't fully clicked with me

It's no wonder I've owned nearly every major Nintendo platform. I did skip the Wii U, but in retrospect, I don't heavily regret that decision. Thankfully the Switch will be getting MK8 and (hopefully) SSB4 ports that will put my mind at further ease.


Xeno series

I don't really play anything else of theirs, but if they release something quirky and interesting, I'll take a look at it. I used to be a huge Zelda fan, but recently I don't care for it that much. What drives me to their hardware and ecosystem are the many control methods they offer. I don't really like standard dual analog controllers.
I generally like most of Nintendo's IPs and tend to pick up at least one of every property they put out on each platform, but

Fire Emblem

I will buy Nintendo hardware until the end of days for these.


Quite a bunch:

Donkey Kong
Fire Emblem
Golden Sun
Kid Icarus
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario)
Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.)
Super Smash Bros.
Sin & Punishment


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I mostly play retro games, and Nintendo and Soulsborne is more or less all the modern stuff i play - outside of indies. So that makes the Nintendo-console my "main" modern machine, even though i dont use it that much either. Here is the franchises i care for:

Donkey Kong
Fire Emblem
Golden Sun
Kid Icarus
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario)
Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.)
Star Fox
Super Smash Bros.
Sin & Punishment

So more or less all of them except Puzzle League, Pokemon, Pushmo, Mario Sports, Animal Crossing and Brain Age.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
All of them. Except for... Boxboy?

Big Brain Academy and Brain Age as well, but I guess those are dead and buried.


I actually care about mostly all of their franchises, I hope they actually do something with them for switch...

Ok, I know metroid and f-zero won't happen but hey.
Animal Crossing
Fire Emblem
Kid Icarus
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Mario Sports
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario)
Smash Bros.

Brain Age
Donkey Kong
Golden Sun
Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.)
Puzzle League
Star Fox
Sin & Punishment


Smash, Kart, Zelda, and Mario are why I always get Nintendo systems, with assumed entries in Fire Emblem, Pokemon Animal Crossing, and Pikmin too.


Animal Crossing -Godlike
Brain Age - Played the first one, a novel concept for its time
Donkey Kong - Like the original arcade game, not a huge fan of the platformers, never touched Mario vs. DK
F-Zero - Rad
Fire Emblem - Fan of the 3DS titles mostly
Golden Sun - Loved the first two games, but never touched the DS version
Kid Icarus - NES game is alright and I got motion sickness with the 3DS title
Kirby - I've liked everything I've played
The Legend of Zelda - Godlike
Mario - Godlike
Mario Kart - Mostly godlike
Mario Sports - Mixed bag, but I've had fun with everything I've played
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario) - Godlike though I've missed a bunch
Metroid - I like it but I'm not a rabid fan
Mother - Earthbound is great
Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.) - Had fun with AW1 on GBA
Pikmin - Honestly I can't get into this series
Pilotwings - Never a big fan
Pokémon - Godlike
Punch-Out - Fun to play but I can't see me going out an buying a $60 Punch Out game
Puzzle League - Nintendo needs to siphon the Metroid development money to make another one
Star Fox - 64 is awesome, the rest not so much
Super Smash Bros. - Godlike
Splatoon - Godlike: Origins
Pushmo/Pullblox - Awesome but these games came out too fast
Xenoblade - Only played X, which I really enjoyed
Sin & Punishment - First game was pretty rad but hard

Mario, Smash, Pokemon, and Zelda are the holy... square of gaming for me.
Kirby, outside of Triple Deluxe its been about 10 years since the last Nintendo game I really enjoyed playing.

Last Mario I enjoyed was Sunshine

Last Zelda was Twilight Princess

Last Fire Emblem was Radiant Dawn

Last Paper Mario was SPM

Last Metroid was MP3


For me it's primarily Mario, preferably if it's a proper 3D N64/Wii style Mario. I also like Zelda but it's the opposite of how I feel about Mario, 2D Zelda mean far more to me.
I'd also say Metroid but I think that's probably a lost cause now, if it did return it'd probably be a mess like Starfox has become.

It's not really a franchise yet but I'm a massive fan of Diddy Kong Racing, far more enjoyable than any of the Mario Kart and right up there with CTR for me.


I should clarify that my first gaming system ever was the N64 so most of the games on this list concern the 3D iterations of these franchises sans Metroid and Pokemon where the Game Boy Advance introduced me to these franchises.

Super Mario (64, Sunshine, Galaxy 1&2 and soon Odyssey)
The Legend of Zelda (Ocarina, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and soon Breath of the Wild)
Mario Kart
Super Smash Bros
Star Fox (hey I even liked Zero)
Donkey Kong (to an extent but mostly not really but sometimes)
Metroid (the first Prime is cool but mostly Super Metroid, Fusion, Zero Mission)
Pokemon (all down hill from Silver though)
Rogue Squadron

Honestly only Super Mario Advance 4 aka Super Mario Bros 3 captured my interest in 2D Mario. Still need to finally break down and play Pikman and Animal Crossing
In terms of actually thoroughly playing new entries to the franchise?

Mario 3D platformers. That's it. The only Nintendo games I've ever completed and put a significant amount of time in to (bar Pokemon) have been mainline Mario games. It's literally the Nintendo system seller for me and Odyssey will be the reason I'll get a Switch.

I literally bought a 3DS for 3D Land and a WiiU for 3D World. 100%d both. Have barely touched the consoles otherwise.

Only Wii game I completed was Galaxy 1, still need to finish Galaxy 2. DS was NSMB. Have barely played those consoles otherwise. Both were consoles shared with my Sister. I would have got a Wii for Galaxy for sure, probably wouldn't have cared for a DS though.

Mario 64 the only N64 game I've put serious time into (all 120 stars) albeit on an emulator. Back in the days I was begging my parents to get me one and the reason was Mario 64.

I've also completed all 3 Mario Land games and the GameBoy version of Super Mario Bros.

The Mario games I still need to play are Bros 2 and 3, World and Sunshine.

Pokemon is only for Gen 1 and 2 nostalgia. I can never get into the newer games.

Nothing else really has my attention...until Breath of the Wild. Still early days though, I might get bored as I have done with previous Zeldas but this one has me hooked so far.

But yes. I hadn't realised it until now but Mario is literally a system seller for me.
Mario Kart
3D Mario

I'm a guaranteed sale for any of those four. I like a lot of their other franchises, but it's on more of a "if I feel like it" basis.

Also I've almost forgotten that the last one exists.
Just Zelda.

It's a shame they've differentiated the hardware in such a positive way for me, I would love a semi-portable console with a quick two player solution but it needs some third-party support for at least a soccer/racing-sim/third-person action title to go along side Zelda.
A tier day 1

Donkey Kong
Fire Emblem
The Legend of Zelda
Mario 2d & 3d
Mario Kart
Super Smash Bros.

other game Like Kid Icarus and Strikers and Super star Baseball I would like to put them in A put the releases are so unknown so i just can't,

B tier is really Star Fox Xenoblade maybe I might buy it.

then AC which I don't care about since it looks very boring.


Fire Emblem
The Legend of Zelda

I was thinking about how my main reason for purchasing the system was two games - maybe from the most iconic series in gaming - Zelda and Mario.
I end up caring more about Japanese 3rd party games on Nintendo systems rather than the Nintendo games honestly. Didn't get a 3DS til Pokemon X/Y came out for it and after that I only bought 3 other Nintendo games for it. The rest was stuff from Atlus, XSEED, Spike Chunsoft, etc.


Fire Emblem: the GBA games were excellent, Awakening was good
Golden Sun: the first two were incredible, 3rd was meh but would still like to see a 4th on Switch
Kirby: kind of hit and miss for me, I have fond memories of The Crystal Shards and Nightmare in Dreamland
The Legend of Zelda: the best videogame series of all time
Mario: original SMB is amazing but 3D Mario > 2D Mario in general for me
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario): Paper Mario mostly. TTYD is a masterpiece.
Mother: The entire series is great for different reasons. Mother 1: I liked the open nature of it Mother 2: The journey and atmosphere Mother 3: The story, characters and music
Pokémon: I've got fond memories of playing Yellow and Gold as a kid. I liked Gen7 a lot
Puzzle League: GOAT puzzle game. Equal (or maybe even better) than Tetris. Pokémon Puzzle League is my favorite entry. Fond memories of playing it with my dad everyday for like a year or two when he still played videogames
Super Smash Bros.: Used to play the original and Melee with friends every weekend for a while.

The rest I haven't played or played for a significant amount of time. I'll get to them someday.
Animal Crossing -- I enjoyed this back on the GameCube, but I don't feel any need to return to it.

Brain Age -- Doesn't appeal to me.

Donkey Kong -- I loved Donkey Kong Country returns by Retro. Probably would have loved Tropical Freeze too, but I didn't have a Wii U. I don't care for anything else Donkey Kong has done.

F-Zero -- Never tried it, and I don't care for racing games typically.

Fire Emblem -- Never tried it, though the gameplay seems like something I might like. I think I would try it if it didn't have so many bad anime tropes in it.

Golden Sun -- Played the first two games and loved them.

Kid Icarus -- I desperately want to see a sequel to Kid Icarus Uprising. Probably this is the sequel I want more than any other sequel.

Kirby -- I liked Kirby when I was a kid, but now the games are too simple to keep my interest. I played Planet Robobot and thought it was one of the most beautiful games I had ever played, but honestly, it was boring.

The Legend of Zelda -- You know, I never really considered myself a big Zelda fan, but I have played every mainline entry and loved most of them. I loved Skyward Sword especially. Looking forward to trying out Breath of the Wild!

Mario -- I loved Mario 3, Mario World, Galaxy and Galaxy 2. Odyssey doesn't have me very excited at the moment.

Mario Kart -- Never enjoyed this.

Mario Sports -- Never enjoyed this either.

Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario) -- Loved The Thousand Year Door, haven't really tried the others.

Metroid -- I thought Super Metroid was okay. That's the only one I played.

Mother -- Mother 3 is up there as one of my favorite games of all time. Earthbound is pretty cool too.

Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.) -- Never tried.

Pikmin -- I adored Pikmin 1, never tried the others.

Pilotwings -- Never tried.

Pokémon -- I'm a huge Pokemon fan. But I like the Pokemon themselves more than the games.

Punch-Out -- Never tried.

Puzzle League -- Never heard of this.

Star Fox -- Never really appealed to me.

Super Smash Bros. -- Enjoyed this when I was a kid, don't think it appeals to me anymore.

Splatoon -- The art style really appeals to me, but the game itself doesn't interest me much.

Pushmo/Pullblox -- Looks interesting, but I never tried it.

Xenoblade -- I loved Xenoblade 1. X didn't appeal to me. Cautiously optimistic about 2 -- it looks like a return to some of the great things about 1, but I'm worried about bad anime tropes.

Sin & Punishment -- Never tried.


Level of importance goes something like this:

Super Mario
Mario Kart
Mario RPG
The Legend of Zelda
Fire Emblem
Donkey Kong
Super Smash Bros.
Golden Sun

Animal Crossing
Star Fox

Mario Party

That's without taking into account the quality of the individual games of course. The rest I don't have much experience with.

Generally I'll pick up a console after it gets a few top-tier exclusives. I can enjoy just about anything, so quality matters more for me than what franchise it comes from.
Mario and Donkey Kong. That's pretty much it. Zelda has a few good entries but i'm not a huge fan and I have never "gotten" Metroid.


Fire Emblem
3D Mario
Donkey Kong Country
Super Smash Brothers
2D Mario

Those are my core Nintendo franchises.

I'm on and off with Kirby, Yoshi, Star Fox, and Mario Kart, but I like those games at their best/when I do choose to play them.

Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi RPGs have fallen by the wayside for me in recent years. I play the Xenoblade games but they don't quite hit it off with me.

I haven't dug deep in Pikmin or F Zero.

I've never played Animal Crossing. Nothing against it but not attracted to it either.
I've not played a lot of Nintendo's stuff having missed the vast majority of it pretty much entirely for most of my life, unfortuantely.


Donkey Kong: Very early memories of playing DKC 1 and I like the characters quite a lot. It's a pity that there've been so few Country games after the SNES.
Fire Emblem: Just finished off Awakening as a first try in the series and really enjoyed it, so hoping to get through Birthright (at least) and Shadows of Valentia at some point.
Mario & Luigi: Playing Bowser's Inside Story atm and while it's still very early days, it's quite fun and I'm definitely enjoying it.
Pokemon: Early memories of playing Gold and enjoying that, and so far working through Omega Ruby and enjoying that too.

Unplayed but seem good:

The Legend of Zelda
Animal Crossing (maybe)
Paper Mario


Junior Member
I really like their 2D games a lot more than their 3D games, the only modern franchise of theirs I really love is the Rhythm Heaven series.


I have a personal interest in pretty much all Nintendo franchises, but there are 5 key ones that really define video gaming in general for me:

The Legend of Zelda
Animal Crossing
Donkey Kong Country

And to a lesser extent, Fire Emblem. I really just need these franchises and that would be all I need as far as gaming goes across all platforms.
I have a fading love for Pokemon. Sun/Moon was the first mainline pokemon that I didn't buy. That's about it for Nintendo franchises that I care about. Everything else is passable.


Smash and Pokemon are the only ones. I've given up hope on Golden Sun ever coming back so I may as well leave it off the list...
Put Isaac in Smash you fucks.


Mario and Zelda. Both motifs continue to inspire Nintendo to create their best work.

Series that don't reinvent the wheel but I'll usually buy/play:
Animal Crossing
Fire Emblem
Rhythm Heaven
Mario Kart

Would be into if they brought back:
Puzzle League
Advance Wars
Paper Mario


Neo Member
Honestly, only Metroid. Of all the franchises listed there, the only one that would make me buy a Switch is that.

I mean, i don't hate the others, and there are games i like in series like Zelda, DK, Pokemon etc, but nothing really excites me about them. I mean yeah BotW looks good, but i played LttP, OoT, WW, they're all touted as masterpieces, and i didn't find them to be as good as made out, so i'm hesitant to believe all the gushing over BotW now.


I honestly could have listed 20 of the series in the OP. My favorite are probably Splatoon, Animal Crossing, and Pokémon. I play those regularly.

That list made me really excited for the future of the Switch, assuming it combines all of the handheld and console franchises (and there is no traditional 3DS successor). I'm excited to see the traditionally portable games in HD on Switch. :eek:
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