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How many of Nintendo's franchises do you personally care for?


Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Super Smash Bros
Fire Emblem
Custom Robo (Please come back)
Bayonetta (They don't own complete rights, but I associate the game with Nintendo now.)
Kid Icarus (I need another uprising-like game in my veins.)
Mario Party (Although it seems like Nintendo doesn't care about it anymore so the games aren't good by default.)
Kirby (I really want to see Kirby become a free roam platformer sort of like Mario Galaxy was. While Mario focuses more on Sandbox gameplay.)

Iffy area:

Xenoblade (I loved the first one, but the second game was so terrible it's probably on my most disliked games list.)

Pikmin (Was impartial to the first game, loved the second game because of the removal of time limits, hated the third one because of time limits.)

Metroid (I don't care for anything that isn't Prime series. Seriously, having their star players work on Donkey Kong and Luigi Mansion was the biggest fuck you I've ever seen in gaming EVER. Extremely disrespectful.)


In no particular order;

Mario (platformers, kart, some of the sports, the RPG's)
Advance Wars
Luigis Mansion


Mostly Zelda, but also Fire Emblem and Smash Bros to a lesser extent. I cared for Pokemon from Gen I to Gen III, and the last time I was into Metroid was when Prime 3 was released, 10 years ago.


Advance Wars
Animal Crossing
Fire Emblem
Mario Kart

I tend to enjoy the majority of Nintendo games, but those are the franchises I really love and will always get a new game release on the first day no matter what. Pokemon and Mario Kart are system sellers for me.

Zelda and Metroid used to be on that list but I don't enjoy their newer games as much so I can easily live without them. I still haven't played ALBW and have no interest in BoTW despite constantly hearing how great they are.


  • Pokémon (to a lesser extent now, cared a lot till Gen 4, then my interest dropped).
  • Metroid is my favorite Nintendo IP. I'd buy a Switch in no time if there was a new Metroid title for it.
  • Wario Ware (Freaking love this series).
  • Smash Bros. (Great party game)
  • Rhythm Heaven (More please!).
  • Wario Land.
  • Donkey Kong (To some extent).
  • Mario Kart (Great fun with the friends).
That's pretty much it I think.
Quite honestly.. zero.

I was into Pokemon growing up but then things just got weirder and weirder and now there's very little that resembles what I liked about it in the first place.
Mostly Mario. Partial to the 2D games, but the 3D ones have been awesome, too.

After the amazing Mario Kart 8, I now care about Mario Kart.

Poor Yoshi has been mistreated for a while, but Wooly World ain't too bad, and the original Yoshi's Island is of course my second favorite 2D platformer after Rayman Origins.

Beginning with A Link Between Worlds, I started caring about the Zelda games too.

And finally, whatever the hell Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is supposed to be... I REALLY care about that.
Just going off what's in the OP
Animal Crossing
Kid Icarus
Mario Kart
Mario Sports (Less so now but hopefully they start putting more effort into their sports games)
Mario RPGs
Nintendo War
Star Fox
Sin and Punishment

I've never played Golden Sun or Mother but I'd be interested if a well received entry came out.


After trying the switch last Friday, I was falling for the new system hype tonight and sorting my ps4 library for trade-fodder.

This thread made me realize I only really care for Mario Kart and Advance Wars, so a Switch right now is really not the best move.

Snipperclips was fun as hell, though.
I care for all of these:

Animal Crossing - Amazing slice-of-life sim. Better than The Sims. Books me more and for longer than it too.
Donkey Kong - Because ever since his arcade debut he stood for amazing platformers. Except for Donkey Kong 3, but whatever.
F-Zero - Fantastic super fast teaching action. Fast RMX scratches that itch but it doesn't make it go away.
Fire Emblem - FE Heroes brought be back. I'm currently playing Blazing Sword and Awakening after playing both for a bit and quickly tossing them aside. Amazing series.
Kirby - Cutest platformer ever. And I need the cuteness. Also it can actually be pretty challenging at times.
The Legend of Zelda - The best thing Nintendo is making. One of my favorite band series of all time forever and ever.
Mario - I mostly care about the 3D platformers. I didn't like the NSMB series very much.
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario) - Those are essential. I need both series to stay alive.
Metroid - I, as many others, hope that we will get a good 2D Metroid again soon.
Mother - While I care a whole lot about the series, it is done. I'd be happy if we got no new games out of it. Though I hope we'll still get an official English release of Mother 3 some time during the Switch's life time.
Pikmin - While the announced 3DS title doesn't look interesting at all I finely live the regular series very much and I'm very excited for Pikmin 4.
Punch-Out - The Wii game was awesome and a perfect addition of a classic does to modern standards without compromising its classic gameplay. I really hope we can get another one, even though ARMS looks like it could be some kind of spiritual successor to the series.
Puzzle League - The best puzzle game to come out of Nintendo aside from Picross. Would look for a new game in the series.
Super Smash Bros. - While I care deeply for the series I wouldn't necessarily need a new game. The Smash 4 was awesome. Though it could've used more and better single player content, especially on Wii U.
Xenoblade - I'm glad Xenoblade 2 got announced and is scheduled for this year. I love the series and every game will wow me with its world design.


The Legend of Zelda: Nothing to say... we are on track

Mario: I'm a bit worried about the new direction... too "Open" can be dangerous

Pikmin: we need something fresh... I was a bit disappointed by the 3

Super Smash Bros: please, don't do a "deluxe" version

Mario Kart: please, don't let me wait forever before having a totally new game. The Mario Kart Arcade game is incredible. Why the hell you don't bring something similar on console??

Metroid: where are you?

Punch-Out: why ARMS?

F-Zero: :____________________(


Fire Emblem
Animal Crossing
And the Xeno games.

I have little or no interest in the rest which is why Nintendos arrogance in regard to third parties hurts them as much as it does for me, and why I'll probably never buy a Nintendo console at launch.


Almost all on that list. Some more than others, of course. Brain Age isn't something I would buy, but I did play it back in the day and it was kind of fun for a bit.

There's stuff not on that list I don't particularly care for, such as Chibi-Robo and Nintendogs.


So for those in the thread that either don't care for any of the franchises listed, or had love for some previously, but none now, what can they do to win you over/back? Either aesthetically or genre wise. (I mean in terms of a new IP. Not something like Ultra Metroid or F-Zero RX)


Mario platformers both 2D and 3D
Mario RPG's
Mario Kart
Luigi's Mansion (spin-off maybe?)
Kid Icarus
Fire Emblem
Wario Ware
Animal Crossing
Star Fox


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
care? Two I guess, Zelda and Metroid. And Metroid more as a genre these days, I dont remember the last time I actually played a Metroid game.


Unconfirmed Member
1. Splatoon
2. Zelda
3. Metroid
4. Pokemon
5. Arms(not final)
6. Mario

my ranking
and yes, I think this is enough for me personally. But I like how many good indie game the switch is getting.
I like the following,

Fire Emblem
The Legend of Zelda

I haven't actually enjoyed the Metriod games but I would be interested in a sequel that is more modern. I like the concept but not the games so far.

Pikmin is B tier but its aight.


Donkey Kong
Fire Emblem
Golden Sun
Kid Icarus
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart

Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario)
Star Fox
Super Smash Bros.

I like many of them, but the triforce of games is still mario, zelda, metroid


Zelda. But it was enough to get me to buy a Switch, well Zelda and the potential Japanese third party games that end up on Nintendo handhelds.

and I love F-Zero and feel like it could come back.

I haven't really liked Mario Or Metroid since the SNES. I generally don't like the direction these series have gone.


First party games I buy their systems for:
Fire Emblem
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Advance Wars

The ones I might be persuaded to buy:

The ones I used to love but have now pretty much given up on:
Star Fox
Kid Icarus.

I buy their portables as much for the third party support from Atlus and Capcom as I do for Nintendo games, Monster Hunter, Phoenix Wright, Etrian Odyssey and SMT matter more to me than most Nintendo games.

It's been fascinating seeing Fire Emblem go from a niche game to one of their big hitters though, it's risen up the ranks to become my favourite first party game now too, which is something I thought would never happen while Zelda, Starfox, Metroid and co were around a decade ago.
Mario Kart
Smash Bros
Donkey Kong
Star Fox
Wave Race
Excite series (Bike, Truck, Bots)
Punch Out
Fire Emblem
Advance Wars
Custom Robo
Wii Sports
The Last Story
None. There's not a single game they make genre-wise that doesn't have a superior version made elsewhere nowadays.

I have a soft spot for Zelda, but more the early versions vs the more recent ones.

But FPS, RPG, ARPG, puzzle games, TPS, Open World? They don't even crack the top five. Top 10 would be a fight.
Pokémon, at some point in my life. Now I don't really play those games anymore, I kinda want to but everytime I try I feel bored. But I should still try Pokémon sun/moon someday...


Nintendo wars.

The only problem is that I'm not keen on Pokemon past the first 150 so ideally I'd want a red blue or yellow remaster or those Pokemon in a whole new region.

Love pikmin and advance wars.

As well as those three I'd have to say I loved smash when I was younger but local competitive multiplayer isn't happening at the moment for me as I only get to coop with the kids and it would be a little unfair to play smash properly against them.

I'd be a little interested in metro I'd and animal crossing depending on how they are done.

Switch would likely become a buy when it has a few games I want and is closer to £150.


Fire Emblem
The yarn versions of Kirby and Yoshi, mainly because of the unique look

While I've played and enjoyed many various Nintendo games, the above are the only ones that I'm passionate about. Fire Emblem in particular is my favorite franchise in gaming period, with Zelda somewhere in the top five.

That being said, it's hard to justify a new console for two franchises. I'm sure I'll end up Switching when Fire Emblem comes out though, especially if it's a bigger budget affair similar to the Radiant Duology. Hell, port the Radiant Duology.
I won't say obvious ones, so I'll go ahead and say Golden Sun, my defining old school-esque RPG series from childhood. I would give anything to see it revive itself again. I really liked Dark Dawn, it's just a shame it didn't do so well in the DS-era. Camelot needs another chance at it to avoid Sports hell.
For me:

Donkey Kong
Fire Emblem
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario)
Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.)
Star Fox
Super Smash Bros.
Without Mario Kart I would never buy a Nintendo system.

I love 2d Mario and feel slighly less about Pokemon, 3d Mario and Zelda.

Barely care about the others. The strong competition from other developers makes them have a need to be very good to catch my attention.


Junior Member
About 10. More than any other developers by far.

Enough to buy their system, just barely anyway.
I'd say all of them,with maybe the exception of Pokémon these days,sort of lost interest in it awhile ago... Having said that I'll probably buy it if and when it comes to Switch

Zen Aku

Zelda and to a somewhat lesser extent Pokemon and Fire Emblem.

Zelda is probably the only system seller for me.


Super Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pikmin and Mario Kart are not only my favorite Nintendo franchises, but my favorite franchises in gaming. Not to mention the dozens of others that I highly enjoy (Splatoon, StarFox, Mario RPGs/Paper Mario, Fire Emblem...).
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