*Incredible summary on all things Sheik*
Man I still suck at answering on time, but that was a -marvelous- write-up, thank you so much for it man, realizing the advantages of the water shield and other things, I could A Grade missions I thought I'd never be able to before I was level 100 or higher.
This night I FINALLY could get all of the non DLC weapons' upgrades, Agitha's 3rd was a pain in the behind, ya know how I tried to clear the mission by doing the two player trick? Well it was a no go lol, I took too much time for it. So I left it for later, thinking I was doomed to level up Agitha via the Training Dojo until the end of time, and chilled at the Master Quest map...and then I stumble across the bottom left of the map. That freaking mission is absolutely God like in leveling characters. I cannot believe my Darunia went from level 66 to 101 in two days thanks to that freaking level (had to train him so he could take on the last Skulltulla of Legend mode). 4 levels in one go, holy shit. So in between training him and other characters, I decided to train Agitha. Got her to level 80, then tackled the level. Cia dies, restart. Allied base dies, restart. But in all of these I was slowly taking out the Dinolfos with more ease...and the tornado trick mentioned by ShadowgeistX worked wonders for clearing out the crowd. I had some beer on the side lol so every time I lost I was like "no, I have to do this, next time will be it".Third time was the charm. It took ages to take Link down but
I freaking did it at least! (Anyone who wants to add each other for Network Links, I'm more than up for it))
I just unlocked the Boss Rush map on the Rewards Map...Maaan, is that thing unforgiving or what? A lvl 140 Link, and still got pummeled. Any tips for that one?
Oh, the coolest glitch happened earlier. You know how Network Links for the previous day stay on for a few seconds before they vanish off the map, and the new ones appear? Well, I saw one that seemed like an easy 50k rupees, and activated it before it disappeared. When I enter the mission, I notice two things. First, the game realized the Network Link was outdated, and I was playing the respective mission on the map instead. Second, and the reason why I even bring this up, the game was on steroids. It ran smooth as butter and everything was like at 1.5x the speed. Like I was in Focus Mode all the way through. It was something to behold, it was lunacy, really wish I could have taken a video. Has this happened to you guys?
Also, how many hours have you guys sank into the game? I checked today, and holy shit, 148 hours. I'm almost certain that's the most I've poured into a single game ("almost" because Smash' multiplayer exists). Certainly the most I've invested into a single player game. And I still have yet to tackle pretty much all of the Twilight map, and half of the Master Quest one, and there's still more DLC upcoming....I regret nothing.