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Hyrule Warriors |OT| Why are the enemies not doing anything?

I'm really glad they're letting us play as Cia without her mask in her normal outfit. Now the question is whether to keep the hat on or not
I'll be keeping the hat on, it's kinda cute looking :D

Adventure mode confuses me despite having read like all the posts in this thread. So it's like, you complete a level, get an a-rank, then you gotta find an item, figure out where to use it and play the level again to claim the reward? Or can you just use the item beforehand?

Yeah, darkness is amazing. Thunder is also cool when you're just running through a hall. Water seems to last for ages. Fire and light is kind of meh from my experience.
I think someone answered this but just in case:
Searching is required for 3 things:
* some map squares will have rewards darkned/greyed out or even shown as ?. You have to search the square to make it available. Earning the rank (either C or A) for it if it's greyed out will NOT earn you the reward no matter how hard you try, you MUST find them via searching to make them available first, after which you can then earn them by achieving the rank indicated for them.
* sometimes an arrow to an adjacent square will have a lock symbol instead of a required rank. That means you must unlock them via searching (usually hookshot on a hookshot target, a raft on a pier or ladder on a single water space.) Once you have done that, the padlock should be replaced with a rank and can be unlocked as usual by completing the square's quest with the appropriate rank or higher
* some squares will not allow you to play their mission as the enemies are invisible. They must be revealed by using the harp on the blue butterflies, after which you can now play the mission as normal.

As for Shiek's light and dark. You now know that light builds special, and while you can build it by attacking, the special field is not only faster (and a lot more viable when you have 3 special bars to fill) but still available even in those incredibly rare situations where you can't find any/enough enemies in easy reach to wail on :p
Darkness's black hole is really just there to hold the more resilient humanoid enemies in place while you drop a bolero of fire on them: create the black hole to hold them still, do the XXY on them then back off a little and summon firey doom on their immobilised heads :3

How does
work, anyway? I know I can hold X at certain parts of his combo in order to charge up meter, but how do I make use of the meter? The most effective thing I found for him was either full Y or C1; most of his other combos into strong attacks felt slow. Am I missing the point there?
Someone else kinda covered this fairly well but to iterate, if you just use the strong attack button on it's own (no combo) then you will expend all your meter to do a special attack. You can do it with no meter but it's not very effective, while the full meter one is somewhat impressive but realistically too slow to be all that useful (I've almost never managed to use it without taking hits)
You're almost always better off keeping the meter to get darkness on your combos and the C5 which swings a giant shadow fist around is oddly safer and more effective than the meter spending special (I can do this once and sometimes immediately win a keep... it seems that the swing is just slow enough to kill everyone in it and deplete the meter and yet still somehow stay around long enough to catch the keep boss as it spawns and annihilate them too :eek: )

I tried the demo at a kiosk today. Underwhelmed. Enemies really weren't doing anything. I didn't understand if it was a bug, or an easy-mode turned on for the demo or what.

Slash, slash, move to next area, slash, slash. Getting to use bombs was fun.

Enemy models were kind of blah. The King Dodongo looked terrible. Music was annoyingly repetitive. Framerate was blah when a lot was happening onscreen.

I did feel very cool executing the crazy ass super move with the A button, clobbering about 200 enemies at once.

I'm not sure this game is for me.
If you're not feeling it then you're not feeling it. It may just not be for you?

That said, based on your description, it might help to think of the game as being more about the map in the top right than the minute to minute combat.
You'll rarely die yourself (and usually only to some of the more hardcore bosses) and the masses of low level fodder aren't really a threat... the real game is in keeping your HQ and key leaders of your army safe while capturing ground back from the enemy, all while dealing with various challenges that crop up. You won't see it much in the first level or two but the game very quickly ramps up to a level of crazy plate spinning that will make you often have to choose where to take your losses

For example you might be close to capturing an enemy keep when the opposing army makes a push and you suddenly get warned that a key keep is about to fall on one side of the map while one of your generals is also close to death on the other side of the map AND an enemy messenger has appeared that you need to kill ASAP because if it reaches a certain other keep on a completely different part of the map then the enemy will spawn super-powered troops that will decimate your army and take ages for you to kill. What do you choose? Something's gotta give and you'll see this quite a lot in the later game :3


Finally got the game today. Only played the first level so far, but it seems really fun. Love the music as well. Last DW game I played was 4 on PS2 so I'm a bit rusty on this style of combat.

Graphics are fairly impressive as well. Definitely looks like this game will be addicting. Quite a bit of content it seems and I will probably pay the $20 for the DLC.

The Wii U has a nice library. This is my first Nintendo system since the SNES and I find myself wishing I hadn't missed out on Nintendo games for 20 years. :( The only Zelda I finished was the first one, so I don't know much about the characters unfortunately.


God damn that mission where you have to kill a big and two small Imprisoned with Fi. God damn it to hell.

Get her Rank 2 weapon if you are having trouble. Go in with a couple of special meters.

Use the meters and her C5 (C4?) the where she turns into a sword and makes sort of an explosion attack to take care of the smaller Imprisoned. After that you can easily dance around the imprisoned's toes by dodging and spamming light attack without ever getting hit.

Gets a bit hard when the imprisoned starts stepping with red waves, if you still have magic meters left, use Fi's musou to take out his toes in one blow. Also if you have been getting Gold Skulltullas the Bazaar should be upgraded enough so your potions restore musou gauge too.


Does anyone know what Midna is saying at the end of her 'Stamina Attack'? (The attack done to enemies when you drain their stamina) It sounds like she's speaking japanese 'Homerun' given how her attack looks.
BTW. Isn't Midna amazing in every single way?


So whenever a bombchu appears, is there always a operator with it? Or was that only on that story mission? Cause these things are wrecking me in adventure mode.


Question about adventure mode:

Does every square have a secret in them?
Is there anyway to tell a secret other than using a compass?
Also, when a secret is a door/staircase how do I enter them?


Question about adventure mode:

Does every square have a secret in them?
Is there anyway to tell a secret other than using a compass?
Also, when a secret is a door/staircase how do I enter them?

When you uncover stuff you don't interact with them, it's just to show that you have discovered the reward to be unlocked.

Some secrets are obvious, it is only necessary to use the compass when knowing what statue to move/which three to burn/what wall to blast. Otherwise its fairly obvious (hookshoot panel, fire ring, butterflies, rafts, water rocks, etc)
So I thought the weapon skill regenration was rubbish, but oh ho ho! It indeed has its use. Its amazing in Network Links where you dont need to get A rank.

Does anyone know what Midna is saying at the end of her 'Stamina Attack'? (The attack done to enemies when you drain their stamina) It sounds like she's speaking japanese 'Homerun' given how her attack looks.
BTW. Isn't Midna amazing in every single way?

Wasnt discovered that midna speaked scrambled english in TP?
Still, is not the same actress (sadly), I like better her old voice, so maybe the gibberish changed.

And yes, she is amazing. Her YYXXX destroys any commander, captain or any filthy overpowered enemy. There also the slap in the floor attack that is tricky to pull but destroy bases.


Just started playing, did the first mission. The game has a lot more to it than I expected. Didn't know there would be loot and stuff. A lot of it went over my head. Really fun.

I tried going to the golden skulltula but didn't even understand what to do there, the music just stopped.


Just started playing, did the first mission. The game has a lot more to it than I expected. Didn't know there would be loot and stuff. A lot of it went over my head. Really fun.

I tried going to the golden skulltula but didn't even understand what to do there, the music just stopped.

That is EXACTLY what you want. When you are close to the skulltula the music will stop. Search for it in that area and kill it to get it. You have to blow up boulders sometimes or look around. These things level up how good your potion is when you use it. At 7 skulltulas you get 10 hearts and half a bar of meter! Plus it levels up the apothecary so you can create better potions as well.


So I don't really get Midna.

Everyone else I've had breakthroughs on, but for the most part, she seems not...good? Especially against officers.

C2 is rubbish. It juggles but it's weak and slams the enemy to the ground, causing officers to lose their Weak Point Gauge.

C3 is what you want to use for single target. Juggles and does enough damage to expend an enemy's Weak Point with ease.

C4 has merit because it sucks enemies in a vortex in front of you, which is in perfect range of Midna's Special Attack. Otherwise use...

C5. Midna's best general attack. Spam this all day long when thinning crouds, cappng, etc.
Also replenishes her Darkness buff.
Graphics are fairly impressive as well.

I really like the graphics too. I find it funny to see people saying they can't play Hyrule Warriors because they can't stand the bland textures, the low res and stuff like that. I mean, look at this:


I don't care if textures are bland, if resolution is not 1080p, if there are jaggies... this is so epic! I love it!

Even the frame rate... unless I'm playing coop, I can barely notice problems with the frame rate, because the action is so fun and intense. I'm almost at the end of Legend Mode and the frame rate was never a problem for me.
I picked this up over Theaterythm and I hope I made the right choice....I debated for 20 minutes.

If its anything similar to the original game that I have, and from what ive read, it seems its the same but with more songs, you made the right choice. Not that the game is bad, but this one is more fun IMO, and I LOVE rhythm games.

So I don't really get Midna.

Everyone else I've had breakthroughs on, but for the most part, she seems not...good? Especially against officers.

She is probably the BEST in the game against officers commanders and captains, even when they come in larger groups of 8 like in adventure mode, even if they are surrounded by a golden aura.
YYXXX obliviarates anything in its path. This is what you need to spam non stop against anything. Its fast, its easy to do, it has more power than anything in her aresenal.
YYYYYX Its really tricky to do (the right time is when she hands slams and the wolves go out of the floor) but is pretty good against crowds and replenishes the darkaness gauge (of grunts, officers will usually stop the attack before you can do it).
I wouldnt recommend it spamming it like War Adept says though.


Has anyone found a use for blocking? Since the game is so hectic, dodging seems more effective than standing there and taking the hit.


Has anyone found a use for blocking? Since the game is so hectic, dodging seems more effective than standing there and taking the hit.

Blocking is used to lure out Weak Points. Zant is the prime example of this because he will get dizzy by attempting to repeatedly hit you with his attacks. Dodging will make him stop (and you will never see it), so it's vital for some enemies.

Darknuts are the same. They'll break your block with a shield bash and will go for a Red Eye stab, exposing their Weak Point gauge.


Just finished second stage, hoooly crap that was fun. They're dumping even more things on me. This game is huge!

That is EXACTLY what you want. When you are close to the skulltula the music will stop. Search for it in that area and kill it to get it. You have to blow up boulders sometimes or look around. These things level up how good your potion is when you use it. At 7 skulltulas you get 10 hearts and half a bar of meter! Plus it levels up the apothecary so you can create better potions as well.
Thanks, got one in the second stage.


Can someone explain weapons to me? Like what the levels are and how you get them and all that? And what a sealed weapon is?

Each character weapon class has 3 levels where the strength of the weapon as well as the number of slots/skills increase with each type of weapon.

For example, Link's "Sword and Shield" weapon class.

SnS Lv1 - Knight's Sword
SnS Lv2 - White Sword
SnS Lv3 - Magical Sword

The Level 1 SnS generally is found with the lowest amount of slots as well as mostly weaker skills, as well as having the weakest attack power. Finding the next level of a particular weapon class isn't just picking up loot.

This is where Sealed Weapons come into play. They either unlock a completely new Class of weapon for a character, or unlock a new level of an existing Weapon Class for a Character.

A few Sealed Weapons are found in Legend mode, but the majority of both new and weapon level upgrades are found in Adventure mode.
Each character weapon class has 3 levels where the strength of the weapon as well as the number of slots/skills increase with each type of weapon.

For example, Link's "Sword and Shield" weapon class.

SnS Lv1 - Knight's Sword
SnS Lv2 - White Sword
SnS Lv3 - Magical Sword

The Level 1 SnS generally is found with the lowest amount of slots as well as mostly weaker skills, as well as having the weakest attack power. Finding the next level of a particular weapon class isn't just picking up loot.

This is where Sealed Weapons come into play. They either unlock a completely new Class of weapon for a character, or unlock a new level of an existing Weapon Class for a Character.

A few Sealed Weapons are found in Legend mode, but the majority of both new and weapon level upgrades are found in Adventure mode.

Thank you. And there's literally no reason to use a level 1 weapon if you have a level 2?


Thank you. And there's literally no reason to use a level 1 weapon if you have a level 2?

Certain skulltulas require you to use level one weapons. For example, you have to use a polished rapier (Zelda's level one rapier) to get a skulltula in the temple of souls.
Certain skulltulas require you to use level one weapons. For example, you have to use a polished rapier (Zelda's level one rapier) to get a skulltula in the temple of souls.

No, it just means you need to use rapier to get the skullula, LV2 and LV3 weapons are fine.


Is there a guide on the absolute quickest way to get the other characters?
I plan on doing adventure mode fully, however I want all the characters first for when I play with friends.


Is there a guide on the absolute quickest way to get the other characters?
I plan on doing adventure mode fully, however I want all the characters first for when I play with friends.

Honestly it takes a bit of work to get to all the characters. They show you where on the map they're at, but the requirements and items needed aren't necessarily easy to get to.
I am loving the game so far. Music is pretty good. The combat is a bit repetitive, but I expect that with any hack and slash game. I love me some hack and slash. Any good grinding for exp methods? Other than the training dojo, I don't like spending repees to get levels.


Honestly it takes a bit of work to get to all the characters. They show you where on the map they're at, but the requirements and items needed aren't necessarily easy to get to.

Dang might end up just getting my friends to help unlock them then.


Just unlocked Midna. Goodness gracious, my performance in that mission was subpar. I'm gonna have to do that one again, if not for the hidden items then at least for my own sense of pride.

I don't think I've had this much fun with a Zelda game since Ocarina of Time.


No, it just means you need to use rapier to get the skullula, LV2 and LV3 weapons are fine.

You mean I spent 20 minutes doing the Temple of Souls on hard with a 0 star polished rapier for nothing? Fuck.

Just unlocked Midna. Goodness gracious, my performance in that mission was subpar. I'm gonna have to do that one again, if not for the hidden items then at least for my own sense of pride.

I don't think I've had this much fun with a Zelda game since Ocarina of Time.

You might want to wait until you beat the next level before replaying Twilight Field. You can't get the heart container until you get the item from that stage.
I just completed Legend Mode. This was my first Musou and I took the seemingly universal advice I saw around here to play it on Hard, so I did, and with the additional self-imposed constraint of not repeating any completed stages (adding an element of resource management to how I allocated my rupees and loot), completing the game in about 15 hours. For the most part I breezed through the game, but a few segments gave me trouble and took me several repeated attempts, the worst of them being Death Mountain and
taking down Link and Zelda together in the last Ganondorf chapter; it didn't help that I had little to no money available to get Ganondorf's level up to par with the other characters
. The upshot of playing through the game this way was that the level of challenge was exactly where it needed to me to force me to learn the mechanics properly instead of mashing buttons, while not being so frustrating as to come off as arbitrarily punishing. The Hard difficulty hit the sweet spot exactly.

It wasn't always clear what kind of character level was the standard expectation for a given chapter, however; the only clue was the starting level of new recruits. And due to how rapidly the costs at the Training Dojo scale up, this created a rich-get-richer, poor-get-poorer effect where past about the midpoint of the game, I had to stick with the characters I was already using the most as the others just weren't able to keep apace. By the end, Link had surged far ahead of everyone else. This was undoubtedly the consequence of the way I played, as if you want to try out all the characters over the course of Legend Mode instead of sticking to a few, the game presses you towards replaying chapters before proceeding further. Thankfully, level differences aren't so impactful on attack power that the gap can't be closed with weapons.

The repetition
of bosses and map layouts
made the game look smaller, but at least there was enough diversity in mission objectives that that the stages in question felt meaningfully different. The targeting wasn't as polished as that of a real Zelda game (I'm not fond of putting target-switching on the same stick as the camera, and even in Zelda games I prefer holding rather than tapping the trigger), and that created some problems for me in fights that were dense with enemy captains.

The most fun I had was playing as Sheik; I love how agile she is and the diversity of elemental or movement options in her move set. Second to that was Ganondorf, whose charge mechanic added a tactical layer to combat (timing out when to charge the metre and when to empty it) that was enjoyable and rewarding to manage.

I'm not so enraptured by the Musou format that I'll seek out the rest of the series, but I absolutely see its appeal, and to a novice playing on Hard, Hyrule Warriors didn't feel like a mindless button-masher (which is what I feared going in, from how the series was described) but instead a fairly technical one that could in fact be honed and mastered. As far as third-person combat goes, I had a better time with this game than with the ground segments in Kid Icarus: Uprising, and that's not praise I dispense lightly.

We'll see how I fare in Adventure Mode.

Oh, one question to the experts in the room: is there any point to killing Golden Cuccos other than the thrill of doing it? I took down two or three in the course of my Legend Mode run (and barely escaped alive), but it didn't appear to have any effect.
the imprisoned

mother of god

who the fuck thought that boss was a good idea

If there's one major disappointment I had with this game, it's that the token Skyward Sword giant boss was not the obvious choice (Koloktos). This was also the first time I ever took the Imprisoned down by the toes, as in my first run through Skyward Sword I always employed the method of descending on its head from above, and didn't know another method existed until I was done with the game.


Oh, one question to the experts in the room: is there any point to killing Golden Cuccos other than the thrill of doing it? I took down two or three in the course of my Legend Mode run (and barely escaped alive), but it didn't appear to have any effect.

Killing the Golden Cuccos will usually grant you additional rewards & rare item drops, especially on harder difficulties.
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