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Hyrule Warriors |OT| Why are the enemies not doing anything?


Wondering if I'm doing something wrong with the
Battle of the Triforce
stage. I'm okay up until the point where both
Link and Zelda
head for the main base. I can take out
Zelda as she's closest when this part of the mission starts
and then move on to
. However I always catch up in the main base. As soon as I'm done there the other gets revived. If I make it back to that one the other will revive and I have to rush back. The fight always comes down to taking place in the main base. I was thinking that I might be suppose to lose the battle but that doesn't seem to be the case. Is it a case of playing on hard is giving them way to much health? Should I drop it down to normal? Or am I missing something? Can the
triforce attacks be stopped once they start
? Do I just need to level up as much as possible before taking this stage on?
the second gold skulltula for the first stage won't unlock for whatever reason

i think i went through it five or six different times, and nothing


Corporate Apologist
The Triforce attack can't be stop. One thing that I think could work is to take Zelda down to low HP but don't knock her out, run over to Link and knock him out, then finish off Zelda.


Wondering if I'm doing something wrong with the
Battle of the Triforce
What I did was heading for Zelda first, taking almost all of her life. Then move to Link and do the same. When they arrived at the last keep, I killed them both before they had a chance to be revived.


Thanks! I'll give that a try next time I play. Was starting to wonder if it was going to be one of those situations.


Unconfirmed Member
So, before the darkness smash consumes us I wanted to say the final boss battle was so good, even for mainline game standards.

Eclipse of the World
starts playing and
Ganon rises
, I just lose it. Definitely one of my favorite boss fights.



Take out enemies, take out troops, care for keeps, defend stuff, care for Manhandla attacks!




Take out enemies, take out troops, care for keeps, defend stuff, care for Manhandla attacks!


It's so far the hardest LV3 I've dealt with so far still. Some like Impa's Naginata was super easy, or Link's LV3 sword. But Lana's spear? 4 hours of hitting my head against the wall. But it was so rewarding and satisfying once I figured it out.

I want more of that and less dealing with godlike Dinofos with my allies forces morale being absolute crap and having to race against time before I game over D: I'm absolutely dreading dealing with any lvl 90+ Network Link due to the stress involved.

On a different note, has anyone successfully gotten the opposition to piss off Cuccos enough that they get attacked instead? Is it even possible?
Wondering if I'm doing something wrong with the
Battle of the Triforce
stage. I'm okay up until the point where both
Link and Zelda
head for the main base. I can take out
Zelda as she's closest when this part of the mission starts
and then move on to
. However I always catch up in the main base. As soon as I'm done there the other gets revived. If I make it back to that one the other will revive and I have to rush back. The fight always comes down to taking place in the main base. I was thinking that I might be suppose to lose the battle but that doesn't seem to be the case. Is it a case of playing on hard is giving them way to much health? Should I drop it down to normal? Or am I missing something? Can the
triforce attacks be stopped once they start
? Do I just need to level up as much as possible before taking this stage on?
You have to take them both out at around the same time.


Speaking of Lana, why is the stage for her level 1, third weapon gated off? I got an A in the stage I need too. Also weird is that here level 2 for the same weapon is not gated off.


On a different note, has anyone successfully gotten the opposition to piss off Cuccos enough that they get attacked instead? Is it even possible?

Was wondering the same thing. I thought I remember in the direct them saying they could be used against your foes if you were clever, so I let bad guys beat up on a Cucco one time for a good while and nothing happened. Maybe they were just talking about the missions where they team up with you?


I need some friends (aww) for Adventure mode network links.

SixFourMike, accepting all applicants.

I'm making quite slow progress in Adventure mode, because despite trying to fight it my compulsion to unlock everything as I go instead of unlocking levels and then choosing what to unlock.

Also, actually blocking is game changing in the same way that parrying is in Metal Gear Rising. I routinely go through stages getting C ranks for damage when I don't block and generally slow down (instead of waiting on blocking enemies and taking hits from Lizalfos and tanky Moblins). I did one level as Impa a few times and kept missing the A because of damage, then did another as Sheik and actually blocked and took 0 damage. Of course I now think Sheik is godmode, and that was before I realise the water shield stops ReDead paralysis. I still don't know exactly what it does and doesn't do, but I'll be keeping one up a lot more from now on.
the second gold skulltula for the first stage won't unlock for whatever reason

i think i went through it five or six different times, and nothing

I got it today. Besides the obvious stuff of having at least 1000 kills (I had a lot more though, so I'm not sure what the real limit is), and having a Level 1 Sword equipped on Link, I got it to appear right after King Dodongo did, so I think that's the specific timeframe. HOWEVER, I only got it to work when I had the Hero's Clothes costume on for Link. Just the regular green tunic that we all know. It wouldn't spawn for me if I didn't have that costume on. I think it's a secret requirement.

Was wondering the same thing. I thought I remember in the direct them saying they could be used against your foes if you were clever, so I let bad guys beat up on a Cucco one time for a good while and nothing happened. Maybe they were just talking about the missions where they team up with you?

Only in that one Adventure mission where you can reunite the chick with the Mama. Then they started attacking the enemy. Mama even went for Volga, and reached him at about the same time I did. It was pretty funny.
I got it today. Besides the obvious stuff of having at least 1000 kills (I had a lot more though, so I'm not sure what the real limit is), and having a Level 1 Sword equipped on Link, I got it to appear right after King Dodongo did, so I think that's the specific timeframe. HOWEVER, I only got it to work when I had the Hero's Clothes costume on for Link. Just the regular green tunic that we all know. It wouldn't spawn for me if I didn't have that costume on. I think it's a secret requirement.

Haha no. You can check the requirements in the pause menu. Of course you don't need to use a specific costume, that would be way too silly.
Haha no. You can check the requirements in the pause menu. Of course you don't need to use a specific costume, that would be way too silly.

Be Link with the Hylian Sword and do what Zelda says
Just complete the objectives as they come

I mean, I did all of that, and I still didn't get anything, just like the above poster. I just switched from Dark Link to that costume and it worked. I didn't do anything different other than that, unless it's judging "repelling the advance" in some specificity that I somehow failed in the first time. But that would make less sense, since I captured all of the keeps the first time. I didn't bother the other times. Or if I was being timed and wasn't told. Either way, there was some hidden criteria that I didn't meet the first few times and met the successful time.

EDIT: Or maybe I'm nuts, I don't know. It does seem really silly, I won't lie. But it only counted one of those tries for whatever reason.


OI really think so too. BTW whats the C3 one? becuase I really like the forward attack and thats YYYX if I remember correctly.

C1 is X, C2 is YX, C3 is YYX, etc. YYYX is C4, and is a wonderful move. C3 is the move where she doesn't move and make her light sigil appear around her. Crappy move.
man, are elements that big a deal, or is the Gate just hella strong or both?

I failed Lana's lvl 2 four times; twice each with Book and Spear. So I'm like what the fuck and used the Gate. Cleared it on my first try.
The gate is super strong :3
Honestly, on no single character am I able to cause as much destruction in a short time as when I'm napalming half the map by riding Argorok. I thought Ganondorf's ability to clear a keep in a single C5 was impressive but it's a drop in the ocean compared to the death tolls I can rack up on the back of the twilight dragon :p

Just finished that level as well with my first use of the summoning gate and it was total chaos. Haven't seen the game going that low in FPS before. It was ridiculous. And also extreme fun. The special attack of the gate is awesome, dash-canceling summons into other summons and having three mini-bosses bringing the hurt is great and the whole dance and posing shtick of Lana while shit is going crazy around her always puts a smile on my face. Great weapon, even though I have no idea what I'm doing and missed A-Rank by a small bit. :D
Lol, yeah. At first i thought the slow FPS was because I was rocking the gate and summon-cancel spamming but when I noticed the enemy count I realised it was likely just because they've crammed as many enemies into that map as inhumanly possible XD

For anyone trying the gate out for the first time who doesn't know the mechanics of it, whenever you do the X summon you'll summon a random monster and you should take note that the monster that appears will show up just below your health bar as a lil icon and you'll get a glowy effect on Lana. This will last for a small window of time. If during that time you do the combo that summons the same monster and press X on additional time (so for the first combo YXX instead of just YX) then you'll get an upgraded version of the monster summon.

While most of the upgrades are pretty cool, the Argorok one is hands down the most powerful thing I've come across in the entire game. Just don't spam X when summoning that one or you'll immediately divebomb and end your dragon ride. Just lay off the attack buttons and let the automatic fire breathing do it's thing as you surf the dragon around the map obliterating everything in sight :3
The only downside is that the timing for the dragon combo to summon it can be quite tricky, but the pay-off is more than worth practicing so you can hit it every time :D

So regarding Lana's Summoning Gate, so is it random what monster you summon at first with strong attack? Or can it be manipulated?
As Magius said, it's random as far as I can tell.


I tried to play the first Challenge Mode mission today before getting out of bed. This is basically late-game stuff, right? lol

I got my ass handed to me. First I was supposed to take out some captains, managed to take out one but didn't see a countdown then I was supposed to kill 500 enemies in 5 minutes and I just barely managed that but then it said Mission Failed and went to the next thing at which I died. Seems I was seriously underleveled for this^^
Now that I've completed Legend Mode, I decided to go back and get the golden skulltulas I missed the first time. I went to the Deku Tree stage thinking it would be a lot easier now that my characters are stronger.

After half an hour, I could barely make any progress. Also, I died three times in very sudden ways (how come I didn't notice I was low on health?) Then it hit me: I had accidentally changed from hard to hero difficulty ^_^

I soldiered on, but there was no way I could sake the Deku Tree when Gohma appeared. Do we keep the exp, the items and the rupees earned when we quit a stage?


God, I need millions of rupees to get my characters all up. This will take forever. I'll still be trying to do this Adventure Map when the last new one is out.
Just beat Legend Mode. There is no cinema viewer that gets unlocked? =(

That final battle was the only time I had to use checkpoints in the whole game. I was beat it on hard at level 32 or so with Impa -- she was definitely too underpowered. I only used her because I wanted the heart piece. I died so many times at that boss. Talk about a difficulty spike.


I soldiered on, but there was no way I could sake the Deku Tree when Gohma appeared. Do we keep the exp, the items and the rupees earned when we quit a stage?

Don't you read the text that explains exactly this on the reload checkpoint/restart/return to title menu-screen?

Tiu Neo

Finished Legend Mode yesterday. Only had problems on the last
level. Also got the skulltula I missed (because I didn't have the hookshot).

Now the grind begins. :D

Now that I've completed Legend Mode, I decided to go back and get the golden skulltulas I missed the first time. I went to the Deku Tree stage thinking it would be a lot easier now that my characters are stronger.

After half an hour, I could barely make any progress. Also, I died three times in very sudden ways (how come I didn't notice I was low on health?) Then it hit me: I had accidentally changed from hard to hero difficulty ^_^

I soldiered on, but there was no way I could sake the Deku Tree when Gohma appeared. Do we keep the exp, the items and the rupees earned when we quit a stage?

Yes, on this game you'll keep all the experience you got on the level. Wish Warriors Orochi 3 did that too...
Don't you read the text that explains exactly this on the reload checkpoint/restart/return to title menu-screen?

My bad, thanks!

Well, it could be worse. I could have asked if the pre-order clothes will be availab... no, no, not again!

Edit: thank you too, Tiu Neo.


I can't believe it, on Zelda WW2 I finished in 15 minutes. Isn't that the cut off time? I'd have been fine with just a second quicker.


So, I tried to unlock Zant's third level weapon... Yup, it's gonna be tough. We have a type advantage against Sheik and Fi, so we can kill those quickly. However, this isn't the case with Ghirahim, who is the final boss. Between the flying fire-breathing lizards, Ganondorf who will have some trouble staying alone, and your main base attacked on 3 sides and sniped by those cursed Manhandla tentacles (not to mention the numerous reinforcements), it's kinda hard to do everything in 15min... I guess I'm going to have to level-up Zant to level 60 before trying this map again.
I spent like 20 minutes last night fighting
because he rarely revealed his weakspot. Soon after I found out you can block and felt pretty stupid.

My Midna may have been underleveled (20 I think) and she had her default weapon, but this level was a slog between
and Argorok. I think I just need to memorize when enemies reveal their weakspots unless you can bait it out in a way I haven't found yet.


Getting the level 3 portal weapon for Lana seems oddly hard... There doesn't seem to be enough grunts, and I'm forced to use the portal weapon, but I guess I just can't use the weapon well, because I'm taking too long to beat some officers...


Well...this game is GOOD!
I accidentally attacked a chicken, HORRIBLE horrible thing don't do it, but if you kill them constantly they vanish.
I died in adventure mode(when every attack is devastating) in the same spot twice by the same stupid once-in-a-century attacking minion.

Joke aside i need your help, i need to finish 3 trials with
and i just can't do it. The moment i get to the final trial there are those 2 black small monsters and a big ass one who keep electrocute me and i am dead after 3 times, any suggestion ?
Well...this game is GOOD!
I accidentally attacked a chicken, HORRIBLE horrible thing don't do it, but if you kill them constantly they vanish.
I died in adventure mode(when every attack is devastating) in the same spot twice by the same stupid once-in-a-century attacking minion.

Joke aside i need your help, i need to finish 3 trials with
and i just can't do it. The moment i get to the final trial there are those 2 black small monsters and a big ass one who keep electrocute me and i am dead after 3 times, any suggestion ?

I spent forever wittling down a golden cucco the first time you encounter one in adventure mode thinking I'd get something cool.

Not at all. Nothing. :(
Also, I'm not hating, but what's with all the comparisons with Destiny? The two games have just about nothing in common.

Things don't have to have many other things in common in order to draw comparisons between them, necessarily!

In this case I was kinda joking around with the view that Hyrule Warriors (a game straight outta the PS2 era and developed for about £6.50) can tell a story better than Destiny (a brand new, decade-long franchise backed by the biggest video game publisher in the world and developed by one of the most successful video game developers of all time)!

The main things they share with each other is that they're both video games, and that I played both of them recently!


I think I figured out that every character that makes weird insane laughing noises for almost every single attack is a bad character. That should sum it up.

How the fuck am I supposed to get a A rank in the D6 mission? Fucking weak ass Agitha. Her cheap YYX attack doesn't work there properly. It simply takes too long, especially with all the bosses around. With other characters - even underleveled - I'm cleaning house, but for those, nope. And that annoying laugh makes me want to punch all of them, especially Agitha. Luna Parasol 4 stars is just not enough.

Take out enemies, take out troops, care for keeps, defend stuff, care for Manhandla attacks!


if you have enough KO you can totally ignore the Manhandla and go for Midna, you wont get attacked by the seed if you fight her inside the keep
I think I figured out that every character that makes weird insane laughing noises for almost every single attack is a bad character. That should sum it up.

How the fuck am I supposed to get a A rank in the D6 mission? Fucking weak ass Agitha. Her cheap YYX attack doesn't work there properly. It simply takes too long, especially with all the bosses around. With other characters - even underleveled - I'm cleaning house, but for those, nope. And that annoying laugh makes me want to punch all of them, especially Agitha. Luna Parasol 4 stars is just not enough.

Against crowds like that I often back off to get a little bit of space and use the C4 (YYYX) to clear them out. The whirlwind startup leaves you wide open though so don't do it unless you're clear but if you can then it's half decent at killing stuff in a line. I'm still undecided if it's worth following up with butterfly you can tag on the end and divebombing another set of people with it's Y attack or not. C5 (YYYYX) can also work though I'm not sure which of the two is better for clearance.

Agitha can actually kill boss weakpoints fairly quickly with the YYX-B spam so in the case of that particular mission it's sometimes worth taking out the Gohmas just to give yourself some breathing room.

Against humanoids I always use YX first to launch them before using XXY-B as otherwise they'll sometimes hit you during the summon-startup.
I think I should just level up those characters I'm not good at(Agitha, Ruto, Darunia, Zant) to over 60, before I try to get their LV3 weapon.


I think I should just level up those characters I'm not good at(Agitha, Ruto, Darunia, Zant) to over 60, before I try to get their LV3 weapon.

I've gotten most of the level 3 weapons with the characters around level 40.

will have to lvl up agitha up to level 70 for hers though, I am only human
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