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iPad Air


Any good tv tracker/episode notifier app for the iPad? Preferably one that doesn't require signing up with Facebook or weird website accounts

Sky Chief

it’s more than just that, though. I get more page refreshes on safari on the ipad air than I did on the old ipad 3 (also with 1 GB)

I think part of it is the extra 64 bit overhead of the code running on the A7 and part of it is Apple being very aggressive clearing out cache in iOS 7 Safari, for whatever reason. I remember with the 256 MB ipad 1, browsers like iCab could hold 6 or 7 pages in memory while safari would dump out pages much more quickly. Safari improved over time but seems to have regressed with iOS 7 and the Air.

I have no idea if Apple intends to change the behaviour of Safari in future releases but I think people who need pages to stay in memory longer need to look at alternative browsers until Apple gets their act together. The good news is that the 1 GB doesn’t mean every browser will act like Safari does now. The bad news is that people need to look around for a browser when it should work properly (keep more pages in memory) out of the box

My biggest problem is the constant Safari crashing. It crashes 3-4 times a day and then when I reopen the tab I was on is blank.

Honestly this is the least impressive Apple product I have ever owned. My iPad 2 worked a lot better. iOS7 adds nothing beneficial and instead totally breaks the "it just works" mantra because it doesn't fucking work. Don't even get me started on what a POS the smart case is.

So disappointing because the form factor and app selection is great but otherwise this tablet is half baked. What happened to the attention to detail?


I returned my Air today. Loved it, but the Safari crashes got so frequent that the "new gadget"-magic went away very quickly. They'll probably fix it, but I think I'll hold out for a model with more RAM. The iPad 2 will have to do at least another year.

Sky Chief

I returned my Air today. Loved it, but the Safari crashes got so frequent that the "new gadget"-magic went away very quickly. They'll probably fix it, but I think I'll hold out for a model with more RAM. The iPad 2 will have to do at least another year.

I am having the same thoughts. Feeling more buyers remorse every day. Apple better come with iOS 7.1 ASAP.


well not really...yet
As a first time iPad owner im kind of blown away by the quality of the exclusive apps.

Just got the Disney animated app and it's amazing.


I don't get anywhere near the frequency of crashes a couple of you apparently are. It definitely happens, but not enough for me to really notice much.

Personally this is the best iPad I've used.

As a first time iPad owner im kind of blown away by the quality of the exclusive apps.

Just got the Disney animated app and it's amazing.

Is that the one that got that 'best of 2013' thing? I was kinda curious how it was.


well not really...yet
I don't get anywhere near the frequency of crashes a couple of you apparently are. It definitely happens, but not enough for me to really notice much.

Personally this is the best iPad I've used.

Is that the one that got that 'best of 2013' thing? I was kinda curious how it was.
You can go through essentially every animated Disney film ever frame by frame. I'm kind of blown away. Well worth the $10


I don't get anywhere near the frequency of crashes a couple of you apparently are. It definitely happens, but not enough for me to really notice much.

I got mine on Christmas day and it's happened twice or maybe three times, but only when I had like 15-20 tabs open. I wonder if it's just some particular iPads?
Weird, page loads fine for me and I've got 6 tabs open (7 after opening that link). I'm not sure if I am using 64 bit Safari though. iOS noob here though, first Apple product I've ever owned hehe.

It probably depends on what other tabs are open... the missus had left some other forums open, and those take their own share of memory.


It probably depends on what other tabs are open... the missus had left some other forums open, and those take their own share of memory.

Mobile GAF's default setting also embeds any YouTube links. That particular thread is loaded with them, including one post that has 12 YouTube videos that gets quoted 3 times on like one page. Depending on whatever tabs you also have open, that would probably do some damage.

You can go through essentially every animated Disney film ever frame by frame. I'm kind of blown away. Well worth the $10

Wow. That's pretty impressive. Hmmm....

Deku Tree

I returned my Air today. Loved it, but the Safari crashes got so frequent that the "new gadget"-magic went away very quickly. They'll probably fix it, but I think I'll hold out for a model with more RAM. The iPad 2 will have to do at least another year.

No way I would go back to my iPad 2 over the Air. So glad I sold my iPad 2 to Gamestop for $325 in Amazon gift cards. People say the Safari crashes will be fixed in iOS 7.1. In the worst case I'll sell my Air next year to buy an Air2.


well not really...yet
Just picked up a Bamboo Stylus for my Air

Should I have to be applying so much pressure in order for it to register? Does not seem very responsive...
Jesus, Safari crashing is now an expected thing every time I use it

7.1 better fix this, really tired of how bad 7.0 all around with so many glitches


Just upgraded to the Air from my iPad3. Certainly notice an improvement in loading times in apps. Biggest boon for me is the aesthetic changes. Rounded corners means no more sharp indentations in palms. Weight decrease is absolutely noticeable. Also love how much thinner it is.
Can someone help me out. Apparently you are supposed to see multiple tabs in safari. I however cannot. I only see the tab I'm on and in order to access any other tabs I have to tap the ellipses and select the tab that way.


That is the only way to access my tabs and apparently that is not the right way and I should be able to see all my tabs like name normal browser.

Any ideas?


Can someone help me out. Apparently you are supposed to see multiple tabs in safari. I however cannot. I only see the tab I'm on and in order to access any other tabs I have to tap the ellipses and select the tab that way.

That is the only way to access my tabs and apparently that is not the right way and I should be able to see all my tabs like name normal browser.

Any ideas?
That happens to me sometimes. Closing out Safari completely usually does the trick.
We had the browser freeze (not crash, but just freeze) a couple of times yesterday, and finally the whole system crashed and restarted.


I'm sorry if this question's been asked and answered already but I was wondering if the smaller bezels on the iPad Air make it harder to hold by the sides. I always hold my older iPad with one hand by the side bezel and now that they're smaller I figured I wouldn't be able to do that with the Air.

Deku Tree

I'm sorry if this question's been asked and answered already but I was wondering if the smaller bezels on the iPad Air make it harder to hold by the sides. I always hold my older iPad with one hand by the side bezel and now that they're smaller I figured I wouldn't be able to do that with the Air.

Not at all.


So I have had an iPad 4th gen for a while and I'm thinking about selling it for the Air. Is the step up pretty noticeable? I LOVE my iPad, I use it every single day but the one pain has always been the weight, it gets tiring to hold with 1 hand with the smart case. Will the Air be better for me?

Deku Tree

So I have had an iPad 4th gen for a while and I'm thinking about selling it for the Air. Is the step up pretty noticeable? I LOVE my iPad, I use it every single day but the one pain has always been the weight, it gets tiring to hold with 1 hand with the smart case. Will the Air be better for me?

I returned my Air today. Loved it, but the Safari crashes got so frequent that the "new gadget"-magic went away very quickly. They'll probably fix it, but I think I'll hold out for a model with more RAM. The iPad 2 will have to do at least another year.

It's pretty clearly an iOS 7/64-bit issue, I think, as others have said, but yeah, I've been wanting to jump back into owning an iPad for a while but I think I'll just hold out until the iPad revision in September at this point. The prospect of bumping up to 2GB of RAM is just too big, and I'm doing mostly okay with my 2013 MacBook Air at this point. I just occasionally run into situations where I *really* miss having an iPad.


fucking juniors
Not sure if this is the right thread but I've got an iPad question (third gen). Last night my iPad froze and I'm unable to do anything aside from putting it on standby. It won't even shut down if I hold the power button. Has anyone else had this happen before and is there a way to force reset the hardware?


Not sure if this is the right thread but I've got an iPad question (third gen). Last night my iPad froze and I'm unable to do anything aside from putting it on standby. It won't even shut down if I hold the power button. Has anyone else had this happen before and is there a way to force reset the hardware?

Hold down both the Power and Home button for about 10 seconds.
It's pretty clearly an iOS 7/64-bit issue, I think, as others have said, but yeah, I've been wanting to jump back into owning an iPad for a while but I think I'll just hold out until the iPad revision in September at this point. The prospect of bumping up to 2GB of RAM is just too big, and I'm doing mostly okay with my 2013 MacBook Air at this point. I just occasionally run into situations where I *really* miss having an iPad.



iOS 7.1 hitting on February first?

Greetings Summoner Wars Player,

Thank you for your continued support during our investigation into the IAP issue within Summoner Wars.

We have received word from Apple that they will release a software update on February 1, 2014, which should resolve this IAP issue. On February 1st, after you install the update please log into Summoner Wars and attempt to restore your purchases. If everything goes as planned you should be able to restore your purchases and use them during offline play again.

If for some reasons after February 1st you are not able to restore your purchases then it has been advised that you contact Apple Support through the following link and be sure to include the following reference code in the details text area.


We thank you for your patience during this time, it is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Playdek Support


Picked up a 32gb Black Air tonight at Best Buy with the Red leather smart case. Absolutely amazing and blows away my 4th gen from size alone.
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