I finally decided to take this online, and I've been having a good time. I'm just playing Thunder right now, and I'm doing better than I thought I would so far online. I've had some really close games, some bad losses, and some great wins. I'll have to figure out a way to put some of my matches on Youtube.
A couple of asides, one of the players I fought was named "KILLER INSTINCT", and was sporting the Rare icon. He was rank 9, I believe. I have a sneaking suspicion that this fellow had a part in making this game, or perhaps old Rare games. Or maybe he's just a big Rare fan. In any case, he had a tricky Sabrewulf.
Also, I encountered a terrible audio glitch during a match. At least, something that sounded like an audio glitch. This'll require a bit of explanation: I played against a Glacius on Orchid's stage, and managed to sneak a victory, I activated my Ultra and did my ultra ender. Now, on Orchid's stage activating your Ultra makes a building in the background blow up. I did my ultra ender RIGHT as the building was about to explode, and the result was an explosion of what sounded like microphone feedback. I thought my opponent had raged, but after watching a replay of my match that horrible explosion of sound is still there! I'm halfway tempted to also post this on Youtube but people's speakers and ears will probably be destroyed.