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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII |OT| Toriyama's Bizarre Adventure


Just finished installing the game, and entering and downloading all the DLC codes. I had way more than I was expecting.

Utsusemi -- got this free from playing the demo, I'm guessing?
SOLDIER 1st Class -- free with preorder. I'm going to flip the first time I get this on Lightning.
FFVII Aerith -- came with the CE. Hadn't even realized I got this until I opened the game.
Art of War -- included with the collector's edition of the strategy guide. No idea what it looks like.

And I transferred my saves from XIII and XIII-2 so that should unlock those outfits. So happy I was able to get the VII costumes without forking over 4 bucks for them. I'd still like Yuna's gunner garb, especially since I think it actually fits Lightning, but I'm not cool with that pricing, so I'll survive without it.
Picked Normal, the game has been pretty easy so far. The only thing that gave me trouble so far was the green dragon but I have a feeling you're not supposed to fight him as soon as he's available.

The lack of content is a huge problem. I spent a good 10 minutes in Luxerion just looking for something to do. There's way to few quests for this type of game.
Also installing through the XB menu is 6.6gb. I don't know what the difference is installing fully from the game.

Also when can I use the costumes I downloaded?

And is it just me but this game actually looks better on the 360?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wow, I had no idea pressing in R3 zooms out the battle view and lets you have a lot more control over the battles! Nice!


I can't wait to buy this tomorrow at JB HiFi hopefully the cashier won't give me judgement look on his face when I purchased FF13-2 2 years ago >_<. Also I'm planning to buy DS4 controller for PS3 as well and one question does DS4 work with Lightning Return or not?

Has it been posted yet? Gamespot gave this game 5.0/10

The Good
Gorgeous cutscenes bring the drama
Schemata customization is fun and absorbing
Lots of environmental and character details to admire during the journey

The Bad
Time mechanic clashes with exploration, story, and progression
Weak storytelling made weaker by rambling dialogue and a bland protagonist
Reliance on precise blocking leads to frustration and wasted time


I'm still a little undecided on what mode I do. On the one hand, I want challenging battles (so Normal), on the other, healing after every battle would eat up your resources quickly I'd imagine (and from what I saw, you can only hold like 5-7 items at once and there's no cure spell that you can use without using EP/GP). Easy also gives more "time" by just having the enemies drop more EP/GP for Chronostasis (although I have been told this isn't an issue even on Normal). And if you die in a battle and have no items to revive yourself, you lose an hour of your day when you restart the battle (which seems needlessly punishing). I just dunno... I wish you could change the difficulty after starting the game without having to begin a whole new quest.

Go with normal. Healing items price is really low, you have the EP ability "Curaga", there are tons of restaurants in which you can restore healt almost for free and even in the few dungeons I've visited there were means to heal yourself. I can say the beginning of the game can be challenging, especially in some areas at night that have an almost unresonable spawn-rate of pretty strong monsters (they stiil can be easily avoided if you want). Personally after completing the first main quest I rarely had troubles, there are simply tons of overpowered garbs that you can obtain easily and early on. The game is still moderately challening though.

Maybe I'll write something more complete tomorrow, but I'm definitely enjoing the combat system and the costumization (even if I have a feeling there are a lot of "filler" garbs that you'll rarely use in the end, while I'd have preferred a wider array of weapons and shields). Trying to do most quests available in a day is fun, even if the quests themselves are the worst kind of fetch quests. They're still tollerable...but I find myself skipping the dialogues because the exposition is simply unbereable, I'm fine with reading the short tibits that you get when accepting the quest, but I can't endure 5 minutes of terribad voice acting every time I have to bring 7 tails of something to random npc #25. "Main" story is almost inexistent so far, but it's still bad. BAD.

I'm finding myself wanting to play the game more than I could have imagined, even recognizing all the issues (and there are a lot). It's an interesting experiment, definitely weaker than FFXIII and XIII-2, but at the same time the battle system and garb customization are its saving grace.


Now the waiting game for the physical copies to be available in my country. I bet it will still take a week or two. -_- Freaking hell. I am tempted to buy it on PSN but I just can't. I want all the three XIII games on my shelf. Side by side. Oh well. I guess I can wait.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
what were they thinking when they made Hope...he has zero redeeming qualities as a character in a FINAL FANTASY game. He just babbles on about boring crap


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Hope is a genius but the dude needs to learn when to shut up.


Just finished installing the game, and entering and downloading all the DLC codes. I had way more than I was expecting.

Utsusemi -- got this free from playing the demo, I'm guessing?
SOLDIER 1st Class -- free with preorder. I'm going to flip the first time I get this on Lightning.
FFVII Aerith -- came with the CE. Hadn't even realized I got this until I opened the game.
Art of War -- included with the collector's edition of the strategy guide. No idea what it looks like.

And I transferred my saves from XIII and XIII-2 so that should unlock those outfits. So happy I was able to get the VII costumes without forking over 4 bucks for them. I'd still like Yuna's gunner garb, especially since I think it actually fits Lightning, but I'm not cool with that pricing, so I'll survive without it.

There should be another outfit for defeating the Demo boss and posting the score on Facebook/Twitter.

Wish the Tomb Raider DLC wasn't $4. I mean, come on!

I have an extra code for the Art of War DLC for Xbox 360. PM for the code.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious






That's pretty cool. Should just be a standard.

I'd love that more if there weren't Japanese voice DLC... I'd probably import a copy to switch back and forth.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
What's wrong with the Inquisitor's hair...


Wow,not getting into this game at all so far...first of all,just like I feared,the timer and days thing are just confusing and stressing me out...I played for like 2 hours and I am down to 5 days left already...? what the hell is this.? also all those sidequests are really confusing and not indentified well on the map...there's too many useless dots and what not on the map...

Also what the use of having 8 costumes if I can't equip or use some of them...the Cloud costume I only have one attack with it...super slash...I have to unequip stuff from the others if I want one of my main 3 costume to have something on the X,O,triangle and square button...?...am I suppose to take the train to go out of Luxerion and go to the Dunes or Yussan...?

I don't know what the hell I am doing so far lol...and the graphics are downright ugly in some places,the textures are horrible(not everywhere but some parts of Luxerion look so washed out).
Go with normal. Healing items price is really low, you have the EP ability "Curaga", there are tons of restaurants in which you can restore healt almost for free and even in the few dungeons I've visited there were means to heal yourself. I can say the beginning of the game can be challenging, especially in some areas at night that have an almost unresonable spawn-rate of pretty strong monsters (they stiil can be easily avoided if you want). Personally after completing the first main quest I rarely had troubles, there are simply tons of overpowered garbs that you can obtain easily and early on. The game is still moderately challening though.

Maybe I'll write something more complete tomorrow, but I'm definitely enjoing the combat system and the costumization (even if I have a feeling there are a lot of "filler" garbs that you'll rarely use in the end, while I'd have preferred a wider array of weapons and shields). Trying to do most quests available in a day is fun, even if the quests themselves are the worst kind of fetch quests. They're still tollerable...but I find myself skipping the dialogues because the exposition is simply unbereable, I'm fine with reading the short tibits that you get when accepting the quest, but I can't endure 5 minutes of terribad voice acting every time I have to bring 7 tails of something to random npc #25. "Main" story is almost inexistent so far, but it's still bad. BAD.

I'm finding myself wanting to play the game more than I could have imagined, even recognizing all the issues (and there are a lot). It's an interesting experiment, definitely weaker than FFXIII and XIII-2, but at the same time the battle system and garb customization are its saving grace.

Ah, thanks for the info. I'm leaning toward Normal yeah - I'll just have to deal with the no HP recovery after battles (I mean, I'm used to that in other JRPGs, but usually in those, you have real healing spells and items to use with no low inventory limit lol).

Hope is a genius but the dude needs to learn when to shut up.

lol. I watched some nonspoiler sections of walkthroughs on Youtube last night (mostly just Lightning running around the city), and dear god, Hope talked almost nonstop. I can't imagine how much dialogue they had the VA do in the entire game. I bet he talked way more in LR than he ever did in the previous two games.

Speaking of Hope, does he really cut himself off often? I don't really mind the fact that he talks a lot (I don't hate Hope as much as others do), but even in the demo, it was annoying because I'd get into battles and it's hard to follow what he's saying afterwards since part of it is cut off (due to the battle transitions). And I've heard going into a new area can make Hope stop talking about something and proceed to talk about the new area you're in before he finishes what he was saying. I have a feeling this will bug me as I'd rather not miss any of his dialogue (no matter how trite it might be).

Wow,not getting into this game at all so far...first of all,just like I feared,the timer and days thing are just confusing and stressing me out...I played for like 2 hours and I am down to 5 days left already...? what the hell is this.? also all those sidequests are really confusing and not indentified well on the map...there's too many useless dots and what not on the map...

I don't know if MMOs have made me lazy, but I prefer when sidequests locations are marked on the map. Like, where I need to go to do them. In a normal JRPG, I wouldn't mind so much, but since this one has a time limit, I don't wanna be messing around in the wrong area trying to find out what I need to be doing for the quest.


Wow,not getting into this game at all so far...first of all,just like I feared,the timer and days thing are just confusing and stressing me out...I played for like 2 hours and I am down to 5 days left already...? what the hell is this.? also all those sidequests are really confusing and not indentified well on the map...there's too many useless dots and what not on the map...

Also what the use of having 8 costumes if I can't equip or use some of them...the Cloud costume I only have one attack with it...super slash...I have to unequip stuff from the others if I want one of my main 3 costume to have something on the X,O,triangle and square button...?...am I suppose to take the train to go out of Luxerion and go to the Dunes or Yussan...?

I don't know what the hell I am doing so far lol...and the graphics are downright ugly in some places,the textures are horrible(not everywhere but some parts of Luxerion look so washed out).

You definitely need to slow down and take everything piece by piece. At the beginning of the game, everything is really new and weird and overwhelming.

Every costume starts with only a few abilities. In Cloud's case, it's super slash. You can find new abilities and attacks from different enemies. Think of it as loot. For instance, some drop Fire/Fira, some drop Attack or Slash or Light Slash or Steelguard or whatever. You can then assign those abilities to a schema (up to 4). In a few battles, Cloud will be able to have more attacks lol. Eventually you can synthesize and upgrade those abilities. Trust me, it threw me off too when my favorite outfit only had Blizzard or some bullshit.

The more sidequests you do, the more days you have. The idea is explained more after your first day. But for now, don't even worry about the days. Just focus on understanding the mechanics.

You can go wherever you want. Wildlands is where I decided to go first.

Green dots on your mini map = npcs/items. There are also indicators for gates and shops. Don't really worry about them, you'll figure it out with time. As for sidequests, they are indicated by the stars above an NPCs head, which denote difficulty. Those without sidequests do not have stars. Basically I'd just talk to everyone with ???? as their name. Some useful stuff comes from them sometimes.

Like I said, just take it slow. Experiment, and make sure you pay attention to everything. This is not a game you can just jump in and play.


That's pretty cool. Should just be a standard.

I'd love that more if there weren't Japanese voice DLC... I'd probably import a copy to switch back and forth.



So I'm watching a stream of this game, and is it just me or does it seem like a big troll on the part of SE, or perhaps a monkey's paw type deal?

Everyone complained about linearity, so SE made an open world game filled with mundane quests from poorly written bland characters in a lifeless and robotic PS2 graphics world.

The "open world" and "lots of quests" with "time management" all sound good on paper, and then you see how it was "achieved"...
So do the downloadable/preorder bonus costumes break the game at all? Like when I start playing, should I not use the Cloud outfit as soon as I can because it will make the game too easy or anything like that? I'm not exactly sure how these schemas and outfits and weapons work...


So do the downloadable/preorder bonus costumes break the game at all? Like when I start playing, should I not use the Cloud outfit as soon as I can because it will make the game too easy or anything like that? I'm not exactly sure how these schemas and outfits and weapons work...

The one you get for having a FF13-2 save is pretty powerful, it gives an edge at the beginning. It seems to be outclassed not that far in, but it does give you a significant advantage over what you start with otherwise.
Going from several reviews look this game is another mediocre entry in the Final Fantasy franchise. I was sort of hoping that it would break from recent history.
The one you get for having a FF13-2 save is pretty powerful, it gives an edge at the beginning. It seems to be outclassed not that far in, but it does give you a significant advantage over what you start with otherwise.

I heard similar things about the Art of War DLC. Good early on, not so great once you get into the game.

So I played for a couple hours, and I think I like it quite a bit. Not necessarily as an FF game. But judging it just as a game, it's solid. I'm not a big fan of the time system, as I like to explore without feeling rushed. But there's also not nearly as much exploration as there was in older FF games, so ha ha, joke's on me.

So, as long as I get enough sidequests done, can I pretty much do my own thing between main quests without wrecking my playthrough?


You definitely need to slow down and take everything piece by piece. At the beginning of the game, everything is really new and weird and overwhelming.

Every costume starts with only a few abilities. In Cloud's case, it's super slash. You can find new abilities and attacks from different enemies. Think of it as loot. For instance, some drop Fire/Fira, some drop Attack or Slash or Light Slash or Steelguard or whatever. You can then assign those abilities to a schema (up to 4). In a few battles, Cloud will be able to have more attacks lol. Eventually you can synthesize and upgrade those abilities. Trust me, it threw me off too when my favorite outfit only had Blizzard or some bullshit.

The more sidequests you do, the more days you have. The idea is explained more after your first day. But for now, don't even worry about the days. Just focus on understanding the mechanics.

You can go wherever you want. Wildlands is where I decided to go first.

Green dots on your mini map = npcs/items. There are also indicators for gates and shops. Don't really worry about them, you'll figure it out with time. As for sidequests, they are indicated by the stars above an NPCs head, which denote difficulty. Those without sidequests do not have stars. Basically I'd just talk to everyone with ???? as their name. Some useful stuff comes from them sometimes.

Like I said, just take it slow. Experiment, and make sure you pay attention to everything. This is not a game you can just jump in and play.

This post was super helpful; I had many of the same questions. Thanks for going over it!

One thing I must have missed is what point the circular gauge plays. There's the HP and ATB gauges, and then to their left is a gold circular gauge with a number(?) in the middle of it. What is that telling me?


I did it gaf. I broke down and bought Lightning Returns.

Even knowing that the game is going to be discounted in a few months, and even knowing that this game was slapped together really quickly and is possibly diluting the Final Fantasy brand even further.

But what the hell. I played the demo, and the battle system was cool. And, I just want to play it now. In a month, Dark Souls II will be out, so I'll be occupied with that, but I need something else now to fill my time. I would have picked up Bravely Default but the fact that it's a handheld title means that it's not my choice of game by default. I'll probably get that game eventually, though.
I'm not really in it for the story, and I think most people at this point aren't buying this game because of the story. I think it was that Kotaku import review did me in. I already have the other two, might as well complete this unlucky, ugly duckling trilogy.

I can't wait for Final Fantasy XV; to be able to get back to the main series and start fresh again will be great for the series and for rpg fans. This will have to make due until that enigmatic game finally sees the light of day.
Question - does the main story point you in the direction of what areas I should go to first? Like of the 4 main continents. Someone said they went to the Wildlands first - is that because the story had you go there after the initial starting city or did you just wander around there anyways? Just not sure how guided of an experience this game is yet.


Will my preorder/CE DLC codes work later in the year? I'm replaying the entire series do I probably won't get to LR until the end of the year.


This post was super helpful; I had many of the same questions. Thanks for going over it!

One thing I must have missed is what point the circular gauge plays. There's the HP and ATB gauges, and then to their left is a gold circular gauge with a number(?) in the middle of it. What is that telling me?

Glad I could help!

That circular gauge is your EP. It goes up to 5 max, and is basically like your special Savior powers. It fills up after every battle you win by values ranging from .3 of a chunk to two chunks (the highest EP payout from a battle I've seen so far), and then you can either use 2 chunks for a skill called overclock, which stops time in the battle and lets you pound an enemy with no worries, or use it on a variety of other skills outside of battle like teleportation around the game world, healing, and stopping the in game clock for a few minutes.

Outside of battle, and after you've worked your way through a bit of the story, you can click triangle or Y and go to your EP abilities section. That shows all the things you can do with it.

If anyone else needs any more help, I can probably answer some early questions. I've mostly wrapped my head around how the game works.

Will my preorder/CE DLC codes work later in the year? I'm replaying the entire series do I probably won't get to LR until the end of the year.

Yeah they'll work for a long while. You might check for an expiration date on the card or something though, I've seen that before.

Where do I go to get my DLC costumes? I'm just about done with day one and I haven't stumbled into them yet.

Press triangle and go to your rewards barter shop. Either that or they will be in boxes inside the Ark.

Question - does the main story point you in the direction of what areas I should go to first? Like of the 4 main continents. Someone said they went to the Wildlands first - is that because the story had you go there after the initial starting city or did you just wander around there anyways? Just not sure how guided of an experience this game is yet.

I just wandered there. The main story is sort of open ended as far as I am. Go where you want, do what you want. It's almost zelda-esque at this point... you've got to get some stuff and learn some things in order to access certain areas. There are these like 5 areas of interest spread throughout the 4 continent things. And there are main story quests in each continent that can be tackled whenever, as far as I can tell.

But yeah I just saw a train for the Wildlands and hopped on (mostly because it was the train leaving the soonest haha).

I wouldn't say it's a very guided experience. Sort of the opposite of 13.
Will my preorder/CE DLC codes work later in the year? I'm replaying the entire series do I probably won't get to LR until the end of the year.

The codes on my receipt say they have an expiration date of june 2014, so you might want to just get them on your psn account when you can
I just wandered there. The main story is sort of open ended as far as I am. Go where you want, do what you want. It's almost zelda-esque at this point... you've got to get some stuff and learn some things in order to access certain areas. There are these like 5 areas of interest spread throughout the 4 continent things. And there are main story quests in each continent that can be tackled whenever, as far as I can tell.

But yeah I just saw a train for the Wildlands and hopped on (mostly because it was the train leaving the soonest haha).

I wouldn't say it's a very guided experience. Sort of the opposite of 13.

Oh gotcha. That's pretty cool. I take it main story quests are marked with a different icon than regular ones? I wonder if there's a preferred/recommended order for doing the main quests if you can tackle them in whatever order you want (like doing the quests for Snow, Fang, etc).


Oh gotcha. That's pretty cool. I take it main story quests are marked with a different icon than regular ones? I wonder if there's a preferred/recommended order for doing the main quests if you can tackle them in whatever order you want (like doing the quests for Snow, Fang, etc).

If there is, the game only gives a very vague idea of it. And yeah the main story quests sort of fit around the edges of the sidequests. And there is a quest log in the menu that separates what your main quests, side quests, and bulletin board quests are, and what you need to do for them.

It's weird, but I'm getting the hang of it.
Really liking the game so far.
The breadth of the combat system and the amount of customization available far trump the game's shortcomings.
Though, the janky NPC path-finding AI is hilariously bad.
If there is, the game only gives a very vague idea of it. And yeah the main story quests sort of fit around the edges of the sidequests. And there is a quest log in the menu that separates what your main quests, side quests, and bulletin board quests are, and what you need to do for them.

It's weird, but I'm getting the hang of it.

Nice, thanks for all the info. :) My copy was supposed to arrive today, but we are getting snow/ice where I live, so it was delayed. And we're getting more snow/ice tomorrow, so I might not even have it for a few days. Not that it matters too much since I want to finish Bravely Default before I start LR. But yeah, I bet LR feels quite overwhelming when you first get into it. I'm not a fan of time limits in games (like at all), so I'm still a little bit worried about that, but... from what most people have said, it's not a problem.
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