Aeronite is FINALLY defeated! After hours of practice and after a few days (no stars but who cares, it took 10 minutes). At first I just tried taking him on the 7th day straight away with the garb that I had when you guys mentioned them (the one with Artemis Arrow). While it helped out big time to stagger the boss 3 times, obviously it wasn't enough. On the next day I finished other side quests/Canvas Prayers, bought new garbs, tried to find as many ethers as possible and experimenting with different garbs. The fight was mostly decided with the Artemis Arrow garb, Paladin garb, Midnight Mauve garb, 3 ethers plus one turbo ether, Nektar of Gods (the one that gives Bravery, Faith, Regen), Crusader's Potion, Warrior Potion, Holy Potion, elemental magic, defaith, debrave etc. After having all of this, I started staggering him all the way to the end but I didn't have enough time to take all his health away for like 5 times (didn't use overclock constantly, wanted to keep ethers). But it worked last time with all ethers used up.
Army of One was pretty useless during that fight, are there any benefits to it? Also, Paladin garb is amazing for guarding. Having it along with Preta Hood and a high defence shield made it pretty immune to most attacks.
Thank you so much guys for your help. If it wasn't for your suggestions, I might have not been able to beat him anytime soon. Also, this fight definitely forces the player to experiment and seriously take a look at the garbs that are in possession and whether the equipment fits with the garbs depending on what you want. Along with having to understand how the stagger gauge works 100%. It's like, I knew how these things worked good enough but I didn't bother putting too much effort into them when most fights weren't that challenging. It feels good once it clicks like that and you feel like you have mastered the system.
Now please tell me he is the toughest boss in the game?