Picked up the deluxe edition on PS4 as an impulse buy, it's pretty alright. The lack of polish really hurts, the lighting and other graphical issues really hurt the immersion for me. That being said, the story presentation is pretty fantastic, at least early on. Really does seem to taper off once the game gets going full swing, which kinda sucks. The stealth is laughably bad, but the actual combat is a lot of fun. Usually I much prefer to sneak my way through missions, but it's just a lot better for the game overall if you go in guns blazing. The gunplay is punchy and sound effects are ace, as are the animations. Soundtrack is top notch.
Kinda regret this as an impulse buy (especially the deluxe edition, oof), so I may just end up blazing through the rest of this and trading it in, the various bugs and oddities really hold it back from being great, imo. The usual open world jank is, for the most part, fine by me, but the crashes and odd graphical issues just absolutely kill it for me. The gameplay loop is fine for me, and I actually enjoy it greatly in small spurts (I've been loading the game up and play through one of the 'helping lieutenants' parts, then shut it off). Not totally disappointed by it, but I do feel let down quite a bit.