I mean, they're both dumb, but did Sorin just....forget that he had Nahiri still in the Helvault for all that time, and then when it got broken open, and Avacyn came back out, he didn't wonder where Nahiri was? Or did he just....forget? Lol.
I mean, she was dumb first in pressuring him when she knew of his mercurial mood, but if he kept her there, and thus weakened her ability to stop the Eldrazi from getting loose, that's on him. She's going salt-the-earth style (as is sometimes the case with Red), but I can see her logic.
That being said, I wonder if the Gatewatch Planeteers will stop her before it gets that far, or if they have to unite. Or, if she knew enough of his nature to recgonize that a clap on the shoulder was elation, that she'd not be quite so impetuous as to attack him directly. But I suppose that hint of 'fear' she sees in his eyes (from having being weakened to create Avacyn) raised her estimation of herself, and then fucks up when she keeps attacking him, going back to her previous training with him.
Or, if its still the Eldrazi's fault as well, I'm wondering if she plans to keep Emrakul trapped in the moon, as its now Sorin's plane that has to bear that burden.
And then hopefully Teysa finds her spark to take his place as BW Planeswalker.
I would be doooooown for this. Shit would be sick.